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Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 21:35
by Thea
hallucienate wrote:
Shadow_Smile wrote:Glasgow would at least take 10 hours just to get there with my motor (inc. the boat) bit to far for me ! by plane to expensive :(

Any possibility to do it near Londen next time ?
sure, no problem, how about this one: clicky :innocent: :wink:
Damn - beat me to it!

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 22:14
by James Blast
Shadow_Smile wrote:Glasgow would at least take 10 hours just to get there with my motor (inc. the boat) bit to far for me ! by plane to expensive :(
Oh dear, what a shame, never mind :lol:

Posted: 23 Mar 2005, 00:00
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:an addendum for Ms. Blazer
What could you possibly mean? :innocent:

Mr. Latif's corner shop, Garnethill... that's the best Glasgow has to offer, IMO. It's like Narnia. ;D

Posted: 23 Mar 2005, 23:53
by Zuma
going to try to make the meet, moving house etc. allowing

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 12:57
by Shadow_Smile
* oops wrong topic *

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 14:35
by boudicca
s**t! They stole our Dutch bloke! :cry:

No wacky baccie, then... :innocent: ;D

(I don't, by the way... just can't resist a good national stereotype)

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 17:22
by James Blast
Zuma wrote:going to try to make the meet, moving house etc. allowing
Good Man Zuma!

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 00:48
by James Blast
a quick scan of Heartland says these peeps, who rarely, if ever post, are inna area:
  • The Godfather
    Half Job Bob*
    Anyaka Vengence
    Dark Angel*
* is for oor Edinge Boro cousins :D

  • Andrew S
    Big Si
    James Blast
and no, I have nothing better to do :lol:

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 01:05
by boudicca
I am hassling Nazareth bigstyle as we speak, Blast! :twisted:

But I have a problem. I will be at a wedding on the 15th down in Ayr, and staying over 'til the 16th. Snore. Would it be possible to move the meet forward just a wee bit?

Please? I really want to make this one... :D

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 01:17
by James Blast
ask away boudicca it seems pretty elastic since I wanted us to get together this weekend but Big Si (who can't drive or navigate BTW) was off chasing a buzz somewhere :(
me, peeved? Nivir!

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 01:44
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:Big Si (who can't drive or navigate BTW) was off chasing a buzz somewhere :(
A bee? ;D :innocent:

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 01:46
by James Blast

Posted: 31 Mar 2005, 01:11
by James Blast
are we all up for this, still?

Posted: 31 Mar 2005, 01:11
by James Blast
oor SE brethren are running riot, C'mon!

Posted: 31 Mar 2005, 01:22
by boudicca
Gaun yersel, Blast! :notworthy:

We huvnae forgot...

(I think Nazareth might be coming too... 8) )

Posted: 31 Mar 2005, 01:29
by James Blast
Guid yin 'lil missy' :wink:

Posted: 31 Mar 2005, 01:30
by James Blast
I'm dead, inn't I? :cry:

Posted: 31 Mar 2005, 01:37
by Andrew S
James Blast wrote:oor SE brethren are running riot, C'mon!
I, for one, am still up for it :) Not too bothered when as long as it's reasonably soon. Boudicca, can't you manage the 16th? I seem to remember you saying you don't drink so there'd be no post-wedding hangover to contend with. And Ayr is hardly the other side of the country...

Posted: 31 Mar 2005, 18:20
by Big Si
Andrew S wrote:
James Blast wrote:oor SE brethren are running riot, C'mon!
I, for one, am still up for it :) Not too bothered when as long as it's reasonably soon. Boudicca, can't you manage the 16th? I seem to remember you saying you don't drink so there'd be no post-wedding hangover to contend with. And Ayr is hardly the other side of the country...
It's still wicker man country though! :eek: ;D

Posted: 31 Mar 2005, 21:15
by Zuma
still up for it, house moves allowing....

Posted: 31 Mar 2005, 21:34
by Big Si
Zuma wrote:still up for it, house moves allowing....
We're now discussing the date! Boudicca (and Nazareth?) would like it moved forward or back, and i'm not too sure either :?

Jimbo Blast and Mr S want to meet asap.

What about yourself? :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Apr 2005, 21:20
by Andrew S
Big Si wrote:We're now discussing the date! Boudicca (and Nazareth?) would like it moved forward or back, and i'm not too sure either :?

Jimbo Blast and Mr S want to meet asap.
I'm not too fussed when, but some time this April would be nice before we all forget to meet up at all! I can make most nights except Thursdays.

Posted: 01 Apr 2005, 22:58
by James Blast
I have 8 or so CDs for you Mr. S PM me for a meet this week, I want rid of them before I forget what they are and where I stashed them.

Posted: 02 Apr 2005, 00:06
by Francis
The naughty north or the sexy south. Decisions, decisions. If you can persuade this wee lassy to come then I might take the high road Jimmy Mac.

Posted: 02 Apr 2005, 00:15
by James Blast
Francis wrote:If you can persuade this wee lassy to come
I'm there!