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Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 12:07
by Brideoffrankenstein
boudicca wrote: Some Black Metal fan you are! :lol: ;D
Like I said I'm not that bothered! :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 13:01
by Francis
Hopefully he won't just be remembered as a stubborn old man who wouldn't budge on contraception. His appointment was seen as a very bold move by the Catholic Church at the time. A relatively young man, not an Italian, but more significantly, from a country in the throes of a bitter struggle for democracy and freedom from the long arm of the Soviet Union. It was a clear statement of support for the people of Poland and for the role the Catholic Church should play in the fight for social justice. For a while he almost made it cool to be Catholic. God bless him.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 13:04
by aims
Francis wrote:Hopefully he won't just be remembered as a stubborn old man who wouldn't budge on contraception.
No, that would be selling him short. We'll remember him for his stubbornness over female clergy and homosexuals as well. Although the media seems to have forgotten these things right now for some reason :innocent:

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 13:19
by Erudite
Motz wrote:
Francis wrote:Hopefully he won't just be remembered as a stubborn old man who wouldn't budge on contraception.
No, that would be selling him short. We'll remember him for his stubbornness over female clergy and homosexuals as well. Although the media seems to have forgotten these things right now for some reason :innocent:


Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 13:23
by Erudite
emilystrange wrote:bet you didn't have that written on your school report at age 8, though...
But one of my primary school teachers once informed my mother that though I'd never be brilliant I would do okay!

I'm sure she meant it as a kindness! :twisted:

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 15:00
by taylor
>No, that would be selling him short. We'll remember him for his >stubbornness over female clergy and homosexuals as well. Although the >media seems to have forgotten these things right now for some reason

well in my land, right, the homosexuality is banned and emarginated (thanks to God for this). In the Isle is well tollerated and got also well know idols. Regards the contracteption I disagree with Vatican rules, especially
for prevert the Ill conseguence and other factors. Also pretty hate the other monotheist religions (pretty Christian integralist ? :eek: )

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 15:54
by aims
taylor wrote:well in my land, right, the homosexuality is banned and emarginated (thanks to God for this).
I thought laws were there to protect the populace, not to alienate a small (but larger than you'd think) minority by preventing them from doing something which it is really none of the government's business to interfere with. My bad :roll:

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 17:00
by taylor
no I want explain a bit clear : as in every freedom place in europe and worldwide you are free to choose your sexual,politic,ect identity and live well until you will broke the law rules. Is the society that determinate what is wrong and what is bad under control of church,state ect
while in other place the homosexuality is tollered, acepted or pride for someone. Here is banned from society that trust in old valor like family,faith, weeding ect. and I agree with this

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 17:06
by emilystrange
i'm so glad i don't live where you live. have your views on homosexuality been formed by your society, do you think?
people are how they are.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 17:37
by aims
taylor wrote:no I want explain a bit clear : as in every freedom place in europe and worldwide you are free to choose your sexual,politic,ect identity and live well until you will broke the law rules. Is the society that determinate what is wrong and what is bad under control of church,state ect
while in other place the homosexuality is tollered, acepted or pride for someone. Here is banned from society that trust in old valor like family,faith, weeding ect. and I agree with this
If everyone agreed that it was wrong then there would be no point in making it illegal because no-one would do it anyway. Just a thought :innocent: If you don't like it, don't do it, but enforcing it on those who were born feeling otherwise is a completely different matter.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to write to my MP asking him to ban black people :|

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 18:21
by Brideoffrankenstein
where do you live taylor?

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 18:59
by taylor
from here can see everythings

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 19:39
by Dark
taylor wrote:Here is banned from society that trust in old valor like family,faith, weeding ect. and I agree with this
Always knew weeding was an old traditional pastime. :innocent:

Even if I've never indulged in a bit of the stuff meself. I can never afford CD-Rs.. probably cause I'm spending all my money on bootleg band t-shirts and vinyl. :lol:

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 21:02
by emilystrange
i wondered how long it would be..

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 21:41
by andymackem
Motz wrote:
Francis wrote:Hopefully he won't just be remembered as a stubborn old man who wouldn't budge on contraception.
No, that would be selling him short. We'll remember him for his stubbornness over female clergy and homosexuals as well. Although the media seems to have forgotten these things right now for some reason :innocent:
Yes, and heaven forbid that the Church should actually retain a consistent moral line on any issue.

After all, you wouldn't look there for any kind of absolute answers, would you?

You're not forced to agree with him, but to try to at least realise that he is acting in accordance with what he believes and give him some respect for that.

And no, I'm not a catholic. But most of you must have worked that one out by now.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 21:49
by emilystrange
do you think a pope who tried to change things would last all that long anyway? some one would see to it.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 22:04
by canon docre
andymackem wrote: You're not forced to agree with him, but to try to at least realise that he is acting in accordance with what he believes and give him some respect for that.
And why is someone who believes, someone to look up to?

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 22:12
by James Blast
I have my faith

I don't usually broadcast it, it's already in me

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 22:24
by aims
andymackem wrote:Yes, and heaven forbid that the Church should actually retain a consistent moral line on any issue.
The Mormon church was forced to renounce their line on Blacks, why should the Catholic church be allowed to continue with their second class religious treatment of women and homosexuals? A moral belief is all well and good, but when that belief has an adverse effect on many people's lives, then it needs to be openly and objectively questioned by those who hold it.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 22:53
by Thea
James Blast wrote:I have my faith

I don't usually broadcast it, it's already in me

While I have no shame in what i believe in, I don't like to talk about it, beause it triggers some sort of git gene in people that makes them ask me really annoying questions and think they're the only person who ever wondered that.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 23:31
by James Blast
I understand d00my

I am watching on VHS: The Jonestown Massacre, grim viewing

Posted: 03 Apr 2005, 23:53
by Loki
For Chrissake...

Let's kill all the Jews
Lets kill all the Arabs
Let's kill all the Fenians
Let's kill all the Protties

Top man has gone.

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 00:11
by lazarus corporation
andymackem wrote:You're not forced to agree with him, but to try to at least realise that he is acting in accordance with what he believes and give him some respect for that.
are we talking about the Pope or Adolf Hitler, I've lost track

I'll respect people based on what their beliefs are, not on whether they follow them unquestioningly.

Any idiot can be consistent. Rocks are consistent. Even my father is consistent. Intelligence and ethical considerations are something completely different, and frequently require that you adapt or update your beliefs.

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 00:37
by Loki
@ Laz - Step back and have a Shimmy and a Shake. 8)

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 00:43
by lazarus corporation
Loki wrote:@ Laz - Step back and have a Shimmy and a Shake. 8)
sorry, am I taking this too seriously? very very drunk, you see. I'll put some music on and do the hippy hippy shake. :lol: