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Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 21:58
by Planet Dave
Hmm, are you working for the government or the tabloids, Ms Ela? :lol:

-Leeds Poly, for a year (decided I've rather pull my own teeth out than pursue a career in IT) in 1989.

-I can operate one of those scary silver machines that'd suck all your blood out as soon as look at you. Then put it back. And I've the qualifications to prove it.

-I'll get back to you on the last one, but at the mo' it's Senior Clinical Perfusion Scientist. 'Pump Jockey' to my colleagues.


Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 22:06
by Eva
elamanamou wrote:I guess most of you have been university? Now you can answer a few questions if you don't mind?

1, univesity
2, qualifications
3, job Title

1. University of Zurich, Switzerland
2. Political Sciences, International Law and "Comparative Law" (whatever you'd call that in English). Getting my "Lizentiat" this year (thesis and exams: "masters" in UK?).
3. We'll see when I have my degree. Working isn't difficult, it's the earning money part that I struggle with... (Currently working in the advertisment department of a newspaper).

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 22:07
by Big Si
1. Bloody Students! :roll:
2. Well....almost :oops:
3. Demanding money with menaces :twisted:

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 22:15
by elamanamou
@Eva All the best.

I stand in s**t all day and I work part time at The Ntional Horseracing museam.

I'm horeracing mad!

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 22:17
by elamanamou
sorry i mean Horseracing! oops

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 22:21
by Planet Dave
elamanamou wrote:I'm horeracing mad!
:eek: :lol: :eek: :lol: :eek: :lol:

By The Gods! Now that would be worth getting Sky for. :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 22:37
by andymackem
1. York Uni, then Strathclyde (Glasgow).

2. BA Music (2:ii - the drinkers' degree), then post-grad dip in journalism studies (not my choice of title). I also have professional qualifications from the NCTJ. And a grade two figure skating award.

3. Sports writer/sub-editor.

Uni was fun, but only the vocational stuff I've done has been of any practical use.

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 23:21
by Chairman Bux
1, Leeds University, followed by the University of Life
2, Nothing from Leeds University, but a BA (hons) in Life Studies and a BSc in Life Sciences
3, Intellectual Love God and Bastard to boot. Durr.

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 23:31
by Delilah
1. Plymouth University - 1st year :D, before that Silesian University, Katowice, Poland - Slavic Philology
2. Social Sciences Bsc Combined Honours (Criminology+Psychology)
3. stuck in a boring job for now, hoping to change it after I get my degree.

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 23:37
by James Blast
a degree equals nowt Delilah, trust me, in fact it can work against you if you have a Boss who doesn't have one but yields the power and thinks yer a showaff for having one!

Posted: 04 Apr 2005, 23:43
by paint it black
James Blast wrote:a degree equals nowt Delilah, trust me, in fact it can work against you if you have a Boss who doesn't have one but yields the power and thinks yer a showaff for having one!

degree generally gets you a nice view, someone to make the tea and a stress-free time delegating to the crud :wink:

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 00:08
by Andy TG
Never Considerd Uni - hated / hate "Studying"
Quals in IT - so many I forget!
Getting decent job in PC Recycling/Reducing/Reuse (new 2005/2006 EU Regulations)
Spending 12 of every 24 hours ON-LINE :-)

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 00:13
by Delilah
James Blast wrote:a degree equals nowt Delilah, trust me, in fact it can work against you if you have a Boss who doesn't have one but yields the power and thinks yer a showaff for having one!
It depends, James... For my dream job you are supposed to have one. However, Degree in something like Slavic Philology does not get you anywhere :? I ended up working for one the Polish record companies anyway... My mother, who is very academic, just could not understand it - that job was a waste of time in her opinion :D And something I should be ashamed of! When I moved to this country, I'm forced to do all sorts of admin jobs which I hate - slavic philology helped me to get a job with reuters, but I did not like it anyway - full of people pretending to be yuppies (and I thought they were no longer around - after the 80s).
At the moment I do enjoy studying - for the first time in my life I am supposed to spend my free time reading. And I love reading. :D

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 05:37
by nodubmanshouts
1. Leeds University (just to be different)
2. Bsc Hons, Computer Science (just to be geeky)
3. Senior Videogame Programmer (just because its better than having a 'real' job :lol:)

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 09:15
by ruffers
1- Kingston Poly, German Economics and Politics
2- Nope. Left after a year, or to be more precise was told I'd left due to non attendance.
3- Sales

And while we're at it it's one of the bigger regrets in my life that I didn't pull my finger out and finish the course.

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 09:37
by markfiend
Leeds College of Art + Design
Note that the "+" is an official part of the name :roll:

BA Visual Communications
2:ii. Also art foundation course, plus various A-levels, O-levels, and bits of uncompleted degrees :innocent:

Senior Designer
was my official job title last time I looked, but I also do IT support, such as showing the boss's PA how to cut-and-paste :roll:

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 09:44
by hallucienate
Cape Technikon
Need to finish Financial Accounting III to finish the course. Someday.
Systems Administrator.

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 09:59
by Quiff Boy
Sheffield Hallam Uni
a polytechnic with ideas above its station

HND Software Engineering
which counts for about this --> <-- much in the current market. never bothered witha degree as at the time i was entering higher education, at the age of 22, experience was more important.

"Analyst/Programmer" apparently
soon to be "Senior Analyst/Programmer"
all of which roughly translates as webmonkey

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 10:30
by Dark
Lincoln Minster "School"
Suffering* for nearly 10 years.

University Of MyHeartland
Having a laugh for just over 5 months.

School Of alt.gothic
Arguing the point since June '04.

The Sisters Of Mercy
Warping my mind since Easter '03. :lol:

All the education I'll ever need.

*Especially suffering on the food. LMS, mit giftig Essen (radioaktiv Wasser und ersatz Pommes), eine Kantine das war ein Elendsquartier, und ein neue Kantine das ist großer, aber jetzt mit schlechter Essen. :)
(My German isn't good. I should pay attention in class instead of translating Sisters songs into German)

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 10:31
by Debaser
1. Bishop Grosseteste College - Lincoln
2. BA Primary History 2:1
3. Teacher

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 10:34
by Debaser
elamanamou wrote:@Eva All the best.

I stand in s**t all day and I work part time at The Ntional Horseracing museam.

I'm horeracing mad!
Ahhhhhhh I did all that then got fed up of horizontal rain. I just 'pat' em in my spare time now :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 11:37
by elamanamou
[quote="Dark"]Lincoln Minster "School"
Suffering* for nearly 10 years.

Private boarding school I guess?

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 12:02
by Debaser
elamanamou wrote:
Dark wrote:Lincoln Minster "School"
Suffering* for nearly 10 years.

Private boarding school I guess?
Hee should see the blazer he has to wear :lol: :lol:

Hey Dark, it could be worse you could have to wear the rather fetching straw boater and tartan the ikkle girls have to wear...

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 12:04
by Debaser
Debaser wrote:
elamanamou wrote:
Dark wrote:Lincoln Minster "School"
Suffering* for nearly 10 years.

Private boarding school I guess?
Hee should see the blazer he has to wear :lol: :lol:

Hey Dark, it could be worse you could have to wear the rather fetching straw boater and tartan the ikkle girls have to wear...
I blame the amalgamation of three of the private schools. All used to have sombre apparel (apart from Stonefield which was a rather yakky green striped affair) Someone obviously thought it would be a good idea to throw ALL the colours together.

Posted: 05 Apr 2005, 12:08
by hallucienate
I had to wear a straw boater in high school. It wasn't even a private school. and I live in Africa :roll: