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Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 19:00
by Obviousman
Allrighto! Let's hope he won't be too long... Important for my piece of mind at night :lol: (and don't I catch anyone saying I'm addicted allready by this thing 8) )

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 19:50
by Dark
Worried nothing.. if I was attacked at night, I'd lose about 60k.. I've got to find some method of preventing that.. I guess just having a good army's good enough. *sigh*

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 20:13
by canon docre
Dark wrote:Worried nothing.. if I was attacked at night, I'd lose about 60k.. I've got to find some method of preventing that.. I guess just having a good army's good enough. *sigh*
Do as I do: dont sleep til yankees dusk!

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 20:18
by Obviousman
Well, last night some guy robbed all of my grain, wood, iron and so on and destroyed all my farms, mills etcetera, thanks to which everyone was starving to death basically, lol... Luckily there was mister taxman (don't we all love him) thanks to which I was able recovering from it all, lol, so, now i've put loads of money on the bank, and, this would help me recovering tomorrow morning, at least, that I hope it will :lol:, but yankee dusk would be asking a bit too much for it, it's not that addictive (yet), lol

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 09:43
by Gottdammerung
Okey dokey....

Here's what I've discovered so far...

At night, we Europeans are gonna get our asses kicked by yanks unless...

you load up on archers and have a sizeable army...

So during the day build up as big an army as possible, with as many archers as you can get since they're the most defensive type I think...

Intelligence.. you can pick on the weaker through one of two ways..

1 - move a spy into their territory and have them report on the fiefdom


2 - look at the rankings, find someone with 0 wins 0 losses or 0/2 something like that.. get a large army together and attack..

(says he that just made 5000 this way!)

My tax strategy is this - high tax at night / medium tax during the day...

So that's about it for now...

I do reckon though, that once everyone has a medium size state, we can easily take it in turns to attack more powerful states and pillage them... especially if they're asleep during the day! he he he!!

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 09:58
by canon docre
Gottdammerung wrote:
2 - look at the rankings, find someone with 0 wins 0 losses or 0/2 something like that.. get a large army together and attack..
And here I see the strategy bestowed upon me. :cry:
But thanks for your wise words, Gottdammerung, my lionhearted Führer. I will do my best to to keep up with all of you, my cavaliers.
*Noblesse oblige*

Your baroness canon

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 10:17
by Obviousman
Sounds good to me, though, a question rised (about the ranking/win/lost-part), does it matter how many positions one is below you?

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 10:20
by Gottdammerung
hmmm... maybe...

out of say six attacks, five went without a hitch.. then one I got my ass kicked on...

its the law of averages...

I'm currently looking through the records for all the 0/0 nations to pillage today....

Let's face it, this is what its all about, picking on those weaker than you...

bit like school....


Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 10:23
by Obviousman
Yiha... Lovely... When this years taxes come in, i'll be putting on my harness :D

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:34
by hallucienate
my name is hallands. i am sick of catching korin trying to spy on me and attacking me whilst I sleep. is there space for me in your gang?

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:46
by Dark
hallucienate wrote:my name is hallands. i am sick of catching korin trying to spy on me and attacking me whilst I sleep. is there space for me in your gang?

You're hallands? Oh crap, sorry about all the.. you know.. killings and stuff.. but I was trying to avenge a member of the gang, and all..

No worries, my spies are all out of your lands.

Boy is my face pink.. :oops:

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:52
by Gottdammerung
Yay there is room for you in the Inn... a message of welcome is winging its way to you now!

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 13:00
by hallucienate
Dark wrote:
hallucienate wrote:my name is hallands. i am sick of catching korin trying to spy on me and attacking me whilst I sleep. is there space for me in your gang?

You're hallands? Oh crap, sorry about all the.. you know.. killings and stuff.. but I was trying to avenge a member of the gang, and all..

No worries, my spies are all out of your lands.

Boy is my face pink.. :oops:
no problemo. Now that'd I'm in I can see I've also stormed a few of you guys, not all have been too successful though :oops:

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 13:47
by canon docre
I bow deepest to your chivalry, Dark, the Mighty Korin.
Hallucienate: I guess reparation is on it's way for the Damage Done to Baroness Robotron?

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 16:41
by Izzy HaveMercy
hallucienate wrote:
Dark wrote:
hallucienate wrote:my name is hallands. i am sick of catching korin trying to spy on me and attacking me whilst I sleep. is there space for me in your gang?

You're hallands? Oh crap, sorry about all the.. you know.. killings and stuff.. but I was trying to avenge a member of the gang, and all..

No worries, my spies are all out of your lands.

Boy is my face pink.. :oops:
no problemo. Now that'd I'm in I can see I've also stormed a few of you guys, not all have been too successful though :oops:
Good thing I read this first before starting fiefdom today, Hal ;)

I was ready to kick yer ass BIG time! :twisted:


Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 23:11
by canon docre
Before your merry Heartland alliance, under the courageous leadership of Gottdammerung, could strike back and roll the field up from behind, Fiefdom ceased to exist entirely.
An enumeration of our knightly merits can still be found under the well known page. We fought well, dear comrades. (and I was at least not the last in the field, Big Si? Culprit? :P )
All Hail to Korin, The Dark Knight, best of the best.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 23:18
by Big Si
canon docre wrote:THE GAME IS OVER
Before your merry Heartland alliance, under the courageous leadership of Gottdammerung, could strike back and roll the field up from behind, Fiefdom ceased to exist entirely.
An enumeration of our knightly merits can still be found under the well known page. We fought well, dear comrades. (and I was at least not the last in the field, Big Si? Culprit? :P )
All Hail to Korin, The Dark Knight, best of the best.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Well I did only spend about 10 minutes in total, playing the damn thing! :roll:

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 23:43
by lazarus corporation
damn - so all that time spent trying to plant evidence of Gotterdamerung causing mischief in Izzy's kingdom (and vice versa) was a waste of time.

Posted: 08 Apr 2005, 07:55
by Obviousman
Really sorry the game's over, enjoyed it very much... Well let's hope there'll be a new round soon. Also it looks like the Alliance did a good job, especially since it only existed for two days or so, so when we'd take part from the start, perhaps we'd be able to win :D

Posted: 08 Apr 2005, 08:21
by culprit
Hail!... oh, enough of that.
I will be ready next time!!

Posted: 08 Apr 2005, 08:42
by Gottdammerung
Hail ye! Hail ye!

Gotterdammerung, the correctly spelt and incredibly hungover, declares ye Heartland Alliance to have been a worthy venture that verilty mucheth benifted ye lieges.....


Anyhoo, yeah... whatever..

Next time for sure we should be in a better position if we join forces from the start... though I'm going to take a copy of the current alliance list to make sure we don't hit people with lots of allies.. but I reckon some of the big clans are multis anyway.....

Posted: 08 Apr 2005, 09:11
by Obviousman
A cunning plan it is ye have! And a good one too...
Hail to the Heartland Alliance etcetera and may our forces next time be driven by the Gods that watch over Heartlandia

Posted: 08 Apr 2005, 10:22
by Dark
Aye, T'was a grand battle, and I'm proud of my ranking highest in the alliance, but I couldn't have done it without the help of the merry thin white dukes of the Heartlanders Alliance.

Rest thankful..
Hallands, with great and noble chivalry
Ozymandias, for fighting on and on
Izzy, for having great spirit
Our strong leader, Gotterdammerung, for leading us
Robotron, for never giving up
Culprit, for strengthening our team
Big Si, just for being there

And of course, who can forget LazCorp? The bastard who never stayed with us. :lol:

Until next time, nobles, HAIL YE!

Posted: 08 Apr 2005, 10:32
by emilystrange
i hope all your plans were cunning ones.

Posted: 08 Apr 2005, 10:40
by Dark
emilystrange wrote:i hope all your plans were cunning ones.
As cunning as Professor Weasel Von Cunning, a recognized expert in the field of cunningly being a professor of cunning, having graduated from the Cambridge Department of Cunning.

Alternatively, it was "Let's wait until tomorrow morning, when we're strong, and then we'll take someone important down." Sadly, "tomorrow morning" was when the game ended. -_-