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Posted: 18 May 2005, 23:39
by Debaser
The Pope wrote:

For those of you who've had or have bleached hair, does it completely f**k up your hair? Do you use peroxide or really light blond hair dye?
Nah...the bleach itself doesn't fuk it up...just the imbecile who puts it on and leaves it on to bake..... I used to have a flat top so no matter how long I cooked it for, it would never really do any damage as it would all get shorn off again a few weeks later :lol:

And really light blonde hair dye is bobbins - peroxide is the only way to get it really blonde - you know you've done a good job when yer head blisters and you're picking scabs from yer scalp fer a few days :lol:

Posted: 18 May 2005, 23:55
by Francis
Salt 'n' pepper.

Posted: 18 May 2005, 23:57
by Debaser
Francis wrote:Salt 'n' pepper.
The only way to follow that is...
dum di dum di dum di di diddy diddy, dum di dum di dum dum di diddy diddy

Spinderella spin it up one more time...

Posted: 19 May 2005, 00:35
by boudicca
Yeah, it's black. :oops:

Well... 'blue-black', actually, according to the bottle... but to all intents and purposes it's all f***in' GOTH, innit? :roll: :von:

From time to time I get some white blonde streaks in...

I sometimes wear extensions - but I like to think I do so with a bit more class than some peeps, which admittedly wouldn't be difficult... :innocent:

I want to go grey. When I do, maybe all this dye silliness will stop, and I shall revel in being a scary little old lady.

Posted: 19 May 2005, 01:19
by The Pope
Debaser wrote:
The Pope wrote:

For those of you who've had or have bleached hair, does it completely f**k up your hair? Do you use peroxide or really light blond hair dye?
Nah...the bleach itself doesn't fuk it up...just the imbecile who puts it on and leaves it on to bake..... I used to have a flat top so no matter how long I cooked it for, it would never really do any damage as it would all get shorn off again a few weeks later :lol:

And really light blonde hair dye is bobbins - peroxide is the only way to get it really blonde - you know you've done a good job when yer head blisters and you're picking scabs from yer scalp fer a few days :lol:

Oh god. At least you can't see the flakes since your hair matches :?

I need to think this over more. Thanks.

Posted: 19 May 2005, 01:20
by nick the stripper
I wanted to dye my hair black when I was 14, my mum wouldn't let me.

She use to be a hippy and use to dye her hair multi-colours.

Basically, one day it all went hirribly wrong and now her hair is stained red.

She said she wouldn't let me make the same mistakes she made at my age :roll:

Posted: 19 May 2005, 06:21
by eastmidswhizzkid
ain't got hair these days-well,i dont let it grew past the shortest clipper with no grader length anyway(otherwise i end up looking 45 instead of 35).i used to(try to ) dye it red mostly but it always ended up pink,or orange,'till it settled on dirty-p*ss yellow(the dreadlock years).i was talked out of going black by my mum in my teens-which did me a favour really,as in the eyes of the cliquey-goths that meant i wasn't a"proper" goth.seeing as i've spent most of my life vehemently denying being a goth,the never having black hair became a thing of pride. 8)

Posted: 19 May 2005, 06:23
by eastmidswhizzkid
...and thats me no longer road kill! :D
who are you calling amphetamine filth :innocent:

Posted: 19 May 2005, 07:50
by lazarus corporation
after years of not dying it (preceeded by years of dying it) I'm dying it again.

I blame it on a new place to live and a new life to lead.

Posted: 19 May 2005, 10:29
by markfiend
I've been dying mine for :eek: half my life? more?

The last year or two I've moved away from black/blue-black into the interesting territory of reds and purples.

Like someone said up there, I'm afraid to stop now in case it's completely grey under the dye. (Although long grey hair does have a certain Gandalf charm ;))

Posted: 19 May 2005, 10:51
by Francis
DerekR wrote:I used to clicky

But not any more another clicky
:lol: :notworthy:

The perils of backcombing and cheap hairspray. Ammunition for every parent of a would-be-goth.

As for dying your hair, I'm with Mr Bond. Provided the collar and cuffs match. :innocent:

Posted: 19 May 2005, 10:56
by Mrs RicheyJames
The Pope wrote: I'm too big of a chicken to go completely black because a) i'm afraid i won't like it;
You can buy wash in wash out, or semi perm. dyes for a look-see.
b) it fades after a couple weeks;
Not if you buy a decent dye. You won't pay anymore than around £8 for a good 'en.
c) i will be too lazy to dye the roots often;
Granted, that IS a pain in the arse
d) natural color is just easier;
True but does it look as good as a colour that you may really want?

e) i'm afraid my hair will fall out or something...maybe i'm just making excuses.
I think you are really. You're hair won't fall out unless you've bleach over bleach over bleach, by which stage it would have fallen out anyway. I dyed mine for years and it wasn't until I started using bleach for a stupid streak at the front that I had problems with it. In fact, it hadn't been cut for a very very long time, and It still looked in great condition.
For those of you who've had or have bleached hair, does it completely f**k up your hair? Do you use peroxide or really light blond hair dye?
See above. But that was only because I was stripping out copious amount of black in my hair also. If you bleach on un-dyed hair, there really shouldn't be a prob.

That'll be £50 for the advice please.

Posted: 19 May 2005, 11:18
by nigel d
my hair has changed variously over the years , probably started here
thats me sat down aged 14(?)

Posted: 19 May 2005, 11:37
by MrChris
I dyed it black once, but it didn't work for me. Firstly, no-one seemed to notice, which just made me think I was invisible and insignificant (I later found out for sure). Secondly, it made me look like death cooled down. I know, I know, goths don't want to look healthy, but don't want to be pestered by doctors all the time, do you? I briefly flirted with red but stopped when guys kept trying to pick me up. Back to dark blond now for me, until it all goes grey and falls out, anyway.

Posted: 19 May 2005, 11:54
by nigel d
nothing wrong with a receding hair line or grey hair .
everytime i have my hair cut after a dying episode it gets greyer and greyer
(perhaps it wil make me look intelligent when it goes grey completely..........................................maybe not)

Posted: 19 May 2005, 13:34
by _emma_
Mine's pitch black again. 8)

Posted: 19 May 2005, 13:38
by DerekR
Francis wrote:The perils of backcombing and cheap hairspray. Ammunition for every parent of a would-be-goth.
Tell me about it, I was a 'Bristows' bloke, and that stuff smelt so strong I swear it must have been radioactive! Lucky I didn't smoke :eek:
Francis wrote:As for dying your hair, I'm with Mr Bond. Provided the collar and cuffs match. :innocent:
They do now :lol:

Posted: 19 May 2005, 13:59
by DerekR
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:...a stupid steak at the front...
Didn't that draw flies after a while? :lol:

Posted: 19 May 2005, 14:34
by Mrs RicheyJames
DerekR wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:...a stupid steak at the front...
Didn't that draw flies after a while? :lol:
I don't know what you mean....... :innocent:

Posted: 19 May 2005, 16:13
by boudicca
I'm doing the dirty deed tonite, as it happens... :innocent: :von:

...DYING MY HAIR, that is!

Get your minds out of the gutter! ;D

Posted: 19 May 2005, 17:14
by emilystrange
blue/black here.. although i've been red, and white blonde. debaser's right about that peroxide, you know.

i had sone really good horizontal stripes once. black and red.

Posted: 19 May 2005, 20:05
by Brideoffrankenstein
emilystrange wrote:blue/black here
I'm "Cosmic Blue"! 8)

Posted: 19 May 2005, 21:52
by emilystrange
hee me too..

Posted: 19 May 2005, 23:08
by 6FeetOver
Yes, indeedy - actually, it's black with purple bits, right now. W000t! :)

Posted: 19 May 2005, 23:20
by Francis
I had a Brian Setzer/ Billy Idol/ Kirk Brandon attempt for a while. But it just didn't go with the eyebrow so I let it go.