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Posted: 20 May 2005, 10:24
by Mrs RicheyJames
LOL. How very grown up!!!

Posted: 20 May 2005, 10:32
by hallucienate
MrChris wrote:Hmm. Video game negotiations continue in the MrChris house. We've now reached a kind of row-free equilibrium at three one-hour slots per week. Plus when she's out of the house! This seems to work, in the sense that I don't have that ringing sound in my ears any more. And no bumps on my head.
but how do expect to make any progress with such limitations?

me: single and zipping through Need For Speed: UG2 :roll:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 10:51
by MrChris
It is difficult. I play PC games and usually RTS, in which case I'm usually DYING to get back to the pooter all the time. This time I've gone for the more laid-back route of adventure gaming - Neverwinter Nights, to be precise. More of a thinky-game, and less the kind of kill-em-up that leaves you a bit tetchy and psychotic afterwards. Hence, happy families. And you can mull over how to solve the latest riddle while you're feeding your squawking kiddy etc.

Posted: 20 May 2005, 11:04
by boudicca
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
boudicca wrote: And... you find it in the strangest places. :innocent:
erm....eastern Europe somewhere? 8) :wink:
:eek: :oops: :oops: :oops: um...

... couldn't possibly comment.

:oops: :innocent:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 11:08
by hallucienate
MrChris wrote:It is difficult. I play PC games and usually RTS, in which case I'm usually DYING to get back to the pooter all the time. This time I've gone for the more laid-back route of adventure gaming - Neverwinter Nights, to be precise. More of a thinky-game, and less the kind of kill-em-up that leaves you a bit tetchy and psychotic afterwards. Hence, happy families. And you can mull over how to solve the latest riddle while you're feeding your squawking kiddy etc.
:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 11:32
by _emma_
canon docre wrote:Emma wrote:
Aha. I told you you sounded like you know very well. Congratulations on your courage to move on. Seriously.
Yes. I know a hell lot about leaving, would like to know more about staying, though. :wink:
Well I don't know much about neither. All I know is how to survive in this strange limbo.
BTW, Emma, did you get your things sorted yet?
Remember: The love to yourself should always be bigger than the love to somebody else.
12 steps? :lol: Sorted? I don't know. I love myself. I love my cats and my dog too.
(I wish I could help you more, than just give smart aleck (voc?) advices. :( )
I think you're very nice.
Ocean Moves wrote:
@Ocean Moves: I don't know. From my experience the only advice I can give to you is to stay away from it all. It's easier to stay away than to get away when things go wrong. But that's just my own experience, the world is sooo full of happily married couples that I must be wrong.
"A ship in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships were built for"
Remember there's plenty of wrecks on the seabed. Not just the shiny wreckage in the harbour for tourists to visit.

Posted: 20 May 2005, 14:23
by Mrs. Snowey
And so long as the barnacles are scraped off from time to time...
:innocent: :lol:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 16:51
by emilystrange
Black Alice wrote:Almost exactly the same as emily - bumped into bloke at uni (almost literally) decided he looked nice - stalked him - been together 19 years and married for almost 14.

I knew straight away but he took some persuading - he was still sowing his oats :lol:

But I also know that it is different in each and every case - so go with how you feel :D
i made sure he sowed his oats in ONE field :lol:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 17:40
by andymackem
Thank you, one and all.

Suddenly being single looks like a happy place to be


Posted: 20 May 2005, 17:54
by 6FeetOver
andymackem wrote:Thank you, one and all.

Suddenly being single looks like a happy place to be

Really. :P *I'm* not happy being single...very lonely place to be.

Posted: 20 May 2005, 17:56
by andymackem
Somehow I feel more alone when I have company.

I must do something about my superiority complex, before I turn into an uber-goth.

Posted: 20 May 2005, 18:01
by emilystrange
andymackem wrote:Somehow I feel more alone when I have company.
happens to me a lot... :|

Posted: 20 May 2005, 18:33
by canon docre
andymackem wrote: I must do something about my superiority complex,
:lol: :lol: I live quite comfortable with it, I must say.... :lol:

But I recently realized, that I need a new slacker to pet my cat during daytime, because it turned depressive, since I started to work on a daily basis. :cry: :cry:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 19:34
by 6FeetOver
emilystrange wrote:
andymackem wrote:Somehow I feel more alone when I have company.
happens to me a lot... :|
Understood/agreed. Unfortunately, being utterly alone means no snuggling, no cuddling, no snogging, and no *ahem* various assorted naughty things, either... :cry: :von:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 20:05
by Francis
SINsister wrote:
emilystrange wrote:
andymackem wrote:Somehow I feel more alone when I have company.
happens to me a lot... :|
Understood/agreed. Unfortunately, being utterly alone means no snuggling, no cuddling, no snogging, and no *ahem* various assorted naughty things, either... :cry: :von:
Problem solved. :innocent:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 20:08
by 6FeetOver
Gee, thanks, Francis - now, I wonder why I didn't think of summat like that myself?! :eek: :evil: :urff:

Good !@#$%^&* lord.

Posted: 20 May 2005, 20:11
by Francis
I doubt if you'll find Him on there, but then he works in mysterious ways. Allegedly. :lol:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 20:14
by 6FeetOver
Francis wrote:I doubt if you'll find Him on there, but then he works in mysterious ways. Allegedly. :lol:
Dunno who you're on about... :P

Posted: 20 May 2005, 21:32
by Black Alice
hallucienate wrote:
MrChris wrote:Hmm. Video game negotiations continue in the MrChris house. We've now reached a kind of row-free equilibrium at three one-hour slots per week. Plus when she's out of the house! This seems to work, in the sense that I don't have that ringing sound in my ears any more. And no bumps on my head.
but how do expect to make any progress with such limitations?

me: single and zipping through Need For Speed: UG2 :roll:
He's on World of Warcraft while I'm on here!! We're in the same room, sharing conversations about what we are up to, having a good drink and no rows about the fact that he's spent 3 hours on the computer (cos so have I) - sorted
Thank you, one and all.

Suddenly being single looks like a happy place to be
I'm happy where I am (and so's he *kicks him under the table to elicit a positive reponse* :twisted: ).

i made sure he sowed his oats in ONE field
Good for you ;D (must say though.......I wasn't interested in the oats :!: )

Posted: 20 May 2005, 22:57
by Shadow_Smile
.1 love hurts
.2 relations take time and afther it's over it even hurts more !

.3 I'm staying single !

Posted: 21 May 2005, 10:01
by _emma_
canon docre wrote:
andymackem wrote: I must do something about my superiority complex,
:lol: :lol: I live quite comfortable with it, I must say.... :lol:

But I recently realized, that I need a new slacker to pet my cat during daytime, because it turned depressive, since I started to work on a daily basis. :cry: :cry:
Just get another cat. Two cats are better than one cat and one human.

Posted: 21 May 2005, 13:02
by canon docre
_emma_ wrote:
canon docre wrote:
andymackem wrote: I must do something about my superiority complex,
:lol: :lol: I live quite comfortable with it, I must say.... :lol:

But I recently realized, that I need a new slacker to pet my cat during daytime, because it turned depressive, since I started to work on a daily basis. :cry: :cry:
Just get another cat. Two cats are better than one cat and one human.
... I'm afraid, but my cat isn't so keen on any (younger) competitor... He reigns his empire rigorously and defends it by all means...

Posted: 21 May 2005, 14:34
by Brideoffrankenstein
Shadow_Smile wrote: .3 I'm staying single !
everyone says that after a long term relationship ends but it never lasts! :wink:

Posted: 21 May 2005, 14:50
by christophe
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Shadow_Smile wrote: .3 I'm staying single !
everyone says that after a long term relationship ends but it never lasts! :wink:
I promised myself to be a little less carefull in relations and a bitt more open to different people after my last split up.
-it didn't work :P
last time I had the chance to do a one night stand we both enden up crying our hearts out .... :roll:

Posted: 21 May 2005, 20:24
by Erudite
Love seems to have a habit of creeping up on you when you least expect it. It can also have an equally nasty habit of making you contradict yourself in very short order.

Within weeks of starting to go out with my future wife I had informed her that I did not believe in marriage - being a bit too close to ownership of another person, and if I ever did get married it certainly wouldn't be in a church.
Naturally, almost two years to the day we were first introduced I was standing at the altar waiting for her to walk down the aisle.
She was forty-five minutes late, but everything's been fine since then.

One piece of advice for those that do decide to tie the knot - be selfish - it's your day, not any of the respective parents. Have the marriage that you want. If your family loves you they will forgive you almost anything.
I should know, having booked the Smurphs as my wedding band!