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Posted: 24 May 2005, 18:48
by black-saturn
I went to see it on saturday night and even though I'm not much of a Star Wars fan it was quite good.

Posted: 24 May 2005, 19:19
by timsinister
Black Alice wrote:Mark Kermode didn't really rate it - and he's usually pretty good - but having read this thread I will give it a go.
He didn't? I'm inclined to agree with him on reviews. Then again, he is a cultural journalist, so maybe incipient stupidity has brought him low. I'll go see it tomorrow night, and let you know...

Incidentally, welcome aboard black-saturn, the latest addition to the Heartland Ward. Leave your straitjacket at the main door...!

Posted: 24 May 2005, 19:45
by black-saturn
I've been lurking this board for ages but never actually joined till now. Now I've got to find a decent avvy.

Posted: 24 May 2005, 21:28
by Black Alice
black-saturn wrote:I've been lurking this board for ages but never actually joined till now. Now I've got to find a decent avvy.
Hah - knew I wasn't the only one :lol: My husband forced me to join because I had been lurking for so long that he threatened to join and "out" me :lol:

Have fun ;D

Posted: 24 May 2005, 21:34
by Black Alice
timsinister wrote:
Black Alice wrote:Mark Kermode didn't really rate it - and he's usually pretty good - but having read this thread I will give it a go.
He didn't? I'm inclined to agree with him on reviews. Then again, he is a cultural journalist, so maybe incipient stupidity has brought him low. I'll go see it tomorrow night, and let you know...
He was on the review programme on Newsnight with some vacuous woman next to whom a pet rock would appear insightful! Tom Paulin was also there - and he was pretty positive about the film - which was really bizarre :eek: do let us know :D

Posted: 25 May 2005, 11:48
by Quiff Boy
as i've posted elsewhere:
I wrote:i wept for what they had done to star wars after i saw ep1

i thought ep2 was slightly better when i saw it at the cinema, but when i watched it on dvd i found myself skipping huge amounts of it, and have not watched it since :|

so i was dreading the 3rd one... but i saw it yesterday and have to admit that i really enjoyed it 8)

it had more than enough nods to ep4 to keep a hardcore geek like me happy - i gasped the first time i heard that darth vader rasp through his mask for example, and there were loads of other things that brought a wry smile to my face ;)

there were some nice touches like having the space ships moving towards the designs, shapes & decor of ep4 - making the bizarre continuity a bit easier to swallow.

and it was a lot darker than 1 & 2 - and much less nonsense about trade embargos and politics :lol: :roll:

the last half hour felt rushed though, while the earlier part of the film seemed to have scenes which really did not advance plot of character development in the slightest - methinks lucas needs to get a better producer or editor or something. trim the pointless scenes showing people walking in and out of spaceship, no matter how nice the CG background may be, and concentrate on the dialogue.

i liked it more than ep6 (jedi), but its still not a patch on ep4 (new hope) or ep5 (empire).

the review in the metro had it right when they said it had a huge gaping hole where harrison ford's charisma should have been :?

overall i think they've just about managed to rescue the series.

i can only hope that inevitable touch-ups of ep 1 & 2 in a couple of years (super special edition with enhanced fx and new scenes!! you know it.. ;)) will sort out some of the s**t... ;)

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:28
by canon docre
i wept for what they had done to star wars after i saw ep1
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:34
by Chairman Bux
Star Trek was always better.

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:35
by Mrs RicheyJames
Chairman Bux wrote:Star Trek was always better.
How could you possibly think that? :eek:

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:36
by timsinister
The Chairman wrote:Star Trek was always better.
Good chap!

But have you seen Nemesis?

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:38
by Big Si
Quiff Boy wrote:the review in the metro had it right when they said it had a huge gaping hole where harrison ford's charisma should have been :?
Saw it on opening night last thursday, and according to my mate's who went as well, they saw the Millennium Falcon in it. 8)

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:41
by Chairman Bux
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:
Chairman Bux wrote:Star Trek was always better.
How could you possibly think that? :eek:
Quite easily, my dear.

Star Trek was groundbreaking in the way it portrayed inter-racial (and inter-species) relationships; the men had great three-quarter length trousers the women had short skirts; they all had tri-corders; Spock had pointy ears, and the theme tune was much better.

And William Shatner was in it.


Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:41
by Chairman Bux
timsinister wrote:
The Chairman wrote:Star Trek was always better.
Good chap!

But have you seen Nemesis?
Only the once.

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:42
by timsinister
The Chairman wrote:Only the once.
The prosecution rests, m'lud.

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:43
by Mrs RicheyJames
Chairman Bux wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:
Chairman Bux wrote:Star Trek was always better.
How could you possibly think that? :eek:
Quite easily, my dear.

Star Trek was groundbreaking in the way it portrayed inter-racial (and inter-species) relationships; the men had great three-quarter length trousers the women had short skirts; they all had tri-corders; Spock had pointy ears, and the theme tune was much better.

And William Shatner was in it.

True, but it was sh*te really wasn't it? :lol:

And the only good (funny) thing about Mr Shatner, is his name!

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:43
by Big Si
But neither are a patch on Blade Runner! :von:

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:44
by Chairman Bux
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:
Chairman Bux wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote: How could you possibly think that? :eek:
Quite easily, my dear.

Star Trek was groundbreaking in the way it portrayed inter-racial (and inter-species) relationships; the men had great three-quarter length trousers the women had short skirts; they all had tri-corders; Spock had pointy ears, and the theme tune was much better.

And William Shatner was in it.

True, but it was sh*te really wasn't it? :lol:

And the only good (funny) thing about Mr Shatner, is his name!
I've always liked the way he got to sleep with the alien women, a creed I've tried to live by all my adult life.

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:46
by Chairman Bux
Big Si wrote:But neither are a patch on Blade Runner! :von:

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:51
by timsinister
Big Si wrote:But neither are a patch on Blade Runner!
Damn straight! However, I'd take an ST film over SW any-day. Good action, quality plots, and if the acting isn't brilliant, at least it's amusing.

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:58
by Mrs RicheyJames
Chairman Bux wrote: I've always liked the way he got to sleep with the alien women, a creed I've tried to live by all my adult life.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 25 May 2005, 12:59
by Mrs RicheyJames
Big Si wrote:But neither are a patch on Blade Runner! :von:
Look stop it. I'm agreeing with you and I'm making myself out to be some sort of geek here! :lol:

Posted: 25 May 2005, 13:04
by markfiend
Big Si wrote:Saw it on opening night last thursday, and according to my mate's who went as well, they saw the Millennium Falcon in it. 8)
I think I saw the Falcon in one of the trailers on TV the other day.

Posted: 25 May 2005, 13:08
by timsinister
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:
Big Si wrote:But neither are a patch on Blade Runner! :von:
Look stop it. I'm agreeing with you and I'm making myself out to be some sort of geek here! :lol:
Admit the truth, and JOIN US

Posted: 25 May 2005, 13:12
by Mrs RicheyJames
timsinister wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:
Big Si wrote:But neither are a patch on Blade Runner! :von:
Look stop it. I'm agreeing with you and I'm making myself out to be some sort of geek here! :lol:
Admit the truth, and JOIN US
Not possible I'm afraid!

A. I'm not twelve
B. I don't understand that leet speak
C. I DON'T like sci-fi APART from, Star Wars, Stargate (only the movie) and now it looks like Blade Runner!

Posted: 27 May 2005, 00:13
by canon docre
Dear Lord Hideous! :eek: :eek:
just saw this utter waste of Zeros and Ones. No match with Episodes III - IV, IMHO. Dialogues where sh*it, bad bad acting, silly love story, dramaturgically incoherent, too many unjustified and undefined characters and planets, same old sword swinging over and over again etc.pp.
And dear George, if you read this, how can you create a Wookie battle :notworthy: :notworthy: AND THEN JUST SHOW US 5 sec. of it??

Lord Grievious was stolen from Time Bandits. Hugh.
I m already now looking forward to the next Episodes to catch up on what Yoda was doing in his youth. (which must probably be in our times then.)
Sorry for being a fundamentalist.