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Posted: 06 Jun 2005, 17:36
by eastmidswhizzkid
markfiend wrote: Heroin is bad news. The only time I ever took it, was at a party where a load of spliffs were doing the rounds and someone seemed to think it would be "funny" to send one round spiked with brown. :evil:
i hold a complete and utter contempt for people who do this with any drug.freebies are all very well but its nice to be asked-you may as well give it to kids or animals if you're gonna disrespect others' personal choice.

@zaltys7-it's a sad fact my friend that a good kicking is often the only language some people understand.and like you say he deserved it :twisted:

Posted: 06 Jun 2005, 20:22
by Brideoffrankenstein
not all smack users are like this - my ex was involved with it for 7 years, worked a 7 day week to pay for his habit and never f**ked anyone around least of all his friends :|

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 11:41
by markfiend
Fair enough; I'm sure there are some responsible heroin users; but all the ones I've ever met were cnuts. And they weren't cnuts until the smack got hold of them.

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 17:25
by Dark
Heroin.. be the death of me
Heroin.. it's my life, and it's my wife, cause I'm married to my vein

*nods* When you think about it, that song's lyrics really do reflect well on the smack user's mindset..

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 23:21
by eastmidswhizzkid
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:not all smack users are like this - my ex was involved with it for 7 years, worked a 7 day week to pay for his habit and never f**ked anyone around least of all his friends :|
fair enough.
bet it still made him really interesting[sarcastic-icon required:mark?]

no offence intenended BoF :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Jun 2005, 00:23
by nick the stripper
Does speed make you a cnut, or is that Heroin's speciality?

I've heard it's very hard to get an addiction, it can take up to a year to form one, is this true?

Posted: 08 Jun 2005, 01:20
by eastmidswhizzkid
nick the stripper wrote:Does speed make you a cnut, or is that Heroin's speciality?

I've heard it's very hard to get an addiction, it can take up to a year to form one, is this true?
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

good question nick,and i one which deserves an answer for two (personal) reasons:

1-i make no bones about doing what i do or about slagging off smack (and i'm not a hyppocrite)
2-i would NEVER advise or encourage ANYONE to do ANYTHING just 'cause i do're either gonna do drugs or you're not.
in which case the best i can do as a (ir)responsible adult is say this:

anything can turn you into a c**t if you let it take you over.
some are harder to spot than others.ultimately its down to you.

anything can be addictive,psychologically.all you need for a full-on addiction is to be unable to do without can.but you might not think (or want to think)you can.

doing anything habitually is neither big nor clever.its your choice but dont think straight away that you've got the drop on any drug.believe me,just when you think you know it all...

smack is more dangerous than most because (amongst other things) it is PHYSICALLY addictive.makes people scream like a baby on withdrawal.(withdrawing from something is not the same as merely coming down off of it,however speed comedowns can be massively unpleasant)

mainlining (injecting intraveinously) anything is a cnuts game.full stop.watching somebody add to their misery by acquiring a needle addiction (whereby resorting to banging up water is by no means uncommon) is far from glamorous.
"pinning the tail onto the donkey" is not only an easy way to OD,it's also a relatively easy way to get abscesses,collapsed veins,air in your blood stream....the horror stories are endless.

Posted: 08 Jun 2005, 10:18
by markfiend
Yeah, it's not just smack; I've met some boring stoners, some boring drinkers, some boring speed-freaks, some really boring coke-heads :lol: etc.

But I've met some really interesting (all of the above). It's really down to whether you use the drug or the drug "uses" you...

And the warning against needles; well, let's just say if you've ever been in the same house as someone who's screaming the place down because they've had a "dirty dig", it's enough to put anyone off self-injecting.

Also after a while there isn't a usable vein in the arm and so they end up using their legs, neck, or even penis to inject into. :urff: :urff: :urff: :urff:

Posted: 08 Jun 2005, 14:06
by aims
nick the stripper wrote:Does speed make you a cnut, or is that Heroin's speciality?

I've heard it's very hard to get an addiction, it can take up to a year to form one, is this true?
No, sitting on a beach yelling at the waves makes you a cnut :innocent:

Posted: 20 Dec 2005, 20:15
by Céleste
i dont know if it is already mentioned for i had notime to read all entrys, i think the temple of love is a symbol for a brothel.

cause there is a line "and love is over in the morning"...
i dont know, but i think its about buyable love..

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 01:10
by eastmidswhizzkid
i always thought "love is always over in the morning " was a reference to telling a girl you loved her just to get in her knickers... :innocent:

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 10:48
by markfiend
No-one would ever do something like that surely? :innocent:

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 10:48
by Céleste
thats part of it
but in a brothel love is over in the morning as well

i got the impression that manysisters songs are about "buyablelove"
for instance " there s 25 whores in the room next door..."

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 10:56
by markfiend
The "25 whores..." were probably from when Von was living in Hamburg. Not that I'm saying you're wrong.

Anyhoo, something just struck me; how many times have you heard people say "my body is a temple"? Plus the "intellectual love gods" thing, and of course a temple is where you worship your gods.

So the "Temple Of Love" is actually :von: himself? :lol: Hey Andrew, I like me, who do you like?

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 12:08
by Izzy HaveMercy
I always thought what MF says, eg. that 'Temple Of Love' is actually about Von during one of his own gigs.

Take the first verse, for example:

With the fire from the fireworks up above me
the spotlights
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain at hand
gun-->microphone, which he uses to please his lovers (fans); shot for the pain at hand-->drugs taken before entering the stage
You run for cover in the temple of love
concert hall?
You run for another but still the same
For the wind will blow my name across this land
you can go and see others concerts, but the Sisters' will remain the best concerts ever ;)


But someone near you rides the weather
And the tears he cried will rain on walls
As wide as lovers eyes

I always saw this part as the bodies sweating, sweat dripping off the walls. Anyone been to Rock Ternat some odd years ago? It RAINED inside the tent due to the sweat dripping off the roof :eek: :urff:


Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 13:26
by Céleste
freely interpreted, dont you think?;)

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 13:31
by Izzy HaveMercy
Céleste wrote:freely interpreted, dont you think?;)
As always ;)

Von's rantings are never to be taken too strict or serious in any case...


Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 23:18
by nick the stripper
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:I always thought what MF says, eg. that 'Temple Of Love' is actually about Von during one of his own gigs.

Take the first verse, for example:

With the fire from the fireworks up above me
the spotlights
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain at hand
gun-->microphone, which he uses to please his lovers (fans); shot for the pain at hand-->drugs taken before entering the stage
You run for cover in the temple of love
concert hall?
You run for another but still the same
For the wind will blow my name across this land
you can go and see others concerts, but the Sisters' will remain the best concerts ever ;)


But someone near you rides the weather
And the tears he cried will rain on walls
As wide as lovers eyes

I always saw this part as the bodies sweating, sweat dripping off the walls. Anyone been to Rock Ternat some odd years ago? It RAINED inside the tent due to the sweat dripping off the roof :eek: :urff:

So "Temple of Love" is Von's "Souper Trouper"? :lol:

Posted: 21 Dec 2005, 23:36
by paint it black
Céleste wrote:thats part of it
" there s 25 whores in the room next door..."
a play on the 52 daughters is all :wink:

Posted: 12 May 2008, 02:43
by Casar
Has A Eldritch ever commented what he had in mind when he wrote this song? I can´t recall reading anything about it.

Posted: 12 May 2008, 08:53
by Quiff Boy
nick the stripper wrote:So "Temple of Love" is Von's "Souper Trouper"? :lol:
works for me :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 12 May 2008, 21:05
by darkparticle
temple of love is maybe a mockery of love, or so many foundation stones of emotion - it rocks with irony!!!

Posted: 28 Sep 2014, 23:49
by rien
Thread necro!

I personally interpret it as the idea of romantic love that is so prevalent in (pop) culture; the age-old story of two people finding each other, which ends when they have just done that but never tells how their initial fire dies down and they become estranged, etc. etc.

The idea that if only you can find someone to be in love with, it'll solve all your (mental) problems ("believing pain and fear outside"). But it doesn't. Most relationships aren't eternal, and you can't rely on someone else to battle your own demons.

And if you have a taste for the carnal, well, you might spend a lot of nights off your head, chatting up some pretty little thing just because you can, and maybe you'll even briefly feel in love, until the next morning, when you're hungover and sitting on a public train home in last night's sweaty clothes (with your underwear inside-out in the illusion that that's slightly less disgusting), longing for your shower.

Well that and possibly religion. Temples, churches... you go inside and pray because outside, the world is coming to an end, but walls are just walls and religion is a lie, too, so there are no gods to protect you from bombs and missiles... or just the flow of time. How many ancient temples are ruins now, their deities and customs forgotten?

Could also be about hippies (Vietnam has been mentioned).

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 02:37
by Being645
To me it's a song against every absolute approach, against any kind of dogma, of culturally imposed (often enforced by blackmail) adaptation to whatever demands and ideas ... very 1960s/1970s/1980s in that.

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 18:57
by Suleiman
Listening recently it occurred to me;

And the devil in black dress watches over
My guardian angel walks away


And the devil in black dress watches over my guardian angel
Walks away


With the fire from the fireworks up above me
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain at hand


With the fire from the fireworks
Up above me with a gun
For a lover and a shot for the pain at hand

or maybe it's late....