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Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:34
by boudicca
markfiend wrote:
boudicca wrote:Y'all know Toblerone's Masonic?
:?: I'll bite.

No I didn't know. Go on, what's the punch-line?
No, it really is.

Apparently Herr Tobler (I could be wrong about his name... :roll: ;D :oops: ) was a mason and he thought he'd make his chocolate bar a nice masonic shape (i.e. the triangle).

True story.

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:37
by boudicca
smiscandlon wrote:
Black Biscuit wrote:the effects of high altitudes


If that's the effect of high altitude...

You ain't gettin' me on no airplane, fool!
I've been atop Mont Blanc (15800 feet) and all I got was sunburn. :eek: :oops:

I cannot tell you how traumatic that was for me. :von: :roll:

Re: Toblerone

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:39
by markfiend
Oh right. Figures I guess.


For more masonic goodness, google "Roberto Calvi". Actually I think we mentioned his case on the board before.

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:41
by boudicca

Teacher starve your child, P.C. approved
As long as the right words are used
Systemised atrocity ignored
As long as bi-lingual signs on view
Ten foot sign in Oxford Street
Be pure - be vigilant - behave
Grey not neon, grey not real
Life bleeds, death is your birthright
P.C. she speaks impotent, sterile, naive, blind, atheist, sadist,
stiff-upper lip, first principle of her silence, of her silence

PCP - a P.C. police victory
PCP - a P.C. pyrrhic victory
When I was young P.C. meant Police Constable
Nowadays I can't seem to tell the difference

Liposuction for your bad mouth boy
Cut out your tongue, effigies are sold
Words discoloured, bow to the bland
Heal yourself with sinner's salt
Doctors arrested for euthanasia
Kill smokers through blind vanity
If you're fat don't get ill
Europe's gravestone carved in plastic
P.C. she says inoculate, hallucinate, beware Shakespeare,
bring fresh air, king cigarette snuffed out by her midgets, by her midgets

PCP - a P.C. police victory
PCP - a P.C. pyrrhic victory
When I was young P.C. meant Police Constable
Nowadays I can't seem to tell the difference

P.C. caresses bigots and big brother, read Leviticus,
learnt censorship, pro-life equals anti-choice, to be scared of, of feathers

PCP - a P.C. police victory
PCP - a P.C. pyrrhic victory
When I was young P.C. meant Police Constable
Nowadays I can't seem to tell the difference

Lawyers before love, surrogate sex
This land bows down to
Yours, unconditional love and hate
Pass the prozac, designer amnesiac

227 Lears and I can't remember the first line...


Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:46
by Gottdammerung
boudicca wrote:P.C.P

Teacher starve your child, P.C. approved
As long as the right words are used
Systemised atrocity ignored
As long as bi-lingual signs on view
Ten foot sign in Oxford Street
Be pure - be vigilant - behave
Grey not neon, grey not real
Life bleeds, death is your birthright
P.C. she speaks impotent, sterile, naive, blind, atheist, sadist,
stiff-upper lip, first principle of her silence, of her silence

PCP - a P.C. police victory
PCP - a P.C. pyrrhic victory
When I was young P.C. meant Police Constable
Nowadays I can't seem to tell the difference

Liposuction for your bad mouth boy
Cut out your tongue, effigies are sold
Words discoloured, bow to the bland
Heal yourself with sinner's salt
Doctors arrested for euthanasia
Kill smokers through blind vanity
If you're fat don't get ill
Europe's gravestone carved in plastic
P.C. she says inoculate, hallucinate, beware Shakespeare,
bring fresh air, king cigarette snuffed out by her midgets, by her midgets

PCP - a P.C. police victory
PCP - a P.C. pyrrhic victory
When I was young P.C. meant Police Constable
Nowadays I can't seem to tell the difference

P.C. caresses bigots and big brother, read Leviticus,
learnt censorship, pro-life equals anti-choice, to be scared of, of feathers

PCP - a P.C. police victory
PCP - a P.C. pyrrhic victory
When I was young P.C. meant Police Constable
Nowadays I can't seem to tell the difference

Lawyers before love, surrogate sex
This land bows down to
Yours, unconditional love and hate
Pass the prozac, designer amnesiac

227 Lears and I can't remember the first line...


That brings a tear to me cynical eye still... I still remember them when they played the Barras the last time with Richey Edwards still in the band... tense gig....

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:48
by boudicca
I recently returned to the Manics after 7 years, and I must say I forgot how good some of the lyrics actually were.

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:50
by Gottdammerung
boudicca wrote:I recently returned to the Manics after 7 years, and I must say I forgot how good some of the lyrics actually were.
Yeah I picked up the b-sides collection recently.. nostalgia is an understatement....

Just regret selling all my manics records years ago (was moving and had no place for nothing at time...)

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:53
by boudicca
Gottdammerung wrote: Just regret selling all my manics records years ago (was moving and had no place for nothing at time...)
:cry: I did the same.

And then I went and bought 'em again! :lol: :lol:

I'm such a prat.

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:55
by Gottdammerung
boudicca wrote:
Gottdammerung wrote: Just regret selling all my manics records years ago (was moving and had no place for nothing at time...)
:cry: I did the same.

And then I went and bought 'em again! :lol: :lol:

I'm such a prat.

Sadly, I couldn't afford to buy back the stuff I sold now...

as they say in scotland IDJIT!!! :lol:

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:56
by boudicca
Gottdammerung wrote:
as they say in scotland IDJIT!!! :lol:
I think you'll find it's "eejit".

:roll: :P :wink:

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 16:56
by Gottdammerung
Hey i've been south of the border for too long... :lol:

Posted: 03 Jun 2005, 17:13
by Brideoffrankenstein
Black Biscuit wrote:Whether Freemasons are an invisible influence network in the world of business. (My experience would suggest so);
and mine BB
Black Biscuit wrote:Whether it is true that subliminal advertising has never had any proof of its efficacy
I remember seeing a documentray about this veru thing. They took two designers for advertising and took them on a trip to the studio where they would be designing the advert as requied by the programme. In the car on the way the programme makers planted people and things in the street which were hardly noticable to the designers. And hey presto when the designers finished and presented their idea it featured an aspect of everything that had been planted on the journey beforehand.

Posted: 04 Jun 2005, 05:21
by eastmidswhizzkid
re. the spear of destiny-mark's right when he says there are doubts as to whether this was used to finish of jesus.i've read up on crucifixion a fair bit (lovely imaginative people the romans) and although it's possible that he was prodded with something sharp to see if he was still alive,there is a lot of evidence that the romans would pierce crucifixion victims to release the build up of fluids upon which they would otherwise drown;thus prolonging the suffering of the victim.

re.the masons-after reading "the brotherhood" by stephen knight (who i think died "mysteriously") i tried out some of the described handshakes on the higher-up bosses at HM land registry (where i worked briefly donkeys years ago).imagine the looks of ill-disguised confusion on their faces at being greeted with a handshake of the upper orders by an orange-haired pleb in a paisley shirt and clogs!

re.PCP-only did it once.for me it was like a 12 hour coke hit combined with the cleanest meth(but without any of the teeth-grinding).notably it was "controllable" -in that if you wanted to sit down and chill you could without twitching.other people who did it at the same time said it was just like ketamin...which goes to show you shouldnt always share things with people who its wasted on.

Subliminal Advertising

Posted: 06 Jun 2005, 10:52
by markfiend
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I remember seeing a documentray about this veru thing. They took two designers for advertising and took them on a trip to the studio where they would be designing the advert as requied by the programme. In the car on the way the programme makers planted people and things in the street which were hardly noticable to the designers. And hey presto when the designers finished and presented their idea it featured an aspect of everything that had been planted on the journey beforehand.
Wasn't that on Derren Brown's Trick of the Mind?

Re: Subliminal Advertising

Posted: 06 Jun 2005, 13:36
by boudicca
markfiend wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I remember seeing a documentray about this veru thing. They took two designers for advertising and took them on a trip to the studio where they would be designing the advert as requied by the programme. In the car on the way the programme makers planted people and things in the street which were hardly noticable to the designers. And hey presto when the designers finished and presented their idea it featured an aspect of everything that had been planted on the journey beforehand.
Wasn't that on Derren Brown's Trick of the Mind?
It was indeed.

f**king love that guy! :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Jun 2005, 13:39
by Quiff Boy
*looks a bit furtive and hopes mik doesn't see this thread*


Re: Subliminal Advertising

Posted: 06 Jun 2005, 20:09
by Brideoffrankenstein
markfiend wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I remember seeing a documentray about this veru thing. They took two designers for advertising and took them on a trip to the studio where they would be designing the advert as requied by the programme. In the car on the way the programme makers planted people and things in the street which were hardly noticable to the designers. And hey presto when the designers finished and presented their idea it featured an aspect of everything that had been planted on the journey beforehand.
Wasn't that on Derren Brown's Trick of the Mind?
Yes! :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Jun 2005, 22:49
by RicheyJames
Black Biscuit wrote:Whether it is true that subliminal advertising has never had any proof of its efficacy
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I remember seeing a documentray about this veru thing....
markfiend wrote:Wasn't that on Derren Brown's Trick of the Mind?
is now an apposite time to remind everybody that mr brown is no more and no less of a stage magician than paul daniels or david copperfield. he's found a very fresh way of presenting his parlour room conjuring tricks but that doesn't stop them being just that. tricks.

Posted: 06 Jun 2005, 22:56
by Brideoffrankenstein
yes - but it was still interesting to see it work on people that refused to believe that they would succumb to such a thing

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 11:48
by markfiend
RicheyJames wrote:mr brown is no more and no less of a stage magician than paul daniels or david copperfield.
Indeed. Or Uri Geller...

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 12:06
by RicheyJames
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:yes - but it was still interesting to see it work on people that refused to believe that they would succumb to such a thing
i think you're missing my point. mr brown is an illusionist. he did not subliminally influence those two advertising execs he merely created the illusion that he did. to be blunt (and children and people of a nervous disposition should look away now) the slightly sinister looking bloke in the natty black suits is lying to you.

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 12:08
by markfiend
Watch it, we'll get you thrown out of the magic circle if you're not careful RJ

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 12:12
by RicheyJames
markfiend wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:mr brown is no more and no less of a stage magician than paul daniels or david copperfield.
Indeed. Or Uri Geller...
nah, geller's a fraud and a charlatan. the others are just entertainers.

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 12:50
by markfiend
True. He's a fairly decent conjuror though; he has to be to "bend" the spoons. And his mind-reading act is OK. (But nowhere near as good as Derren Brown's)

Posted: 07 Jun 2005, 13:05
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:i think you're missing my point. mr brown is an illusionist. he did not subliminally influence those two advertising execs he merely created the illusion that he did.
yep, all he did was create a scene that he knew would trigger certain thought processes in the human mind, knowing later they would resurface as subconscious memories.

basic psychology. that kind of stuff happens to all of us all the time, just no one usually manufactures a situation where it can then be retraced and pointed out after the fact.

"magicians" of any persuasion really leave me cold. i blame bradley walsh...