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Posted: 24 Jun 2005, 20:20
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:You have no idea how happy I am not to be in my teens/twenties these days, where are all the heroes?[/size] :urff:
semi-retired in Hamburg :von: :wink:

Posted: 24 Jun 2005, 22:44
by James Blast
that's hero (singular) and you left a [/size] in on my quote

Posted: 25 Jun 2005, 10:32
by boudicca
I am suitably ashamed.

Posted: 25 Jun 2005, 14:10
by Debaser
And from the Killing Joke's Gathering mail list..

'Peter Murphy was on Indie 103.1 on Steve Jones's show Jonesy's Juke Box a month ago, and Mr. Murphy said there will be a big surprise this coming Winter.'

Posted: 26 Jun 2005, 18:03
by reverberater
Debaser wrote:And from the Killing Joke's Gathering mail list..

'Peter Murphy was on Indie 103.1 on Steve Jones's show Jonesy's Juke Box a month ago, and Mr. Murphy said there will be a big surprise this coming Winter.'
Could that be another Ressurection tour then?

If the proposed date on the 21st in Manchester is for real i think i'll bob over. not much into his solo stuff. I think Final Solution is the best i've heard from him. I had a Dali's Car single, The Express album of Love and Rockets and i've still got the Tones on Tail lp together with the T-shirt i forever sport.

Reform the troops and belt out another album! 8)

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 13:39
by Black Dahlia
Just wished to say that Mr Murphy's Love Hysteria album would be one of the few saved should a burning house type scenario occur. Bought it on a whim years ago and still love it. Not heard any of his recent stuff though I must admit.

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 15:10
by boudicca
Black Dahlia wrote:Not heard any of his recent stuff though I must admit.
On Dust he sounds like he's constipated.

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 22:29
by pikkrong
Silence is platinum wrote:P M has made some fine songs while on solo,

"Marlene Dietrich s favourite poem" for example
I like that song as well.
But that album wasn't very impressive in general.

Posted: 29 Jun 2005, 17:00
by Hapcibeno
I've 3 new gigs from the US leg of Unshattered tour.
I also have a large Bauhaus collection (more than 100 live CDRs)
If anybody interested in trade...

Bauhaus list
Peter Murphy list

Posted: 11 Jul 2005, 03:01
by dead stars
Seen Peter Murphy live twice, + Bauhaus once, and never regretted it.
This said, I'd like to see him again.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 13:54
by mik
If there IS anyone else going to tomorrows Nottingham gig, I'll be there and almost certainly wearing an 'Utterly Bastard Groovy' t, just to see if Mr Murph objects to 'guardinan readers (sic)' as much as our hero (hem hem) does.

Feel free to introduce yourself, and mines a pint of cooking lager please :)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 14:16
by Rosalie
Did the Von really hate Bauhaus or was he just sounding angry for the interview :)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:27
by Quiff Boy
according to mr marx, both he and eldritch used to think bauhaus made an interesting racket, back in the day...

though these days it would never do for someone as obviously un-goth as eldritch (arf!) to be seen liking a band like bauhaus, whose hollow pretentions are the kind of thing that made people laugh at goth in the first place.

don't believe the hype ;)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:28
by Rosalie
I've pretty much presumed most of Eldritch's rants about such matters are "Kicking up a racket", the typical Rockstar "I hate my fans but I love them" atttidue.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:32
by Quiff Boy
he says a lot of things "for effect", lets just say that.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:38
by aims
Does that include the comments about Joanna Lumley or are they sincere? :innocent:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:39
by Quiff Boy
Motz wrote:Does that include the comments about Joanna Lumley or are they sincere? :innocent:
i'd imagine he meant them.

though why he'd want a woman at least 3ft taller than he i can only dream :lol:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:40
by aims
Maybe he's got more copies of the yellow pages than he knows what to do with? :lol:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:43
by Quiff Boy
:lol: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

or boxes of tee shirts?

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:45
by aims
Don't be silly.

Those'll be crumbling to bits by now :innocent:

That said, he is only little, so they might still hold him ;)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:49
by Rosalie
I wish there were more bands in the style of Bauhaus, not the same obviously, but the sort of harsh but not too harsh, clangy dark echo-ey atmosphere.

Al lot of the music today which is supposedly of the similiar type is all based on electronic stuff that sounds like Floodland on trippy acid. Or at least seems to be anyway. I like quite a bit of the better new stuff like Cinema Strange(which is clangy and spooky), Faith and the Muse(who are art-rocky), and Switchblade Symphony(who are just kind of nifty).

I'd love for a band to come out with stuff like bauhaus were like though. There was something so wild and different about it.

Though I've probably talked about this "goth" you're pretending never existed enough in other threads :)

I like a lot of modern music, but I think we've lost a lot of that stuff throughout the years, the "edgy" mood of rock music, which is a shame. 80s metal still sounds better to me. I suspect much the same happened to Peter Murphy himself, sadly.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:52
by aims
Just legalise LSD and teach its use in GCSE Music classes. Then you'll have as many Bauhaus-like bands as you want ;)

More seriously, I was thinking of taking my band/project/thing in that direction, but for some reason people aren't too keen to play songs about greek mythology, drug abuse and male prostitutes, never mind all 3 mashed together into 1 incoherent dirge. That and I like my lyrics to make sense :innocent:

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 15:54
by Quiff Boy
its easy ;)

1) throw away your plectrums and play the guitar with a 2 pence piece. or a violin.

not the bow, the violin. anyone can use the bow :roll:

2) and throw the drum kit down stairs before playing.

3) and listen to more bowie, (early) eno, sweet and t-rex instead of that goth nonsense.

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 16:38
by Quiff Boy
cack! cant believe i completely forgot about murphy's manchester gig this thursday...


right then. better see if i can sort that bugger out 8)

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 16:41
by Dark
Motz wrote:More seriously, I was thinking of taking my band/project/thing in that direction, but for some reason people aren't too keen to play songs about greek mythology, drug abuse and male prostitutes, never mind all 3 mashed together into 1 incoherent dirge. That and I like my lyrics to make sense :innocent:
I used to write songs involving Norse mythology, drug abuse and prostitution. Now it's all a bad trip involving dancing reptiles, trains, and something coming towards you... fast.

Who said lyrics had to make sense?