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Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 11:46
by timsinister
Quiff Boy wrote:jesus, that nearly even made sense :urff:
You've got yer loyal lieutenants now Herr Administrator, I recommend some R&R! :wink:

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 12:27
by Dark
Pervy hormone-fuelled bastard? Moi? 's a fair cop. ;D
However, I prefer "caffiene-fuelled goth" (since the latter implies me being a pervy bastard anyway.) :lol:

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 12:30
by Rosalie
I'm getting the feeling the "don't play the victim" is a nice way of saying "stay still while we make fun of you".

I don't enjoy people talking over my head either, exactly.

If you say stuff like that, I'll react. I'm human. If you don't want me to, don't say stuff in the first place that I'll almost definitely get upset by.

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 12:33
by Obviousman
Why can't you just stop thinking we're making fun of you, we'll only do that if you act like that, obviously :roll:

Just go ahead, have a laugh and all that, and problem's solved... That's about the only thing a HL'er needs, a proper sense of humor and being willing to relativate yourself...

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 12:35
by Rosalie
I just didn't enjoy being stereotyped as the kind of person who's so secure they have to justify owning as many "goth" records as possible. At all.

I'm telling you now I don't fit that mould. I'm too fat.

So don't try to seriously shove me into it, or I'll flabbily bounce back in your face.

Perhaps it's just adjusting pains.

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 12:47
by smiscandlon
Rosalie wrote:Perhaps it's just adjusting pains.
Nail on the head.

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 12:54
by Quiff Boy
Rosalie wrote:I just didn't enjoy being stereotyped as the kind of person who's so secure they have to justify owning as many "goth" records as possible. At all.
@ rosalie: in all fairness, your very first post came across like a statement of intent, and not a very nice one at that.

you were defensive from the offset - you laid it all out there for people, and then stood back and invited offers.

not the best of starts really. and i see a similar pattern has continued...

if you dont bite people wont keep fishing.

@ everyone: what it comes down to is that i dont like people that create trouble on heartland. they threaten the wellbeing of the place, and its well documented that this is my baby and i will do whatever is required to secure that wellbeing. whatever is required.

as obviousman says, the only quality you need to fit in round here is the ability to laugh at yourself. life is too short to get het up about every tiny perceived injustice and little remark. apply the same rules to the rest of your life and i guarantee you will be a happier person.

so, can we all let bygones be bygones? :?:

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 13:02
by Dark
Dunno about ALL.. that would involve Mrs RJ getting on nicely with d00my all the time, and Mr RJ becoming good tempered.

Is that REALLY what we want? :eek:

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 13:13
by Obviousman
Hail the Boss :notworthy:

You could well paste the 'apply the same rules to the rest of your life' part into the 'got any good advice' thread :wink:

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 15:47
by boudicca
Rosalie wrote:If you say stuff like that, I'll react. I'm human. If you don't want me to, don't say stuff in the first place that I'll almost definitely get upset by.
The whole of bloody Heartland cannot be held responsible for YOUR reactions and YOUR upset.

You don't like what people say in response to you and you views - live with it. Or go elsewhere.

Please. :roll:

If you provoke opinionated "discussion" you should not be surprised if some people hold the opinion that you're talking through a hole in your head.

(Sorry Quiff, but REALLY).

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 16:19
by Rosalie
Quiff Boy wrote:
Rosalie wrote:I just didn't enjoy being stereotyped as the kind of person who's so secure they have to justify owning as many "goth" records as possible. At all.
@ rosalie: in all fairness, your very first post came across like a statement of intent, and not a very nice one at that.

you were defensive from the offset - you laid it all out there for people, and then stood back and invited offers.

not the best of starts really. and i see a similar pattern has continued...

if you dont bite people wont keep fishing.

@ everyone: what it comes down to is that i dont like people that create trouble on heartland. they threaten the wellbeing of the place, and its well documented that this is my baby and i will do whatever is required to secure that wellbeing. whatever is required.

as obviousman says, the only quality you need to fit in round here is the ability to laugh at yourself. life is too short to get het up about every tiny perceived injustice and little remark. apply the same rules to the rest of your life and i guarantee you will be a happier person.

so, can we all let bygones be bygones? :?:

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 17:35
by eastmidswhizzkid
Quiff Boy wrote: can we all let bygones be bygones? :?:
a fair request boss.i'ld like to think that that was how it worked among intelligent peeps anyway...and those who seem to take umbridge longer seem to stay away 'til they've got over it (mentioning no names,natch :wink: ).

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 17:42
by boudicca
Oh thank God!

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 17:49
by Rosalie
boudicca wrote:Oh thank God!
Your sunglasses still look funny though.

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 18:15
by James Blast
Rosalie wrote:Your sunglasses still look funny though.
that's more like it! :lol:

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 19:07
by Petseri
James Blast wrote:
Rosalie wrote:Your sunglasses still look funny though.
that's more like it! :lol:
James, would you mind if I pointed out to you that, at her current pace, Rosalie may overtake your post count before the next Sisters gig?

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 19:13
by Obviousman
Petseri wrote:
James Blast wrote:
Rosalie wrote:Your sunglasses still look funny though.
that's more like it! :lol:
James, would you mind if I pointed out to you that, at her current pace, Rosalie may overtake your post count before the next Sisters gig?
See the drama enter the room :eek:

(as my profile just informed me, I only do 1.96 posts a day, so no problems there :innocent: )

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 19:14
by Rosalie
If you change it to the next Sisters album, then anything is possible...

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 19:15
by Obviousman
Rosalie wrote:If you change it to the next Sisters album, then anything is possible...
We'll all be married to Martians by then, for sure...

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 19:15
by James Blast
not at all Martin

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 19:18
by boudicca
Rosalie wrote:
boudicca wrote:Oh thank God!
Your sunglasses still look funny though.
NOW yer getting the hang of it! :lol: :wink:

Form an orderly queue to mock my facewear, please... :cry: :von: ;D

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 19:43
by James Blast
boudicca wrote:Form an orderly queue to mock my facewear, please... :cry: :von: ;D
odd choice of forehead

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 21:33
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:
boudicca wrote:Form an orderly queue to mock my facewear, please... :cry: :von: ;D
odd choice of forehead
Um... yes. I just put on the first one I could find that morning...

Forgetting to first insert my BRAIN into my cranial cavity, as usual. :roll: :lol:

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 21:35
by Obviousman
boudicca wrote:
James Blast wrote:
boudicca wrote:Form an orderly queue to mock my facewear, please... :cry: :von: ;D
odd choice of forehead
Um... yes. I just put on the first one I could find that morning...

Forgetting to first insert my BRAIN into my cranial cavity, as usual. :roll: :lol:
Just do like me... Put it on your bedside table, and you'll never forget it...
<insert to 'give me some good advice' thread>

Posted: 23 Jul 2005, 21:42
by boudicca
Obviousman wrote:Just do like me... Put it on your bedside table, and you'll never forget it...
<insert to 'give me some good advice' thread>
But how can you REMEMBER it if you don't have it in?

Your amphetamine logic is faulty.