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Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 13:27
by Delilah
OK, have uploaded some photos (about 1/10th of them) - if anybody's interested, go and have a look!

and thanks, everybody, for making me feel at home again!


@Johnny - sorry for not phoning last night, will tell you tonight why... If you can handle some whingeing again! :kiss:

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 13:43
by canon docre
Hi Ania,

glad you're back!

Why not consider Berlin as a compromise in the middle? And if it would just be for the boys. :innocent:

Posted: 26 Jul 2005, 13:46
by Delilah
canon docre wrote:Hi Ania,

glad you're back!

Why not consider Berlin as a compromise in the middle? And if it would just be for the boys. :innocent:
Hi Jess! You know how much I love Berlin. And why :wink: :innocent:

Posted: 27 Jul 2005, 11:29
by _emma_
Well I know I really should say something to cheer you up, but it's so difficult to find the right words.
Sure homesickness is a nasty feeling, but wasn't it your own decision, and a right one, to move abroad? When you compare the average standard of living here and there, are you really sure you'd like to come back here?
Then again, I do understand your feeling of not fitting in. I work at a school of English, so I see many English people all the time, and yes they are different, yes there is a huge difference in culture, even though it may be not visible at first glance. They are very nice people, and easy to work with ,great workmates and I really like them and so on, but... we don't do all this small-talk-chit-chat kind of thing. We don't do all this political correctness. We have tendency to speak about things much more openly, and we're more open in general. Even though all the Poles I know perceive me as a reserved, introvert kind of person, all my English colleagues often mention my "typical Polish hospitability", so there must be something about it.
And even though I'm reserved and introvert, I think it's the openness and the hospitability that I would miss the most if I had to live abroad.
Oh well. Just keep coming here as often as possible, but remember you have a child who surely deserves a chance to live in the better place.
And I don't add the "just my two pence" or "just my humble opinion" here, because we don't need it that much, do we. Trzymaj sie. :)

Posted: 28 Jul 2005, 23:15
by Delilah
_emma_ wrote:Well I know I really should say something to cheer you up, but it's so difficult to find the right words.
Sure homesickness is a nasty feeling, but wasn't it your own decision, and a right one, to move abroad?
yes, it was my decision... I moved over here for love, my then fiance said that he couldn't live in Poland, so I left everything - my Family (which gradually got smaller and smaller, my father and grandmother both died during the 1st year of me living abroad), friends, signed band, high-profile job for a record label... I finished my degree, then literally packed my bags and left. Being an old romantic I was so sure it will work out. But I've never been really happy here (especially with the recent personal problems) and the feeling of homesickness is bigger every time I go to Poland... Could I move back to Poland? I wish I could... But being married to an Englishman, having a daughter who speaks English fluently and is still basic in Polish, was born here and is settled here, means that I need to compromise, sacrifice my own happiness in order for her to be happy. And I am doing my best... It is tough at times. But I am not complaining, I am taking it day by day and only every time after I've been back home my heart is broken when I board the plane back to Heathrow. Standard of living? yes, it is still lower, especially if you are that unluky 1 person in4 that hasn't got a job, but I do miss Polish modesty, honesty and finding a way of having fun even in the toughest situation.

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, 00:00
by timsinister

Fresh-faced youth


Middle-age ire.

Oh, I might have those the wrong way round...
Good to have you back, D. Sympathies, too - I'm sick of this country, and I've not even had enough time out of it.

Posted: 29 Jul 2005, 04:27
by eastmidswhizzkid
for some reason,anya that sounds sadder than your first post. :(
sorry it's all a bit s**t for you at the minute;you're usually so cheerfull and lively. :?
i forget sometimes that everyone has something serious/important going on, as well.
hope you feel better soon mate 8)

Posted: 30 Jul 2005, 01:28
by Delilah
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:for some reason,anya that sounds sadder than your first post. :(
sorry it's all a bit s**t for you at the minute;you're usually so cheerfull and lively. :?
i forget sometimes that everyone has something serious/important going on, as well.
hope you feel better soon mate 8)
Thanks! I am just slowly getting on with my life... And hoping to go back again very soon... My post-Poland blues is hopefully temporary.... although numerous texts and emails from my Polish friends saying "come back, we miss you, it is 39C here and we have cold beer for you" don't help... :(

Posted: 30 Jul 2005, 01:54
by Francis
24 years in Leeds and I still don't feel I 'belong'. But then I never have since leaving my birthplace at age seven. Some people assimilate easily, pick up the local accent and just get on with it. Others don't. For me, I reckon it's an anglo-catholic thing. :roll:

Posted: 30 Jul 2005, 20:19
by Delilah
Francis wrote:24 years in Leeds and I still don't feel I 'belong'. But then I never have since leaving my birthplace at age seven. Some people assimilate easily, pick up the local accent and just get on with it. Others don't. For me, I reckon it's an anglo-catholic thing. :roll:
Haha, I couldn't just pick up the local Devon accent. With my strrrrong polish accent I may be able to sound almost Scottish if I rrrrreally rrrreally trrrried! Johnny would tell you! :D :wink:

Posted: 30 Jul 2005, 23:49
by Nazareth
Sorry to hear you are feeling like this Ania! But to me the choice is obvious....move to Scotland!!

Posted: 30 Jul 2005, 23:52
by boudicca
Nazareth wrote:Sorry to hear you are feeling like this Ania! But to me the choice is obvious....move to Scotland!!
He's right ya know...
We've got cold beer up here too! 8)

(unfortunately it has probably never been 39 degrees here, unless you're talking Farenheit :roll: :lol: )

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 19:53
by Delilah
Nazareth wrote:Sorry to hear you are feeling like this Ania! But to me the choice is obvious....move to Scotland!!
haha, thanks but no thanks! :lol: I love Scottish people, my best friend from my so-called home town is Scottish (she hates Devon too!), and you can drink, but it is London for me next... from September! :D 8)