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Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:05
by aims
Allegedly. :innocent:

Discuss :P

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:06
by scotty
canon docre wrote:
_emma_ wrote: ... but what about the G-point? :?
That's a myth anyway.
Thank god,I tho't I was the only one thinking that! :twisted:

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:08
by _emma_
canon docre wrote:
_emma_ wrote: ... but what about the G-point? :?
That's a myth anyway.
No it's not. :D

Re: Man, I haven't been active enough here.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:10
by ruffers
Rosalie wrote:Must shock people.
If you like petal. Whatever you want.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:14
by Rosalie
I just generally like investigating if a forum is worth staying on, i.e. are they open minded or what. I honeslty had no idea there was this kind of hatred towards me(And also, as a side issue, utterly bigoted views towards different people), and I most certainly wasn't being serious with the original post in this topic. Now it's quite evident something more serious is going on.
Whether or not I actually am trans I'm not going to say, because it's irrelevant right now, as it shouldn't be a big deal if I am or not, but I'll stand up for my friends many of whom are most certainly transsexuals.
If you're joking, I think it's a stupid joke. If you're serious, I don't care. I'm much more interested in your approach to bugs and foxes than your sex life. Honestly.
You see, people say that, and then you get people like "eastmidswhizzkid" who blatantly *do*
...and of course there's a difference between a "natural" vagina and that of a is attached to a woman ,one is attached to someone with an enormous adam's apple and hands like a scandinavian goalkeeper!as a woman i should think it's easyfor you to tell blokes that we're being small-minded for not wanting to shag men who've had their dicks turned inside out.
Boy, is someone mature and not a useless bigot.

I don't think you realise that you're not being small minded so much as to reject every single transsexual based on your utter, ridiculous, pathetic insecurity in your own sexuality, but that you consider them "men who've had their dicks turned inside out".
one is attached to someone with an enormous adam's apple and hands like a scandinavian goalkeeper!
f**king hell, how many transsexuals have you seen? Or do you just want them to be that way in your head so it's easier for you to look down on them?

What someone "used to be", shouldn't matter. Everyone used to be a baby. Unlike you, most people your age no longer are.

Need I mention how incredibly shallow you are, putting the importance of the body so much above the mind, despite the fact that it's inherently obvious most of the real differences between the genders originate from the mind? I suppose you're going to ignore all the research being done showing that a brain being genuinely wired in a female manner is probably what causes transsexuality in the first place?

I'd f**k a tranny, even one that still has a penis(which might make it easier in theory) any day before I f**k you. Just in case bigotry is a sexually transmitted disease.

But oh right, it's just f**king around among friends, no harm ever comes from claiming and enforcing that transsexuals are really men.

Just like this, I suppose:

I hope you get hit on by a tranny who looks just as good as any other girl, which happens far more often than you might think. And I hope after a few years, she tells you. And it kills you.

And you have to change your mind, or loose your loved one.

You deserve it.

Thankfully, the gender recognition act was passed recently in the UK, just to pin it to your forehead that you're no better than a racist or homophobe.

Learn to respect people. "It's all just friendly banter" is no excuse.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:16
by Obviousman

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:22
by James Blast
I think we've really had enough of this bull, can we move on?


Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:23
by Rosalie
James Blast wrote:I think we've really had enough of this bull, can we move on?


Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:25
by Cimmerian
James Blast wrote:I think we've really had enough of this bulls1t, can we move on?
Yep. Car crash posting: Nothing to see here, move along.

There are ways of getting a feel for what a forum is like without trying to provoke the members with such inflammatory attitudes... ...again.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:27
by Rosalie
Well, I was only joking around initially. You people joked around with me, I joked around with you. I don't see why only you should be entitled to do so.

Now I'm extremely upset that someone has been so vocal with hatred, and that I am the one cast as the bad guy just because I posted a "shock" topic.

You seem to care more about things like that than the girl who was murdered in the link I posted. It's pathetic.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:27
by scotty
Obviousman wrote:*yawn*
:notworthy: :lol:

@All this talk of the mind being sexy,aye ok,but given the choice between my 80 year old ex head misstres,very clever or some bimbo with big paps and as think as mince,well.....need i say more,but i guess i'm just shallow and a bigot,ah well!.oh and good luck finding a forum worth staying on,or therapy,what ever comes first.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:28
by James Blast
no, you were very provoking
just my take on it, though

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:29
by Rosalie
scotty wrote:
Obviousman wrote:*yawn*
:notworthy: :lol:

@All this talk of the mind being sexy,aye ok,but given the choice between my 80 year old ex head misstres,very clever or some bimbo with big paps and as think as mince,well.....need i say more,but i guess i'm just shallow and a bigot,ah well!.oh and good luck finding a forum worth staying on,or therapy,what ever comes first.
I don't think that's the issue. The issue is that this person shows an utter lack of respect for transsexuals and considers them nothing more than men with their penii on the inside he.
He's not any better than a homophobe, but this topic is going to get locked with me looking like the bad guy, just "because". So whatever.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:29
by MadameButterfly
:wink: Trust me the *g-spot* does exist and it is possible to find it and it makes you come and come....!?!

Even I am :eek:

Just a thought anyway :twisted:

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:30
by Rosalie
Unfortunately, transsexuals loose about 1/3 of their sensitive in the OP :( It's a shame, and one of the many things that makes life that little bit more difficult for them.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:31
by scotty
MadameButterfly wrote::wink: Trust me the *g-spot* does exist and it is possible to find it and it makes you come and come....!?!

Even I am :eek:

Just a thought anyway :twisted:
Wrong thread dear,but never mind :wink:

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:31
by Cimmerian
Rosalie wrote:Well, I was only joking around initially. You people joked around with me, I joked around with you. I don't see why only you should be entitled to do so.
I'm sure you were, but from what I've seen through a coupe of years lurking on here, they are all more than hapy to joke around with themselves until someone deliberatly pitches something against them.

I remember someone in another one of your threads suggested that you seem to crave attention. Its a shame that you cannot seem to satisfy that craving without setting yourself up as a victim.

Get a grip and go find therapy somewhere that cares about your sad little games.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:32
by canon docre
I sense, MB is searching for the "currently lusting thread". :lol:

Ohh, how I love you nutters. :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:36
by Rosalie
I'm sure you were, but from what I've seen through a coupe of years lurking on here, they are all more than hapy to joke around with themselves until someone deliberatly pitches something against them.

I remember someone in another one of your threads suggested that you seem to crave attention. Its a shame that you cannot seem to satisfy that craving without setting yourself up as a victim.

Get a grip and go find therapy somewhere that cares about your sad little games.
I don't know where you got the idea this was a Sad Little Game. I was being silly, and certain people acted in an offensive manner. There's nothing more to it.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:41
by canon docre
Thats your problem, Rosalie: you start a silly thread, others make their (predictable) jokes and then you take it all peronal, as if somone was attacking you. If you dont want jokes about obese fairies, dont post a link. :wink: If you dont want different opinions on transsexuals, don't start it.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:42
by Rosalie
Just ot point out, this story -

It was actually later revealed those men had sexual relations with her knowing she was a pre-op transsexual, and it was the information being leaked that caused them to kill her. They didn't want to face the embarassment, because everyone knows transsexuals are icky.

So forgive me if I explode when people like eastmidswhizzkid spread the exact same intolerance that caused this girl to be murdered.
"Once it was discovered that Gwen Araujo was biologically male, she was struck on the head with a soup can and then struck again with a frying pan causing a gash to her head. The blow was so forceful that her head broke a hole through an adjacent wall. Gwen was then taken to the garage of the home, where she was strangled by rope and severely beaten again with a shovel."
Feels good, doesn't it?

And no, I'm not trolling. I'm just disgusted as I know these people. The Fat people thread was one thing, this is just sickening. Transsexuals are real people who live very hard lives and most of the time do pass for what they claim to be.

You'd do well to accept them, especially with the gender recognition laws, you'll have a lot less room to cause them grief.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:43
by Cimmerian
Rosalie wrote:
I'm sure you were, but from what I've seen through a coupe of years lurking on here, they are all more than hapy to joke around with themselves until someone deliberatly pitches something against them.

I remember someone in another one of your threads suggested that you seem to crave attention. Its a shame that you cannot seem to satisfy that craving without setting yourself up as a victim.

Get a grip and go find therapy somewhere that cares about your sad little games.
I don't know where you got the idea this was a Sad Little Game. I was being silly, and certain people acted in an offensive manner. There's nothing more to it.
Its just that you seem to have developed a pattern whereby you post something "provocative" fully anticipating that it will receive a wide range of reposnses, and then you take exception to one or more of the replies and set up base-camp as target numero uno.

Its as if you enjoy being picked on, and you go out of your way to make it happen.

Have you ever sought therapy? Are you transexual? Did you undergo counselling prior to the op? What was the verdict? I'd be surprised if they'd approve the op, based on the type of personality you seem to be.

If you really want to fit in with any community, learn how it operates and adapt to it. Truly attemt to fit in, rather than constantly pitch yourself against it.

If you dont want to fit in, just f**k off. Life's too short and the internet is already full of trolls and no-marks with poor social skills. No online community needs another one.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:43
by Rosalie
canon docre wrote:Thats your problem, Rosalie: you start a silly thread, others make their (predictable) jokes and then you take it all peronal, as if somone was attacking you. If you dont want jokes about obese fairies, dont post a link. :wink: If you dont want different opinions on transsexuals, don't start it.
Jokes about obese fairies aren't so bad. Outright trans/homophobia isn't something that should be allowed on a civilised forum.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:44
by Cimmerian
canon docre wrote:Thats your problem, Rosalie: you start a silly thread, others make their (predictable) jokes and then you take it all peronal, as if somone was attacking you. If you dont want jokes about obese fairies, dont post a link. :wink: If you dont want different opinions on transsexuals, don't start it.
Ditto :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:45
by Rosalie
Cimmerian wrote:
Rosalie wrote:
I'm sure you were, but from what I've seen through a coupe of years lurking on here, they are all more than hapy to joke around with themselves until someone deliberatly pitches something against them.

I remember someone in another one of your threads suggested that you seem to crave attention. Its a shame that you cannot seem to satisfy that craving without setting yourself up as a victim.

Get a grip and go find therapy somewhere that cares about your sad little games.
I don't know where you got the idea this was a Sad Little Game. I was being silly, and certain people acted in an offensive manner. There's nothing more to it.
Its just that you seem to have developed a pattern whereby you post something "provocative" fully anticipating that it will receive a wide range of reposnses, and then you take exception to one or more of the replies and set up base-camp as target numero uno.

Its as if you enjoy being picked on, and you go out of your way to make it happen.

Have you ever sought therapy? Are you transexual? Did you undergo counselling prior to the op? What was the verdict? I'd be surprised if they'd approve the op, based on the type of personality you seem to be.

If you really want to fit in with any community, learn how it operates and adapt to it. Truly attemt to fit in, rather than constantly pitch yourself against it.

If you dont want to fit in, just f**k off. Life's too short and the internet is already full of trolls and no-marks with poor social skills. No online community needs another one.
Interesting how you care so much more about someone with "poor social skills", they must be evil incarnate, whereas a homophobe is a-okay by you, because it's just a "different view".

You'd do well to pick your battles, and think about what's really worth fighting for.