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Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 21:28
by Quiff Boy
and i seem to recall scardy standing over her after she first fell, sheilding her from being crushed by the mosh pit, until they managed to create a space for her to be taken out.

gents :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 21:39
by Delilah
Oh my.... Where to start? It was so great to meet all of you! It was not a good idea to start drinking at 12 pm and then doing some not-so-legal substances :wink: Was wasted, naughty and probably too loud! fainted at the gig, was still only half-sober when got on the train at 5.30 am... (Johnny, thanx for waking me up., I would never hear that alarm call even if it was 1000 louder! Survived a long day at work with hangover from hell... Pics to follow! 8) :D

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 21:49
by Delilah
Quiff Boy wrote:and i seem to recall scardy standing over her after she first fell, sheilding her from being crushed by the mosh pit, until they managed to create a space for her to be taken out.

gents :notworthy:
Are you talking about me? :oops: Yes, gents, thank you very mcuh for saving my life, I don;t remember much of the moment of passing out, but your help is appreciated!!!! :D

BTW, FFS Dave, I just needed to put it on the Forum, it is so funny!

(from FFS Dave PM) Random memory from the day:

Me : 'So, what do you like, Ania?'

You, at top of voice 'COCAINE!'

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy: :notworthy: :kiss:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 23:07
by Planet Dave
Delilah wrote: Was wasted, naughty and probably too loud!
You say that like it was a bad thing, Ania. :eek: :twisted: :lol:

And another random memory from the pub...

Me : What do you wanna drink, Mark?

MF : Beeyeeer!

at the top of his voice. :lol:

Another victim of well-spent time under the tree. Roll up, roll up! :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 23:26
by snowey
Mrs Snowey goes the toilet and heard the following conversation:

Girl 1. Are you from the UK
Girl 2. No Iam from Huddersfield


Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 23:54
by Johnny M
You guys are killing me. :lol:

Not as much as the bruises I have from walking into lamp posts and walls and other inanimate objects from the walk back with Ania from JW back to The Queens. Not bad actually. A 10min walk only took 45mins. :roll:

And no kebab. :lol:

:lol: :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 08:13
by nigel d
FFS Dave wrote:
markfiend wrote:What drugs? You didn't tell me you had drugs!


:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

So what happened Johnny? What's all this talk of collapsing? So that's you, Delilah (passing out 'down the front'), Jamie (A&E with very nasty gash above eye), so far. It can be a dangerous business going to see The Sisters. :twisted:

On the subject of Jamie's impressive wound, did anyone see who the prick was who decided to nut him during the gig? Apparently he scarpered sharpish after he'd done it - very wise. Jamie merely continued to rock (allegedly, like all good mates I was completely unaware of all these shenanigans til later. :roll:
the culprit(?) was a tall chap with long hair .(crap description alert)
i was stood just behind when it all kicked off.

the attacked chap , slightly worse for wear , tried to get his arms around the attackers girlfriend ,wether intentionally i dont know,maybe he was just tryingto get to the barrier. hence the somewhat viscious retaliation.
the attacker sidled away after 5 mins or so, never saw him again.

mind you only got to see up to ananconda , we had to go home to relieve the baby sitter.

good to meet faces.

also thanks to markfiend for playing the moderator offline :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 09:38
by markfiend
:lol: No worries Nigel, good to meet you.

(By "playing the moderator" I was introducing people to each other. Until I forgot too many names. Including my own.)

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 10:43
by markfiend
Another one I've remembered:

When the doors opened and the guy started handing out the tickets, some wag was heard to say:

"Near Meth Experience? Damn! I wanted to see Celebrity Air Crash!"

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 10:47
by Johnny M
I wanted to see Celebrity PLANE Crash ... :innocent:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 10:58
by markfiend


Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 11:06
by Johnny M
No worries. Let's just say your visit to Planet Dave impaired your hearing ... :innocent:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 13:20
by Delilah
Johnny M wrote:No worries. Let's just say your visit to Planet Dave impaired your hearing ... :innocent:
and my visit to Planet Dave (below, courtesy of markfiend) seriously affected my behaviour :oops: ;D


Some photos from that crazy day are here:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 14:21
by Johnny M
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

It's all coming flooding back to me. :D 8)

Even the 'kiss' pic ... :eek: :urff: :? :oops: :oops:


Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 14:29
by Delilah
Johnny M wrote::notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

It's all coming flooding back to me. :D 8)

Even the 'kiss' pic ... :eek: :urff: :? :oops: :oops:

was it with tongues? :twisted: :lol: ;D

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 14:40
by Johnny M
Delilah wrote: was it with tongues? :twisted: :lol: ;D
Only with you off camera *boom boom* :lol:

We certainly look like a scary bunch of dudes. :twisted:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 14:50
by aims
If that's scary, I'd be interested to see what tame looks like :P

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 14:59
by Johnny M
Having had a chance to review and cringe, I vote for the pic of me and the lovely Ms Delilah (courtesy of Mrs Snowey behind the lens :notworthy: ) and the Johnny & Quiff one, which appeals in a 'two boy popular beat combo album cover' type way. Or something. :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 15:26
by Francis
My favourite.

Don't give up you day job Mr Fiend. :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 15:29
by Quiff Boy

well he was using his camera as a tape recorder and his phone as a camera... :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 15:31
by markfiend
:lol: That was before the band actually came onstage...

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 15:41
by straylight
Motz wrote:If that's scary, I'd be interested to see what tame looks like :P
Quite! :lol:

Maybe tame is 'not very sweaty'?

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 16:03
by Thea
Quiff Boy wrote::o

well he was using his camera as a tape recorder and his phone as a camera... :lol:
All he needs to do now is make phonecalls on a tape recorder....

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 16:05
by markfiend
d00mw0lf wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote::o

well he was using his camera as a tape recorder and his phone as a camera... :lol:
All he needs to do now is make phonecalls on a tape recorder....
Are you planning a bootleg LP?

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 16:17
by Thea
Nicley done! :lol: