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Posted: 21 Sep 2005, 21:02
by MadameButterfly
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:Bluebottles I know swim in the sea, a jelly-fish kind, that sting with their long blue tails hence the name. I have been stung by them on a few occasions and it burns like hell :evil:
My friend Mike got stung by one of those fuckers when I was in Australia. You could see the red marks round his arm where it had got hold of him :evil:
The f**ker that got me left a part of it's being in my leg which became a *natural* tatoo and that shock effect was felt by me and my little one who screamed on the top of her lungs for a hour and half!!! :evil:

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 08:31
by Obviousman
Andrew S wrote:I'm not so sure about that. I remember once picking up my old recorder that had been lying around the house and starting to play it - until the spider that had been hiding inside it stepped into my mouth! I literally felt each leg step onto my tongue!!! I spat it so far, it hit the kitchen wall - and it was a large kitchen. Funnily enough, I never did play that recorder again. :roll:

My sister has swallowed 2 jenny-long-legs (aka daddy-long-legs) in alarmingly quick succession. One landed in her dinner and she didn't quite make the connection till she'd eaten it, and the other landed in her orange juice and slid down her throat before she could stop it.

Then there was the spider that crawled up my sleeve and seemed to disappear forever...
Err, sorry for my curiosity, but what is the link between your tongue and the recorder... You didn't actually lick it, did you :lol:
If a spider would do that to me, actually, I think I'd just bite, it would be al over then, wouldn't it ;D

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 09:37
by canon docre
What, OM? Don't you lick your recorder when it plays the sissies? :? :P

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 10:07
by Obviousman
I only play them on my pc, a cd player and an iPod, not familiar with playing them on a recorder, sorry ;D

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 10:11
by ruffers
A recorder, just to be on the safe side. :lol:


Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 10:13
by Obviousman
Whoops, I thought it was like a casette recorder-thingy :oops:

Why don't you just call that a flute :roll: :lol:

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 10:18
by markfiend
That's a flute :lol:

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 10:20
by canon docre
Obviousman wrote:Whoops, I thought it was like a casette recorder-thingy :oops:

Why don't you just call that a flute :roll: :lol:
Arrrgh. not another vocabulary mistake. :oops:

*I'll get my coat.*

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 10:35
by Obviousman
markfiend wrote:Image
That's a flute :lol:
In Dutch, what you seem to call a recorder is called a blokfluit, so I suggest from now on you just start calling a recorder a blockflute or something alike :innocent:

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 13:11
by paint it black
it must be true cromwell, it made it to the mail. there, in depth, it explains why

i await similar article on small whales :lol: :lol:

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 00:51
by Andy Christ 666
If it is a long legged, long thin bodied flying insect it's a Cranefly, Daddy long-legs are those round bodied, very long legged spider type things that apparently have strong enough venom to kill a human with one bite.

If their fangs could actually pierce your skin.

I'm full of useless information. :)

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 03:24
by Andrew S
ruffers wrote:A recorder, just to be on the safe side. :lol:

Thank you ruffers. :notworthy: Incidentally, if I remember correctly, Eldritch was branded "musically inept" at school because he couldn't play one. :lol:

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 09:53
by markfiend
We always called Crane flies "Daddy-long-legs" too. Image
Andy Christ 666 wrote:If it is a long legged, long thin bodied flying insect it's a Cranefly, Daddy long-legs are those round bodied, very long legged spider type things that apparently have strong enough venom to kill a human with one bite.

If their fangs could actually pierce your skin.

I'm full of useless information. :)
Untrue information ;)

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 13:20
by Jaimie1980
What a coincidence. I had a visit from a Daddy Long Legs / Crane Fly last night. Those things give me the creeps. Somehow I managed to trap it in a pot and send it out the window. First one I've seen in ages then I find this thread. Spooky.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 16:47
by MadameButterfly
markfiend's clicky confirms my "Bluebottle" experience...which thread?
And one thing I have *heard* about seeing spiders, having them in your house or crawling near is supposed to mean *change*.
I keep the spiders near my house and hanging at the windows because it keeps things like mosquitoes and flying insects out the house while the windows are open.

Another thing that surprises me is the fact that so many of the *men* seem to gets the creeps from spiders?
I can understand the fear of a *black widow* or *tarantula* but then again maybe it is just me.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:19
by Black Alice
:urff: I have a real "aversion" to spiders (read that as sheer fear) and it doesn't matter what size :eek:

I also have a particular voice when I see a spider - obviously, I'm shouting for Paul at the time :lol: - he always knows that I'm "calling" him (ie screaming) so that he can dispose of it :lol: :lol:

I'm not sure that he was very keen on spiders, but since living with me he has grown very accustomed to get very close to them so that they can be disposed of :lol:

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:46
by Andy Christ 666
I stand corrected Markfiend, thanks to your 'clicky' information. 8)

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:49
by Dark
There is a small spider which has taken residence on the walls surrounding my computer. So long as he stays on the upper parts of the walls, where I can see him, and away from my legs, I don't mind.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:52
by Black Alice
Dark wrote:There is a small spider which has taken residence on the walls surrounding my computer. So long as he stays on the upper parts of the walls, where I can see him, and away from my legs, I don't mind.
Yep - we had one in the bathroom. He was behind the skirting board and all you could see was the ends of a couple of legs. Even I managed to live with that.........until, one day he ventured too far into the bathroom and therefore closer to me ............end of his story - a girlie shriek from me and Paul sorted it :lol:

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:52
by Dark
Speak of the devil, he appeared on my desk, and has promptly disappeared. I'm scared.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:53
by Black Alice
Dark wrote:Speak of the devil, he appeared on my desk, and has promptly disappeared. I'm scared.
See - they can't be trusted :eek:

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:54
by Obviousman
Dark wrote:Speak of the devil, he appeared on my desk, and has promptly disappeared. I'm scared.
Guess he got hungry and now will start eating you :innocent:

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:58
by Dark
Obviousman wrote:
Dark wrote:Speak of the devil, he appeared on my desk, and has promptly disappeared. I'm scared.
Guess he got hungry and now will start eating you :innocent:
OM, NOT a good thing to say because I'm having to sleep in this room tonight...

I don't care if it's only 1cm long, it's still a spider.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 22:03
by Obviousman
Sorry, wasn't aware spiders back there are so fond of human flesh :wink: :lol:

Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 01:38
by Andrew S
Dark wrote:Speak of the devil, he appeared on my desk, and has promptly disappeared....
Up your sleeve perhaps? :twisted: