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Posted: 26 Sep 2005, 18:27
by ruffers
boudicca wrote:
It never ceases to amaze me that the majority of canines are considered "Man's Best Friend", yet two particular types - foxes and wolves - are almost synonymous with deviousness and evil in our culture :| .
I'm not that fond of foxes or wolves but like someone said up there that doesn't make hunting them right.

In the interests of evening things out though, I hate dogs with a passion.

Posted: 27 Sep 2005, 09:25
by markfiend
Dogs have recently been reclassified by Biological classification-ologists. Wolves are Canis lupus and domestic dogs are a subspecies of wolf; Canis lupus familiaris.

I get the feeling I may have mentioned this before. :lol:

Posted: 27 Sep 2005, 12:28
by mik
I'm all for managing foxes (and there's no such thing as humane killng by the way - oxymoron city here we come) but I'm against hunting with hounds.

I just used to shoot them, but thats me personally.

I might consider this if I ever see a fox in Holland & Holland though... :innocent:

Posted: 27 Sep 2005, 21:14
by Mrs. Snowey
canon docre wrote:... said Roger Waters recently in an inteview.


Is being a fox-hunt-lobbyist an accepted attitude in the UK or is he just a mislead eccentric?
Nah, he was just misquoted. What he actually said was, "Fox is vermin"


I agree :lol: ;D

Posted: 28 Sep 2005, 07:44
by Norman Hunter
canon docre wrote:We vermins disguise as cowboys, as foxes and sometimes even as nurses. :wink:
Please don't start me off again - I never got to see that video shoot outfit :(

Never mind foxes, there's a bastard ginger and white Tomcat that sniffs around my cat Nell, eats her food and then pisses in my kitchen - now that's vermin.