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Posted: 05 Oct 2005, 20:48
by canon docre
Planet Dave wrote:
Norman Hunter wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:Blimey, that one slipped past my radar. Must have been turned off.

I'll look for a copy. And if I fail, cheers for the offer. 8)
Hell, even I'll do you a copy (with super-dooper live disc 2 taken from Forever Remain). Got Zoon? I find it just right for rocking young Jessica off to sleep :eek:
@ canon - note Mr Hunter's use of the word 'young'. :wink:

<runs in the opposite direction from Berlin VERY quickly>

<and then remembers he'll be 36 in five days time>
not only did I mistake this as a little flattery, I wasn't even aware of the other meaning of "rocking". :oops: :oops:

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 09:24
by markfiend
Methedrome wrote:Er, I thought the new Fields disc was not released yet? Is the release date still November? Why the leakage on the net?
Yeah, I thought that too.

I'm waiting for the official release date to buy it.

Although for me to come over all anti-piracy given the scale of my BitTorrent activities is I suppose a little hypocritical.

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 09:26
by nick the stripper
markfiend wrote:
Methedrome wrote:Er, I thought the new Fields disc was not released yet? Is the release date still November? Why the leakage on the net?
Yeah, I thought that too.

I'm waiting for the official release date to buy it.

Although for me to come over all anti-piracy given the scale of my BitTorrent activities is I suppose a little hypocritical.
Not to mention the weeding section. :innocent:

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 09:43
by markfiend
Indeed ;D

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 11:49
by Passive Decision
markfiend wrote:Zoon was McCoy's album as "The Nefilim"; a lot more metal(ish) than the Nephilim stuff.

As I understand it, Fallen was put together by Jungle Records from various half-finished session tapes, demos and whatnot that they had lying around. They released it once it became clear to them that McCoy wasn't going to record another proper album for them.
Nefilim also released a pre-Zoon track Chaocracy on a Beggars Banquet compilation called Deafening Divinities with Aural Affinities

There is an archive of Carl McCoy's take on Fallen on the official web site. It's under The Void/Archive and scroll right to the bottom. They've disabled right click and cut/paste so I can't post it here.

Jungle Records' Fallen page is here: ... ng65cd.htm
It includes a link to Sister Ray Records where you can buy it (No.7 in their Goth best sellers apparently)

Non-McCoy FOTN offshoots also include Rubicon (FOTN with a new vocalist) - 2 albums, Last Rites (the Wright brothers plus others) - 2 albums and NFD (Tony Pettitt and others) - 1 album.

I thought both Rubicon albums were OK. Sounded exactly like the instrumental section of FOTN but moved on a little and without the mysticism. I haven't heard the others.

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 11:56
by Planet Dave
Welcome to the forum, knowledgeable one. 8)

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 14:43
by Nazareth
Carl McCoy on Fallen (from the official site) -

Many followers of Fields of the Nephilim/The Nefilim will be aware that Jungle Records of Camden have put out a single entitled 'From the Fire', and an album named 'Fallen', under the recording title 'Fields of the Nephilim'.
A few statements are necessary to make the situation clear for fans of The Nephilim worldwide.

Neither the single nor the album is officially endorsed, or is being promoted by the current band, which records under the name The Nephilim, and has not officially used the name Fields of the Nephilim since 1991. It is not a name that it wishes to use again for future recording, feeling that it is best to move forwards than go backwards.

The title 'Into the Fire', as well as the track listing on 'Fallen' were allotted by Jungle Records alone. None of the names are official titles, although some are early working titles. The Nephilim played no part in deciding on the track listing nor the material used, and was not consulted on these matters. Those tracks used are incomplete pieces or early demos.

Additionally, The Nephilim was not consulted on the artwork used on either the single or album. It was not asked to contribute artwork, and thus it was not undertaken by Sheer Faith.

New material by The Nephilim is being readied for release, and will be up to the standards it wishes to set.. This will be tied in with new projects and live events.

Posted: 06 Oct 2005, 17:28
by James Blast
don't really care, I think Fallen is tops Image

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 22:14
by Planet Dave
Got the discs, and my ankles bit, off Mr Hunter :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Fallen sounds very good, though very Nephilim of old - it would appear that they're a bit of a one-trick pony. A good trick though.

Zoon is stonking. Very metal :twisted: and very growly. Ace. :notworthy:

Now I'm all up-to-date and everything, I can look forward to the new one. Will they tour again? I loved the 2 early 90's gigs I saw (Psychonaut and Elyzium tours), and they were bloody ace at Eurorock2000. 8) Here's hoping.

Posted: 08 Oct 2005, 12:55
by Erudite
I think Fallen has its place among the back catalogue - if nothing else it
shows the direction they were going in (and sounds like they still are).

Having been initially shocked by Zoon, I have to say it's one of my favourite albums, though I think The Nephilim best defines the original

Question re Soulseek - don't you have to share files to be a member?
Unsporting as it may sound, I don't think I can be bothered with such

So if anyone can point to some mp3's online available for straight download
that would be appreciated!
Got the physical copy of the album on pre-order anyhow, but I'd like
more than some one minute extracts to listen to in the interim.

Posted: 08 Oct 2005, 15:40
by Nazareth
Erudite wrote: Question re Soulseek - don't you have to share files to be a member?
Unsporting as it may sound, I don't think I can be bothered with such
You dont need to share files to be able to download from soulseek as far as i am aware. Of course if you choose not to share anything then some users may not let you download from them, but most wont mind. go to to download soulseek.

if you dont want to download a file sharing thing like soulseek then i could send you the song 'New Gold Dawn' through msn (if you have that)? Although there may be others here who have the whole album, so feel free to ask around!

Posted: 08 Oct 2005, 15:45
by Erudite
Nazareth wrote:
Erudite wrote: Question re Soulseek - don't you have to share files to be a member?
Unsporting as it may sound, I don't think I can be bothered with such
You dont need to share files to be able to download from soulseek as far as i am aware. Of course if you choose not to share anything then some users may not let you download from them, but most wont mind. go to to download soulseek.

if you dont want to download a file sharing thing like soulseek then i could send you the song 'New Gold Dawn' through msn (if you have that)? Although there may be others here who have the whole album, so feel free to ask around!
Cheers for the info!

Posted: 14 Nov 2005, 22:48
by panzerenforcer
Heard it. Like it. Vocals so-so.

Posted: 15 Nov 2005, 23:58
by biggy
Heard it today.
Predictable goth nonsense with pantomime vocals. Almost as ridiculous as Nightwish before they sacked the frigid opera singer.

Buy the Last Rites album instead.

Posted: 22 Nov 2005, 00:49
by DeWinter
I thought it "ok".I would'nt say rush out and buy,it suffers from being an unequal album,with half the songs dire,and half quite catchy.
If you haven't got NFD's album,I'd say you'd be better off with that than "Mourning Sun",even if it is being hyped as an aural orgasm on by McCoy and his pet author Andrew Collins.

Posted: 22 Nov 2005, 01:02
by Passive Decision
I've now heard Mourning Sun a couple of times now and it is really growing on me. It's unclear as to whom except McCoy are actually on it. Rumour says the old FoTN bassist helped out. It does sound like those two doing a decent job of covering for the rest. The lead guitars are there but don't have the same depth. But as compensation we get more vocals, synths and a drum machine. Oh well I always preferred Nod.

There's a Psychonaut-esque bassline on one track and two others have shades of the last 3 tracks of The Nephilim.

I'm still in shock that we have an official release to listen too. :P

Posted: 22 Nov 2005, 19:44
by Silence is platinum
There s an interview in the latest Orkus magazine and some interesting things are mentioned :

Straight to the light is 14 minutes long but was cut down, McCoy says that the full version maybe released in the future

The cover "in the year.." is about 10 min long, he loves the original

Still dosent mention who the f**k is playing on the album

There are more songs ready that didn t make it on the album

Xiberia was recorded near the arctic circle as he owns a mobile studio.

All the songs on "fallen" were given a final mix but
it s unlikely that those will ever see the light of day

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 18:06
by jamscones
I absolutely love Mourning Sun, despite some mixing problems (Straight To The Light's mix is all over the place - the female vocal hook is completely drowned out). The album is worth it for the twenty minute double-whammy of She and Mourning Sun, which are among the best songs to sport the Nephilim name. Requiem is also very good. The rest of it is appreciable for its atmosphere and general ambience - I think Carl is one of the best in the business for this kind of stuff, with Zoon being completely terrifying when listened to on headphones. New Gold Dawn and Xiberia needed more of a hook to keep the listener interested, but overall the album is much, much stronger than I was expecting from Carl without a formal band.

I also suspect that some of the basslines are Pettit, although how that works in terms of writing/publishing credit, given that he's not listed on the sleeve is anyone's guess. I assume they came to some kind of agreement. If none of the bass is Tony, then it's a very good replication of his style.

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 18:25
by Erudite
jamscones wrote:I absolutely love Mourning Sun, despite some mixing problems (Straight To The Light's mix is all over the place - the female vocal hook is completely drowned out). The album is worth it for the twenty minute double-whammy of She and Mourning Sun, which are among the best songs to sport the Nephilim name. Requiem is also very good. The rest of it is appreciable for its atmosphere and general ambience - I think Carl is one of the best in the business for this kind of stuff, with Zoon being completely terrifying when listened to on headphones. New Gold Dawn and Xiberia needed more of a hook to keep the listener interested, but overall the album is much, much stronger than I was expecting from Carl without a formal band.

I also suspect that some of the basslines are Pettit, although how that works in terms of writing/publishing credit, given that he's not listed on the sleeve is anyone's guess. I assume they came to some kind of agreement. If none of the bass is Tony, then it's a very good replication of his style.
Additional bass, drums and guitars are credited to "Capachino" Carter,
everything else - the Nephilim, which might include Tony, though I rather doubt it
given the way things are between him and Carl.

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 22:47
by hippie-bullsh-t-hater
Like the album. Shroud is an excellent opener.
Xiberia is among my faves. Fast track with dark voice
New gold dawn is very good as well. And even the bonus
track is excellent

Posted: 02 Dec 2005, 08:50
by Norman Hunter
Love it!

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

As soon as I slid the sheer black CD jewel case fom the cover, I knew I was on a winner. Am lovin' Straight To The Light, Xiberia and Mourning Sun. Weakest for me is New Gold Dawn. Whole album kind of Zoon-meets-Elizium with a bit of The Nephilim thrown in. Agree with the bassline comments - either it's him or a good replication.

Nice to see the kids on there in a kind of Goth Partridge Family -way :wink:

Posted: 02 Dec 2005, 12:44
by Nazareth
I really like the album aswell, and it gets better the more i listen to it. Shroud has great atmosphere, i love the build up. I hope he tours in the spring.


Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 17:44
by hippie-bullsh-t-hater
does anyone know a site where I can get the complete lyrics
from mourning sun? thx..

Posted: 04 Dec 2005, 17:31
by DaveTheRave
There are some posted here although they might not be 100% correct... Turn on your popup blocker!

Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 01:11
by Planet Dave
Pretty good on first listen - definitely bits of classic Neph thrown in here and there - but the bass on Psychonaut always was stonking. 8) :twisted:

Maximum cap-doffage to Mr Hunter, yet again. :notworthy: