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Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 23:16
by boudicca
Johnny M wrote:Kids Loreal peach and melon shampoo permitting of course. :innocent: :oops:

Allegedly. :von:
AHA! So it was you! ;D

Posted: 15 Oct 2005, 23:19
by MadameButterfly
boudicca wrote:
Johnny M wrote:Kids Loreal peach and melon shampoo permitting of course. :innocent: :oops:

Allegedly. :von:
AHA! So it was you! ;D
Honey...that was an easy one...the other person in question has no hair for the Loreal treatment.... :lol:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 00:36
by eastmidswhizzkid
Zuma wrote:I do my best Lee.

Cat has been down with it too, must be serious as obviously when us blokes get it, it is not as serious.
that's because we're all hypochondriacs apparently :roll: -not to mention the fact that we couldn't cope with child-birth etc....which is handy then as we don't have to. :lol:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 13:56
by boudicca
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: -not to mention the fact that we couldn't cope with child-birth etc....which is handy then as we don't have to. :lol:
*has mental image of Lee giving birth to Mini-Lee*

:eek: Aaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhh! Damn this brain of mine! :lol:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 17:40
by James Blast
Stupid things you have done being tired : got out of bed, washed, dressed, had cuppa and two fags, got in car then went to work

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 17:42
by Dark
:notworthy: that man.

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 18:51
by Johnny M
In a similar vein, the number of times I've woken up previously at say 10am and thought "sh!t! sh!t! I've slept in and I'm late for work!" and gone into blind panic/headless chicken mode. :urff:

Only to realise 15mins later than it's the weekend and I don't work weekends. :roll:

Re: Stupid things you have done being tired

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 18:59
by Francis
pikkrong wrote:I put my cigarettes to the fridge.
That only works if there's a magnet stuck to them. :wink:

Ooohhh! There's an idea...

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 19:01
by Francis
DerekR wrote:At 6:30 I'll just be getting to bed
Yep. Won't be happening again in a hurry. Had to open a bank account in Brid.

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 19:03
by Francis
Johnny M wrote:I don't work weekends.
You don't work at all these days do you? Scrounging bastard! My bloody taxes... :lol:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 19:08
by boudicca
Francis you're such a post-count whore! :lol: :P

That really was gratuitous!

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 19:16
by James Blast
no it wasn't

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 19:54
by scotty
Looking for the toilet behind the curtains of the bedroom window in the Queens Hotel, I was really tired :innocent:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:18
by James Blast
room 235 at the Queens now smells of wee, man wee at that



Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:18
by Johnny M
Or even Francis at the Ramada/Jarvis hotel prior to Tilburg walking out of his hotel room and the door slamming behind him. Cue Francis in jim jams creeping down the fire escape to find the night porter to let him back into his room. Allegedly. :innocent:

He was tired. :wink:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:21
by Francis
boudicca wrote:Francis you're such a post-count whore! :lol: :P

That really was gratuitous!

Couldn't be bothered with the faffing about involved in including 3 quotes in one post. I wouldn't want to get it wrong and embarrass myself in front of the Scotties. :innocent:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:21
by Andie
Johnny M wrote:jim jams


pole postion goes to Francis :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:24
by Francis
Johnny M wrote:Cue Francis in jim jams creeping down the fire escape to find the night porter to let him back into his room.
Been half expecting to see the security video in my inbox and a blackmail letter in the post. :eek:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:26
by Johnny M
Francis wrote:
Johnny M wrote:Cue Francis in jim jams creeping down the fire escape to find the night porter to let him back into his room.
Been half expecting to see the security video in my inbox and a blackmail letter in the post. :eek:
Sorry. Busy. Haven't got round to that yet. It's coming. :wink:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:39
by DerekR
Francis wrote:Had to open a bank account in Brid.
If that isn't a euphemism then it should be :lol:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:47
by Francis
DerekR wrote:
Francis wrote:Had to open a bank account in Brid.
If that isn't a euphemism then it should be :lol:
I figured if there was a rush on the banks I could still get there from York in time to get my money out before the 'residents' have unplugged their mobility buggies. :lol:

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:49
by missus scotty
Francis wrote:

Couldn't be bothered with the faffing about involved in including 3 quotes in one post. I wouldn't want to get it wrong and embarrass myself in front of the Scotties. :innocent:
:lol: :lol: But can you put a fruit pastel in your mouth without chewing it?

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:58
by James Blast
I'll have Mint Extra

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 20:59
by Francis
missus scotty wrote:But can you put a fruit pastel in your mouth without chewing it?
So that's what you were doing. I thought your pained expression was cos you were dying for a pee but couldn't face the Phono's toilets again.

Posted: 16 Oct 2005, 21:47
by boudicca
Francis wrote: the Phono's toilets

I wandered into the so-called "gents" by accident :urff: :eek: :oops: .
That should keep a shrink in couch-polish for the next 20 years...

The "ladies" weren't much better. Caught a bit of girl-on-girl action in there, if anyone's interested... :innocent: :eek:

(I was just powdering me nose, I hasten to add!)