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Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 11:02
by Mrs RicheyJames
I didn't say that, but I know what pansies you fellas can be.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 14:58
by boudicca
Listen you lot, us English speaking sorts might be pretty thick, 'specially when it comes to actually trying to understand another language (Gott in Himmel! :eek: :oops: ) but we can all work out what "spetter poep" is...! :lol:

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 17:42
by Shadow_Smile
Spetter poep is far beyond diaria !

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 17:44
by Obviousman
Lets not go for the details :lol:

though he is right

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 17:55
by hallucienate
oooh poep! hulle weet wat ons skryf.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 18:41
by MadameButterfly
:lol: And here is me thinking of words like "los-loop"? :roll:

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 18:50
by cyn
why does the flu exist?

is natures way of controlling the population?

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 18:50
by Obviousman
:lol: Loslopend wild? Of een loslopende kip zonder hoofd :lol:

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 18:53
by scotty
Obviousman wrote::lol: Loslopend wild? Of een loslopende kip zonder hoofd :lol:
Bless you!.

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 18:54
by MadameButterfly
Obviousman wrote::lol: Loslopend wild? Of een loslopende kip zonder hoofd :lol:
:lol: no, not a dutch quote I'm afraid but now have red wine coming through my nose....

My afrikaans is only a second language until I literally hear it around me :oops:

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 19:01
by Obviousman
Try to keep it inside :wink: :lol: (the wine, obviously)

And I think I'm quite aware what los-loop is, but I'll let the others guess :P

Posted: 19 Oct 2005, 19:11
by MadameButterfly
Can you imagine the embarrassment I had to endure coming to Holland the wet flat frog country, when it came to words like

"benauwd" - meaning stuffy, cramped, in some cases anxiety


"benieuwd" - meaning being curious or wondering something.....

:oops: :oops: :oops: apply the wrong word in the wrong situation....and it still haunts me....

@ cyn - I like the way you think...population has to be is natures' way