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Posted: 27 Oct 2005, 13:29
by Scardwel
ruffers wrote:Item price + p&p is the total price I pay. I don't care if it's 90% postage, it's the total that counts.

It's not about anyone getting compensation for their time or trying to rip people off on postage or any of that, it's about if a buyer is prepared to pay that total or not. Simple really.
couldn't have put it better myself. :notworthy:

If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Posted: 27 Oct 2005, 13:48
by markfiend
Scardwell wrote:If you don't like it, don't buy it.
Aye, that's fair enough. :D

Posted: 27 Oct 2005, 16:17
by radiojamaica
Scardwel wrote:
ruffers wrote:Item price + p&p is the total price I pay. I don't care if it's 90% postage, it's the total that counts.

Simple really.
couldn't have put it better myself. :notworthy:

If you don't like it, don't buy it.
et voilà! That's it. I just bought one :innocent: I think I'll love this cd, so who cares about 1 or 2 extra £... The music is worth a whole lot more than £1.

Posted: 27 Oct 2005, 19:59
by warbs
markfiend wrote: Very nice.
Thanks :)
markfiend wrote: No need to be patronising.
Sorry, it was after beer'o'clock! :innocent:
radiojamaica wrote:
et voilà! That's it. I just bought one :innocent: I think I'll love this cd, so who cares about 1 or 2 extra £... The music is worth a whole lot more than £1.
Can you let us know what the packaging is like ;)


Posted: 28 Oct 2005, 09:43
by markfiend
warbs wrote:Sorry, it was after beer'o'clock! :innocent:
:lol: :notworthy: Fairy Nuff. No worries.

Posted: 01 Nov 2005, 02:14
by Planet Dave
warbs wrote: Can you let us know what the packaging is like ;)
Mine's got a moody cowboy and some sweariness. The cd is worth whatever they're asking for it (says he who paid a fiver).

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 11:54
by machiavelli
when I bought a copy they were 99p plus inflated p&p prices but the total was still about 5 GBP so I can't see the problem. Ebay charges % on the cost and not the p&p so this means the seller is getting the value of the product and not having to give a slice to the fat man. I really can't see anyones problem with that. It's like saying you would rather people other than the artist got the money. It's your loss if you don't buy it, of course you could always ask someone to 'weed' it to you and totally rip off everyone.

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 12:09
by markfiend
machiavelli wrote:Ebay charges % on the cost and not the p&p
Yes I appreciate this. I withdraw my objection :D. The only problem is, how long will the current way their charges work last if everyone tries to circumvent them in this way?

*edit to add: For what it's worth, I don't agree with weeding commercially available material. Especially in the case of CDs like this where the artist (no offence to Mr Ray) isn't making a great deal of money from their recording career.

*Second edit: Come to think of it, I suppose some bootleg CDs fall under the banner of "commercially available" but as they're bootlegs, the money wouldn't be going to the artist in any case. So weeding those is (in my opinion) justifiable.

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 12:14
by Quiff Boy
machiavelli wrote:when I bought a copy they were 99p plus inflated p&p prices but the total was still about 5 GBP so I can't see the problem. Ebay charges % on the cost and not the p&p so this means the seller is getting the value of the product and not having to give a slice to the fat man. I really can't see anyones problem with that. It's like saying you would rather people other than the artist got the money. It's your loss if you don't buy it, of course you could always ask someone to 'weed' it to you and totally rip off everyone.
i agree with what you're saying there, but i must point out that we don't allow the weeding of commercially available material via heartland. ;)

only demos and live recordings.

granted, most demos are usually versions of material stolen from the artists' garage about 20 years previous :lol:

but until the sisters get a label deal and start releasing recordings of their gigs that you can buy IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE GIG (which seems to be popular amongst the larger bands these days), the only people i see us ripping off here are the bootleggers. and as far as the artists are concerned, surely thats a good thing? remove it from the hands of the pirates and bring it back into the public domain?

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 12:24
by machiavelli
I wasn't condeming 'weeding' I understand the proccess and your moral defence of it. And if, as Markfiend points out, Mr Ray doesn't make a lot of money from his recording career ( giving away 2&1/2 hours of music and a back catalogue I wonder whether he actually needs to?) then more reason to pay, surely?

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 12:26
by Quiff Boy
machiavelli wrote:I wasn't condeming 'weeding' I understand the proccess and your moral defence of it. And if, as Markfiend points out, Mr Ray doesn't make a lot of money from his recording career ( giving away 2&1/2 hours of music and a back catalogue I wonder whether he actually needs to?) then more reason to pay, surely?
as a sort of goodwill gesture you mean? returning the favour for him making his stuff available?

very true :notworthy:

gary marx does exactly the same thing with the ghost dance website :)

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 12:32
by machiavelli
Quiff Boy wrote:
machiavelli wrote:I wasn't condeming 'weeding' I understand the proccess and your moral defence of it. And if, as Markfiend points out, Mr Ray doesn't make a lot of money from his recording career ( giving away 2&1/2 hours of music and a back catalogue I wonder whether he actually needs to?) then more reason to pay, surely?
as a sort of goodwill gesture you mean? returning the favour for him making his stuff available?

very true :notworthy:

gary marx does exactly the same thing with the ghost dance website :)
No, not as a GWG. I meant buy it because it's great, not as a favour to him. I shouldn't think he cares either way. Have you even heard it?

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 12:35
by Quiff Boy
machiavelli wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
machiavelli wrote:I wasn't condeming 'weeding' I understand the proccess and your moral defence of it. And if, as Markfiend points out, Mr Ray doesn't make a lot of money from his recording career ( giving away 2&1/2 hours of music and a back catalogue I wonder whether he actually needs to?) then more reason to pay, surely?
as a sort of goodwill gesture you mean? returning the favour for him making his stuff available?

very true :notworthy:

gary marx does exactly the same thing with the ghost dance website :)
No, not as a GWG. I meant buy it because it's great, not as a favour to him. I shouldn't think he cares either way. Have you even heard it?
have i heard it? nope. :oops:

should probably get it really - people seem to say its rather spiffing :notworthy:

i'm sure james said he had a copy for me at the recent heartland bash, but i had to dash off to spin some tunes and forgot to ask him about it later :oops: :lol:

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 17:07
by machiavelli
send him an email and ask him for one, if he promosed you a copy.

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 17:09
by Quiff Boy
at least i think he did. my memory is a little hazy :lol:

might well do that anyway... :D

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 17:09
by machiavelli
send him an email and ask him for one, if he promosed you a copy. It is quite something else, sort of a strange kind of something else.

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 17:26
by Dark
And if not.. the woman on eBay is selling them all, and offering them signed by Mr Ray.

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 18:58
by Obviousman
Dark wrote:And if not.. the woman on eBay is selling them all, and offering them signed by Mr Ray.
Is it his wife, wanting him to make some money out of it after all? :lol:

Posted: 02 Nov 2005, 19:10
by Ozpat
Obviousman wrote:
Dark wrote:And if not.. the woman on eBay is selling them all, and offering them signed by Mr Ray.
Is it his wife, wanting him to make some money out of it after all? :lol:
:notworthy: :lol: