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Re: Where's a Timelord when you need one...?

Posted: 30 Oct 2005, 20:28
by DerekR
boudicca wrote:getting dark at bloody 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after which I'm awake for another 12 hours so what's the point in that?
<tch> Call yourself a goth? :roll: :innocent:

Posted: 30 Oct 2005, 20:28
by Obviousman
boudicca wrote:
canon docre wrote:@Boudicca: in your new avatar you look as if you're mourning. Did the time change hit you that hard? :P
:lol: The name of the file on my compter is "smiling"... :lol:

Hope your usual smile is a bit more of a smile :lol:

Or is it the Mona Lisa way of smiling :innocent:

Posted: 30 Oct 2005, 20:30
by boudicca
Obviousman wrote:
boudicca wrote:
canon docre wrote:@Boudicca: in your new avatar you look as if you're mourning. Did the time change hit you that hard? :P
:lol: The name of the file on my compter is "smiling"... :lol:

Hope your usual smile is a bit more of a smile :lol:

Or is it the Mona Lisa way of smiling :innocent:
Oooh yes. "I'm enigmatic, me". :lol:

I try not to let people see my teeth for fear that I von't be able to get close enough to them when I vaaant to saaack their blaaaad! :twisted:

Posted: 30 Oct 2005, 20:39
by Thea
Motz wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:I'm one of them people that has problems with numbers.
Of the magical, phat variety? ;D
No... of the remembering-the-order-they-go-in type :| Most of the time I can do without it, but it's things like this that cause realy problems :|

Re: Where's a Timelord when you need one...?

Posted: 30 Oct 2005, 21:13
by James Blast
boudicca wrote:So I can complain about it?
no, just get one

Re: Where's a Timelord when you need one...?

Posted: 30 Oct 2005, 22:07
by Obviousman
Just thought of something I once saw on TV...

There was this woman who'd started a protest action against winter time, so she'd never change her clocks throughout the entire year and always was on summer time. (or the other way round, but that's a detail)

Then the interviewer asked what she did when she had an appointment with someone: Ah, well, I just go an hour early :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Classic :lol:

Posted: 30 Oct 2005, 22:13
by ruffers
Motz wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:I'm one of them people that has problems with numbers.
Of the magical, phat variety? ;D
Nice. As Mr Bacon didn't say.

Posted: 30 Oct 2005, 22:14
by Andie
and i thought this was gonna be about the KLF


Posted: 30 Oct 2005, 23:11
by Debaser
Burn wrote:and i thought this was gonna be about the KLF
Ah ha a ha


Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 00:48
by Francis
Pat wrote:What you all seem to forget is-one Saturday soon you will fall out of a public house at 3pm ,barely able to stand or speak and that sense of well being you have will not disappear just because it's daylight.
Day well spent-taxi fare home-cup a soup-bed.

You still know pubs which throw you out at 3pm? How quaint.

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 10:02
by timsinister
One more annoyance to throw on the pile. Stop the planet, I want to get off!

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 11:29
by Dark
ruffers wrote:
Motz wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:I'm one of them people that has problems with numbers.
Of the magical, phat variety? ;D
Nice. As Mr Bacon didn't say.
".what do you get? A big fat melting pot of talent!"

I fail to see an insult, since he was referring to the melting pot of talent. Insecure and fat. Bad combination, eh? Good thing Fat Bob isn't in that band.

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 11:59
by markfiend
I really don't understand the clocks going backwards and forwards every year. We should stick to GMT which at least has some basis in astronomy; it's noon GMT when the Sun is at zenith above Greenwich Observatory.

Shifting the hours around to make the day longer makes about as much sense as trying to make a rope longer by cutting off one end and tying it to the other...

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 12:02
by emilystrange
which only makes it shorter due to the knotting.

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 12:07
by Obviousman
markfiend wrote:I really don't understand the clocks going backwards and forwards every year. We should stick to GMT which at least has some basis in astronomy; it's noon GMT when the Sun is at zenith above Greenwich Observatory.

Shifting the hours around to make the day longer makes about as much sense as trying to make a rope longer by cutting off one end and tying it to the other...
They originally 'invented' it in order to save energy (in the 70s?). But it turned out to save no energy at all :roll:

So you're right, they'd better get rid of it

Anyway, for Greenwich the time is right indeed, but eg. Belgium is on GMT+1 whereas geographically it should be in GMT. The Jerries made us go to GMT+1 in the War to make time tables for trains easier across their Reich :lol:

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 12:15
by MadameButterfly
Yeah, in S.A. they never have to change the clock forwards or backwards.

Living with the time difference for a decade now and still it confuses me :roll: :oops:

@timsinister - the planet does not stop...don't get off would be missed!

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 12:21
by markfiend
I knew Belgium is on GMT+1 but didn't know why.

Technically local Leeds time should be GMT - 6 minutes geographically :lol:

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 12:59
by hallucienate
*feels smug*

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 13:03
by timsinister
MadameButterfly wrote: @timsinister - the planet does not stop...don't get off would be missed!
Cheers, darling. :oops: :D

Shall we not get started on Leap Years then, Marky? Anyway, we all know space (and time) is terribly curved in Leeds!

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 13:19
by markfiend
Leap years I can cope with. They can pìss about with the calendar all they like. :lol:

Personally, I'm a big fan of calendar reforms such as the French Revolutionary calendar in which today is 10 Brumaire CCXIV (or maybe 11 Brumaire- see linky for controversy on when leap-years should be)

And of course there's the eleven missing days of 1752 caused by the late adoption of the Gregorian calendar in England.

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 13:29
by Obviousman
markfiend wrote:Personally, I'm a big fan of calendar reforms such as the French Revolutionary calendar in which today is 10 Brumaire CCXIV (or maybe 11 Brumaire- see linky for controversy on when leap-years should be)
Ah, yes, a great one :notworthy:

The months had very poetic names, made up by poets :notworthy:

Did you know they even had a decimal clock back in those days? :lol:

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 13:31
by emilystrange
which calendar was nostrodamus using?

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 15:08
by boudicca
:notworthy: For Markfiend's Factoids TM

Daylight Saving Time means that in December (oop Norff anyway), it gets light about half past 8 and dark about 4. Now most people are only awake for an hour or two before half eight in the morning, unless they're wierd. Sensible peeps will still be in their beds, and even those on their way to work will still be fast asleep and unable to notice whether the sun's up or not :wink: .

How many people do you know who turn in before the 6 o'clock news though? Those with newborn babies are exempt - those little guys don't care when they snooze. But big people are generally awake at least 6 hours after it gets dark in winter, thanks to The Man.

I think it's a government plot to make us hibernate, so that they can... I don't know, do Bad Sneaky Government Things :von: . Maybe.

Mmmm.... hibernate....



Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 15:15
by Quiff Boy
i've set the default board time back to GMT(rather than GMT+1) but anyojne who still sees the time one hour out will still have to go to edit their profile and set their own individual timezones back to GMT too.

edit your profile

Posted: 31 Oct 2005, 21:15
by Thea
boudicca wrote:
Sleeping rodents :notworthy: