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Posted: 18 Nov 2005, 08:17
by Eva
Ocean Moves wrote:forget Gamma-hydroxy butyrate...check out the
graph of alcohol consumption here.
might want to worry about that first...!
Too bloody right! And that goes for any country.

Posted: 19 Nov 2005, 03:09
by eastmidswhizzkid
re. main point: *yawn* been there, done that.... as lazcorp said,it is just a new one for the scaremongering media to play with (again).
in my experience,although it's quite pokey, a ridiculously quick tolerance is developed when it's used as "ice" (the smokeable variety) watch out piggy-banks.
when used as a snortable/edible east-european worker-drug ("nazi-crank", PK etc)it gives a stupendous rush with a swift shortcut to psychosis if used continuously...and again a quick tolerance,so watch out piggy banks.
needles are for losers so i couldn't say what it's like taken intraveinously...but doubtless you'll have have long since massacred "piggy" by the time you get to that stage.

pure "base" amphetamine will keep you awake just as long and is cheaper. allegedly.

re. ketamine - a common misconception is that this is just a "horse tranquilliser".
although it is available in a slightly less-"pleasant" form for this purpose ("green-top" etc) it is also used as an anesthetic for humans (ketamine injection;"gold-top"; or, in this country, "ketalar").
it is commonly used when an immediate anesthetic is required, but for whatever reason the patient's cardio-vascular system musn't be slowed down. for example it is used, in extreme emergencies, on babies.

like any "mind expanding" drug, it soon becomes an utter bore to be around when used as a "lifestyle" drug -ie people continue to use it far beyond their mind's potential to expand.ho hum.each to their own....

anyone who spikes anybody with any drug is,by definition, a complete knobwand.fact.