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Re: i got a promotion :)

Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 20:08
by biggy
Quiff Boy wrote:forgot to mention yesterday, but after a 3 hour interview yesterday morning/lunchtime i have received a promotion ;D

well, its actually a completely new role working with a new team rather than a "promotion" as such.

my new official role here at billyhill is "UI Architect" (:roll:), which means that rather than being the webmonkey that writes the website, i'm now the person that decides how it will work, ensures that the design is consistent, and that enforces usability and "accessibility" :)

i also get to investigate new user interface ("UI") technologies (weblogic portal anyone? :lol:), write departmental policies and decide upon "design patterns" (that probably wont mean much unless you're an OO programmer) for our developers to adopt.

i dont actually get my crayons out and decide what colour it will be etc, but i get to tell the designers that the new shade of blue they have used on that page isnt the same as the one on the front page, and why are you using 2 diff shades? and also, the new shade wont show up if you have type 1 colour blindness :lol:

laz will like that aspect of the role ;)

its not just the website i get to cast my beady eye over now though - its all the internal MIS apps too. i will be in charge of dictating their look & feel, consistency of design, security, usability, performance, etc etc

there's loads more repsonsibility, and it will give me a formal outlet to put across some of the ideas which i had previously been passing on to the other members of the "architecture" team as informal suggestions...

and it pays more money and looks way better on the cv ;)

ace ;D
Soooo many words to say that you do f**k all for a living.

Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 22:40
by emilystrange
well done sweetie... xxx

Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 22:50
by Francis
Nice! 8)

Re: i got a promotion :)

Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 12:22
by lazarus corporation
Quiff Boy wrote:forgot to mention yesterday, but after a 3 hour interview yesterday morning/lunchtime i have received a promotion ;D
Quiff Boy wrote:... laz will like that aspect of the role ;)
Absolutely. I'm up to my ears in writing gracefully degrading JavaScript/AJAX whilst still maintaining the accessibility aspects...[/quote]
Quiff Boy wrote:and it pays more money and looks way better on the cv ;)
by far the most important fact!

well done!

Re: i got a promotion :)

Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 12:39
by Mrs. Snowey
Quiff Boy wrote:forgot to mention yesterday, but after a 3 hour interview yesterday morning/lunchtime i have received a promotion ;D
3 hours :eek: I hope they bought you a bloody sandwich :lol:

Or can you just write things off like boozy lunches to expenses now you're "middle management" :innocent:

Congrats and good luck :D

Posted: 28 Nov 2005, 11:30
by markfiend
Way to go!

Blessed are the geek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Posted: 28 Nov 2005, 13:52
by paint it black
nice job QB. :notworthy: :D :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Nov 2005, 16:02
by CorpPunk
Congratulations! :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Nov 2005, 21:10
by Brideoffrankenstein
Excellent! :notworthy:

At least someone gets to use their skills to further themselves! (*swears at the company I work for*)

Posted: 29 Nov 2005, 21:31
by Reptile
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 00:57
by Andrew S
Congratulations Quffy. :) :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 11:12
by Spiggy's hat
Well done that man.

A three hour interview :eek: , beats my longest ever by an hour and a half.

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 11:15
by timsinister
Congratulations, and good luck.

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 14:46
by MrChris
Well done! Can you build me an internet house? I can't afford a real one...

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 15:09
by Quiff Boy
James Blast wrote:oh dear, does this make you part of middle management? :cry:
good god now! i'd hate to become management. :urff:

it means i'm the main bod for user interface-related decisions, policies and i get to research new technologies.

basically, all the stuff i've been telling everyone is a good idea for the last 4 years i can now bring in as a policy, so people will have to start adopting industry standards for web development, accessibility, etc etc

at the moment its a right shambles, and they need someone who knows what the hell he's on about (ie: me!) to stear things....

its certainly not "middle management" james :o you should know me better than that ;) :lol:

Re: i got a promotion :)

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 15:11
by Quiff Boy
lazarus corporation wrote:Absolutely. I'm up to my ears in writing gracefully degrading JavaScript/AJAX whilst still maintaining the accessibility aspects...

funny you should mention that.. i've proposed something similar for an internal application used in the call centres (hence speed is of the essence & rich-client functionality is required in a browser) :lol: :D

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 15:15
by RicheyJames

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 15:54
by missus scotty
Well done QB, :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 16:18
by emilystrange
employ us all, and we'll be heartland plc...

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 17:23
by christophe
Spiggy's hat wrote:A three hour interview :eek: , beats my longest ever by an hour and a half.
beats mine with .. ... .... 3 hours :roll:
even my job interview was over in ten minutes, must been my looks or they really needed someone to do the dirty work

anyhow, congrats to you QB ! :)

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 23:06
by Mrs. Snowey
RicheyJames wrote:gisajob!
Shake hands!!

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 01:30
by pikkrong
canon docre wrote:I have absolutely no clue what you're doing exactly, but congrats anyway.

exactly my words :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 12:14
by markfiend
The interview for the job I'm in now went something like this:
  • Boss: It says here on your CV that you're interested in Bigfoot?
    Me: Yes, and UFOs.
    Boss: Great. When can you start?

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 12:34
by snowey
My last interview went something like this...

BOSS... Do you want a 5 grand pay rise?
Me ......I will let you know tomorrow.

I did take the job. :lol:

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 16:38
by Obviousman
markfiend wrote:The interview for the job I'm in now went something like this:
  • Boss: It says here on your CV that you're interested in Bigfoot?
    Me: Yes, and UFOs.
    Boss: Great. When can you start?
That's the best one I ever heard :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

He has encountered an alien then? :P :lol: