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Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 17:24
by kurtz
Francis wrote:I don't care what they say about you Mr Kurtz, you're a good man. Might be late though cos just got back from a helicopter ride round Niagara Falls. Yes, be jealous again you bastards, cos I'm gonna have to work til I'm 50 to pay this lot off. Please don't miss the show waiting for me though. I'll catch up with you later when I see you standing at the bar with your wallet out. Oh yes, and I won't be in my PRWY shirt, the blue silk shirt's getting an airing. I feel lucky.

jesus f**k....what do they say about me????? and who are 'they?' and what do 'they' do on their days off?????

you shoulda tried to go over the falls in a barrel...we're big fans of that kind of shenanigan....

it was a pleasure meeting you francis...sorry i didn't locate you later - the velvet was a f**king zoo. after about six jagers and another six beers i couldn't even see my own hands. i don't even know if you made it...

anyway, i think a good time was had by all....

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 17:26
by kurtz
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Francis wrote:I don't care what they say about you Mr Kurtz, you're a good man...
I still think his methods are unsound.

just a bit. but the ladies seem to love it....

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 17:32
by kurtz
it was awesome seeing george, george's friend and francis.

hey george, how did your sonic excursion work out?

i'll be needing to obtain your files....

i went to the velvet afterward and got wasted. there were more than a few vision thing tshirts kicking around. too bad about their insistence on playing the killers though. i really can't stand tripe.

still couldn't find you guys there.

now i am nursing the mother of all hangovers which i damn well earned at what was seriously the mother of all sisters shows.

you people still in anticipation are in for a serious f**king treat.

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 19:23
by Doktor Avalanche Can
Awesome Show!! I was able to record the audio of the entire show so I will attempt to post that shortly. However, the quality is not greatest. Was anyone else able to do the same? I did see a couple of digital camcorders so hopefully those will be in circulation soon!

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 19:25
by 6FeetOver
kurtz wrote:mistah kurtz will make your morning, too, if you're lucky.

for what it's worth, i was trying to time that better, but i think dominion was timing good enough....

Well, I certainly intend to find out, and soon. :twisted:

It was perfect timing. Thanks again, man. Fanf**kingtastic. :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 20:24
by doctoravalanche
I pray they will keep Burn for the whole tour !!!!

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 20:30
by kurtz
Doktor Avalanche Can wrote:Awesome Show!! I was able to record the audio of the entire show so I will attempt to post that shortly. However, the quality is not greatest. Was anyone else able to do the same? I did see a couple of digital camcorders so hopefully those will be in circulation soon!

i know *someone* who got a recording. don't know how decent it is yet...i am assuming that *someone* is nursing quite the motherfuck of a hangover today, much like most of us...

we got some photos...i haven't seen them yet. i'll check them out later and it they're any good, i'll post them somehwere....

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 16:35
by Brad
Like I mentioned in the Montreal thread, I've got some great shots I will post once I get home. Unfortunately I have no audio recording.

Anyone else manage to tape it?

Hello again good people!

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 17:53
by DrG
Our duty-free liquor was flowing by 6 pm, chased by tall cans of premium ale and we walked that crazy mile from the Strathcona to Kool Haus… you all know the rest of that story.

Yes… yes… yes… 8)

It’s Sunday and still nursing “nursing quite the motherf*** of a hangover�. I’m trying to smoke the cobwebs out of my head (listening to the Warlocks latest again… nice and psychedelic). I only managed to sleep four hours that night (woke up like a shot at 7:30 am!). My adrenaline levels were still peaking by the time MrB and I got back to Rochester NY on Saturday. We spent way too much money and had one of the greatest nights ever! Awesome. ;D

Everyone we met was cool and no bad vibes were felt. Thanks people! Great to meet you Kurtz… sorry we lost you after the show, but we lingered for what seemed like hours outside Kool Haus just talking to people. I gave a shout out to Robochrist across the parking lot (Me: “Chris! Great show! Eat more Daleks!� Chris: “I saw you! Thank you!� or something like that).

A shout out to all Heartlanders, especially Tony and his wife… they were lovely and I was given access to support myself on the “fence� between them when needed (or on Tony in most cases… sorry, but there was a nice undulating wave of bodies behind me, too). Thank you. :notworthy:

Thanks to for the setlist Methedrome… I was working on one but you nailed it down! I even walked away thinking that they only played about 12 songs! Shame on me! What actually happened was that I lost track of time, reality, what-have-you and was utterly blown away by the industrial groove machine. The same happened to MrB… he was miked up for recording by the sound crew, but as the machine played on and on the fever gripped him. In his drunken haze, he realized: “What the hell… I’m at the Sisters of Mercy!� By the time they cranked out ‘Dominion’, MrB was right up front with me… wide-eyed with the biggest s***-eating grin on his face! :D We later agreed that we should have hired a trustworthy ‘designated recorder’!

Yo Kurtz! Welcome also to fellow road-kill, Doktor Avalanche Can!

Let’s cobble up what we can to document this show… we my even find better, but I’m willing to invest some time and effort. Our recording was not 100% successful. It got knocked around, skipped and eventually kicked off after 38 minutes… we got 6 decent tracks I can soon share: Temple Of Love, Ribbons, Will I Dream, Crash & Burn, Susanne, Giving Ground. There are faults that need some tweaking in my audio editor.

Our copy of ‘WYDSM’, ‘Summer’ and ‘Dominion’ suffered most from skips… which is sad as I’ve no other boot of this. We’ve nothing after that… anybody capture ‘Slept’? :von: Andy was singing something like “…I’ve slept with all the girls of New Berlin�? No wonder he hasn’t put out that record yet!!!



Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 23:40
by tristren
Great show , great time.

Just got back from Montreal, still tired.

Nice meeting everyone, always adds to the experience.

I will say that the sound in Toronto was the best I've ever heard, so I hope someone got a decent recording. I had my camera in my pocket but was having too much fun, so no pictures... sorry.

I'm off the the Montreal thread... then maybe a nap.


Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 02:24
by Francis
Thanks for the steer to the Novotel, Tony. Excellent hotel. Sorry didn't get to catch up with you.

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 18:57
by tristren
Yeah, the Novotel worked out well eh?

Sorry we didn't meet up... maybe next time : )


The March 10th Toronto show was the best Sisters show I’ve ever seen. Spencer might prefer a messier more variable experience, but Toronto sounded like the kind of performance that would go on an official live release. And from the front row it was insane.

So the plan this time was not to head front and centre. My wife and I figured we had done that, and so it might be interesting to move about the venue a bit more, and see the light show from a respectable distance. People always say the sound sucks up front anyway. So I figured we would wander over for about when the doors open, peruse the merchandise stand and have a good night. Excitement got the better of me, so Tiff and I ended up in line about 7pm, doors were at 8. Even so there were only about 10 people ahead of us, which seemed a bit sad. I was looking around for people I knew. There was a tall red head up towards the front, but it was only when I spotted the Osama beard next to her I was sure enough to walk over and say hi. Andrew and Eva are much fun, and clearly are quite fond of The Sisters of Mercy. Andrew looks like he could be Eldritch in disguise though. I was also supposed to meet up with Spencer, and luckily he also came over to talk to Andrew and Eva. Spencer is also much fun, and we had a good ride up to Montreal the next day.

So the doors open, and our plan was still to wander in and wait around the back of the crowd. Fate stepped in again I suppose, as after we had meandered in, and stopped to get some shirts, there was still space up at the barrier next to Eva, so what the hell. I’m glad it worked out that way, ‘cause it was amazing.

Right, so the show itself:

The Warlocks were surprisingly good, based on past experiences with opening acts. I really enjoyed them. They seemed kind of down in Toronto, but had perked up by Montreal. At the Toronto show the bass player’s equipment died repeatedly. She ended up having to walk off stage and come back with a roadie, who brought in another tech, and they eventually fixed it and she got back to playing. I have to say the band handled it really well under the circumstances, and played on. Good set.

Flash forward 30-45mins: Down go the lights, up comes the intro music, same as the last few years. They started right off with Temple of Love. It sounded great, the sound did strike me as being less loud then one would expect from a concert, but you got used to it quickly. Andrew has said he can sing well, or he can sing loud. Too often in the past few years they have chosen loud. Toronto’s lower volume (and I mean, this is all relative, it was still pretty loud) made for clearer sound, and better vocals. I could actually hear him singing, it was great.

I don’t think I can go through song by song, but the entire night was amazing. Some of the newer songs that I’ve not heard in person, like Crash & Burn and Slept were treats. Crash and Burn in particular got the crowd going, which was nice to hear from a new song. By that point George was behind us, and his enthusiasm did add to the experience. At the start of each song you would hear a happy “Oh no, oh no! This is it! This is the one!!� Good stuff. The slower stuff worked nicely as well. WYDSM and Something Fast sounded great, and were well received. I really enjoyed the way they played Lucretia. When they kicked over from the soft start to the loud chorus was one of the best moments of the concert. It was one of those moments when the band and sound meet with the exploding lights and the seriously palpable energy of the audience. It’s the kind of thing they mean when they talk about the concerts being a religious experience and you find yourself with a big stupid grin on your face. I think that flash of white light, with all three band members leaning towards the audience, and everyone singing back is the quintessential moment of the show for me. Snub Nose (another one I’ve not seen in person) also works great and is just so much fun. There really is no better way to describe it. It is fun. Then on to F&L&A and closing with Vision Thing…. Great, awesome, what have you. This last encore works better than the top nite-temple-vision thing encore that they played in Montreal. Having F&L&A in the middle, not that it is a slow song as such, just makes for a better three song set, and gives the right rhythm to end the show with Vision Thing as the kicker.

Top notch, best show I’ve ever seen, Ben’s guitar sounds great, and Chris is just amazing. We were on his side, and he is just so obviously loving it. These guys are as good as any guitarists I’ve seen with the band.

So all in all, Venue / Sound excellent (better than when Kool Haus was the warehouse)
Merchandise, very good. I like the tour shirt, got me an official new logo shirt, which is nice. Didn’t go for the STFU shirt, but it is fun. I wish there had been more stuff, buttons and the like, but what they did have I liked)
Opening act, perfectly acceptable, bordering on really good.
The Sisters of Mercy concert. Grade A #1 goodness.
Meeting all the people I meet, icing on the cake.



Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 20:09
by Brad
Even so there were only about 10 people ahead of us, which seemed a bit sad. I was looking around for people I knew. There was a tall red head up towards the front,
And if you looked further, I was standing at the front of the line wearing a Motorhead shirt. It was nice to chat briefly in Montreal, but sorry I didn't make it out for drinks.

All in all, I agree emphatically with everyone else's reviews on both gigs. I will try and post my pics tonight.

In Toronto I was on the rail in front of Ben, while in Montreal I was on the rail in front of Chris.

Both shows were fantastic with quite a different vibe. Toronto IMHO was a better gig IF I have to choose.

Posted: 14 Mar 2006, 23:09
by Francis
Moved from general Chat at mod's request:

Toronto: I'd decided to fly to Toronto on the Thursday so I could be fresh for a trip to Niagara Falls on the Friday before taking in my last gig. I was sorry to leave Philadelphia so soon though, and, along with NYC, it's definitely a place I plan on getting to know better. Maybe there's something in this Brotherly Love stuff after all. So I settled in for a quiet night with room-service, mini-bar and my recently acquired Walkman phone for company. Unforunately the phone's battery was drained when I awoke, having had dark Side of the Moon on repeat as I slept and I discovered I'd left my charger at the hotel in Philly. No time to buy a new one as my coach to the Falls beckoned, so I was unable to send Wish You Were Here photos to my loved ones at home. Couldn't do the Maid of the Mist thing due to it being out of season so took a helicopter ride instead. Pricey but well worth it as I'd never been in one before and got great views and bonded with the other three people on the trip as a result. In fact there were seven of us on the coach, but the other three lasses from Scotland prefered to spend the afternoon in the casino. Go figure. By the time I'd got back to Toronto, made use of the hotel's internet facility to check if there was a Heartland meet up, splashed out on room-service again (too late to start counting the cost now) and done my ablutions, it was 10pm. I was out of contact with my buddies due to my lack of texting facility but knew where to find them as always. Got into the gig in the middle of When You Don't See Me and bought another silver bullet. Had got the impression that this might be another non-smoking city having walked past bars with puffers outside, but there were buts on the floor so I lit up. Security didn't seem to mind until one of them informed me that it was a 5000 dollar fine. I put it out. Place was pretty full. Good crowd, Mr Eldritch's vocals were much clearer but the guitars weren't as prominent. I'm starting to recognise most of the "new" songs by now whereas before they were all much of an unrecogniseable muchness. I think I might like to get me a recording of them one day. Caught up with AndrewS, Eva and Spencer as the dust settled and outside having a smoke as they got their coats I barged in on a conversation between Mr Kurtz and DrG. They were heading for a club called the Velvet Underground but we didn't make it in the end due to the draw of Belgian beer on the Esplanade followed by some pancakes and maple syrup. Sorry guys, hopefully next time.

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 18:45
by kurtz
f**k, i accidentally posted as a new threat.

anyway, photos of the show, courtesy of Mr. Wilkenstein...

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 18:50
by kurtz
kurtz wrote:f**k, i accidentally posted as a new threat.

anyway, photos of the show, courtesy of Mr. Wilkenstein...
er, 'thread,' not 'threat.'

though maybe....

Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 18:53
by Obviousman
kurtz wrote:
kurtz wrote:f**k, i accidentally posted as a new threat.

anyway, photos of the show, courtesy of Mr. Wilkenstein...
er, 'thread,' not 'threat.'

though maybe....
That's why there are edit-buttons on the right upper corner of each of your own posts... And delete-buttons which you can use as long as no-one replied yet :wink:

Thanks for the pics :notworthy: :D

Hello people!!!

Posted: 18 Mar 2006, 19:10
by DrG
Kurtz and Mr. Wilkenstein… thanks for the photos! I can see my arm in some of them (I was if front of Chris)!

Hello to Tony and Mrs. Tony!!!

Thanks much for stating that my “enthusiasm did add to the experience�… I was hoping that I wasn’t just a complete a**. My ADD kicked in and I think a group of strangers made me an honorary MC for the Sisters!!! It was the wildest of nights… maybe that’s why my shy wife declined coming; she knew she’d lose me when the show started! :eek:

Anyway… I’m moving on to the AUDIO VIDEO thread to share the experience. Pop over there for your listening pleasure!

Yo Doktor Avalanche Can!!! Got anything yet? Post in the AUDIO VIDEO thread when you can (oh... a pun!). :wink:


Posted: 19 Mar 2006, 18:19
by Doktor Avalanche Can
Hey DrG,
The audio should be along shortly. Sorry it's taking a bit of time, my computer is an old beast and is a little frusterating to work with. Where can I find that Audio/Video thread?

Posted: 19 Mar 2006, 23:31
by jenzi-benzi
Doktor Avalanche Can wrote:Hey DrG,
The audio should be along shortly. Sorry it's taking a bit of time, my computer is an old beast and is a little frusterating to work with. Where can I find that Audio/Video thread?

Posted: 20 Mar 2006, 04:50
by Doktor Avalanche Can
Hey fellow Torontonians or anyone else at the Toronto show or anyone else interested in the audio from the show, check this link if you wish to download the audio. Enjoy! ... t.mp3.html