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Posted: 29 Jan 2006, 23:06
by Delilah
Obviousman wrote:By the way, another missed person: Delilah, or does Ania still hang around here every now and then? :wink:
Hey Zeno, yes I'm here now and then - thank you for thinking about me :kiss: I'm just quite busy -travelling between London and devon all the time and partying (probably) too much! Also - went to Poland twice this month, haha!Hope to party with you somewhere in Europe- perhaps in April?

About Dave R - he is probably too busy trying to repair his marriage, good luck to him :lol: :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 29 Jan 2006, 23:06
by nick the stripper
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:hello Josh! how the devil are you mate? 8)
I'm very well, thankyou. 8)

So, have I missed much? Any news on a new album?... Thought not. :lol: :wink:

Posted: 29 Jan 2006, 23:17
by aims
35 tour dates.

Is that "much" enough for you? ;)

Posted: 30 Jan 2006, 10:15
by Obviousman
Delilah wrote:
Obviousman wrote:By the way, another missed person: Delilah, or does Ania still hang around here every now and then? :wink:
Hey Zeno, yes I'm here now and then - thank you for thinking about me :kiss: I'm just quite busy -travelling between London and devon all the time and partying (probably) too much! Also - went to Poland twice this month, haha!Hope to party with you somewhere in Europe- perhaps in April?
Glad to see you :D Better party too much then too little, isn't it :lol:

And about partying somewhere in Europe: Paris, April 14th? :innocent:

Posted: 01 Feb 2006, 22:38
by pikkrong
James Blast wrote:AndyTG PM'd me a few months ago to say he was ready to return if people still wanted him, I replied saying he was much missed and looked forward to his return.
The PM is still sitting in my outbox, unopened. :(
The next time please let him know that people want him (and his stories about The Merry Thoughts :) ).