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Posted: 07 Feb 2006, 12:38
by Thea
Sounds interesting.
Provided I've not already promiced to be elsewhere....

Posted: 07 Feb 2006, 13:29
by timsinister
You're in high demand, Professor.

Posted: 07 Feb 2006, 17:40
by mik
'tis the day after my birthday so I'll be up for a session :)

Posted: 07 Feb 2006, 20:28
by Thea
timsinister wrote:You're in high demand, Professor.
Only in April :roll: Bleeding Hearts gigs, Killing Joke, People "dropping in" from the other end of the world....
May's going to be dull though :eek:

Posted: 07 Feb 2006, 20:33
by eastmidswhizzkid
not if the sisters tour the uk.... 8)

Posted: 07 Feb 2006, 20:37
by boudicca
timsinister wrote:Any excuse to visit the Mecca of the North...
Didn't know you were into all that Our Timothy... :innocent:



Posted: 07 Feb 2006, 22:28
by timsinister
Eyes down, look in.

I mean, errr, you're all a set of etc. etc.


Posted: 08 Feb 2006, 02:30
by Thea
Actually, that's not a bad idea. Last time I went to bingo I nearly won a camel....

Posted: 08 Feb 2006, 08:47
by timsinister
But you live in the bloody Alps; how would you get a camel up those hills?

Posted: 08 Feb 2006, 23:30
by Thea
timsinister wrote:But you live in the bloody Alps; how would you get a camel up those hills?
On the train. Duh! :roll:

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 11:25
by markfiend
I thought I'd bump this (mainly to remind myself of when it is :lol: )

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 11:28
by hallucienate
Allegedly this is all still happening. :)

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 11:39
by snowey
And you can watch Killing Joke at Manc the night before? :D

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 12:07
by hallucienate
snowey wrote:And you can watch Killing Joke at Manc the night before? :D
You can, but I'll be a wee bit tired, having spent the night before that in cattle class :?

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 12:14
by Purple Light
I'm in. Sounds like its gonna be better than a Sisters gig. :D

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 12:24
by Thea
MIGHT be able to make part of this... am supposed to be in Bradford that night, and it's kinda halfway... ish.

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 23:10
by JansenClone
Ah bugger! I'm going to be at a wedding reception in Bramhope from 7:30... Unless there's some kind of lunch time element... (he adds hopefully :wink: )

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 01:43
by timsinister
I'll be pubbing it Mike, as per normal, and I'm sure we can dragoon some of these stalwart lads and lasses into joining us for a liquid lunch!

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 03:58
by Thea
timsinister wrote:I'll be pubbing it Mike, as per normal, and I'm sure we can dragoon some of these stalwart lads and lasses into joining us for a liquid lunch!
So you're going to be dancing with wombles and playing hairdressers again?! :roll:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 10:13
by timsinister
Those pictures are still up, aren't they? God, what a day. :eek: :lol:

Don't be surprised if Jansen gracefully declines an offer to come drinking with us again.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 13:42
by Thea
timsinister wrote:Those pictures are still up, aren't they? God, what a day. :eek: :lol:

Don't be surprised if Jansen gracefully declines an offer to come drinking with us again.
it was... different. Why were we in Leeds again? :| No, really - there must have been some reason we all turned up :|

The phrase "You can fit your whole head through there" will linger forever... :eek:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 15:19
by timsinister
Y'know, I can't recall either. There was thee and me, Ellie and Bridge of the Hull Sisterhood of Doom, JansenClone and Mrs. RJ in the Angel, plus some other people...?

Good laff though, especially when me and Jasen said we would be in one pub, and promptly went to another :wink:

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 03:14
by Thea
I remember nothing after the Wombles.

Posted: 19 Mar 2006, 10:07
by Johnny M
*bump bump bumperty bump* :D

Those of you who have the memory of a goldfish or a craving for pharmaceutical indulgence may just need a reminder. :wink:

Less than three weeks now until Our Man Fron Cape Town touchs down on this Green and Pleasant Land. And complains bitterly about the cold. Or should that be the bitter cold?

Base camp is Planet Johnny but the visit to the PRWY is a given. Reconfirm your intentions now and nail your colours to the mast. :cool:

For those of you who can't make it to the PRWY, the Hallucienate Road Show will also be stopping off at:

Sunday 9th April - Placebo, Academy, Birmingham
Tuesday 11th April - Placebo, Ally Pally, London
Friday 14th April - Sisters, Zenith, Paris

Go on. You know you want to. :von:

Posted: 19 Mar 2006, 18:00
by hallucienate
Johnny M wrote: Sunday 9th April - Placebo, Academy, Birmingham
Tuesday 11th April - Placebo, Ally Pally, London
Friday 14th April - Sisters, Zenith, Paris
Anybody got any suggestions for filling the days between the 11th and 14th? I don't really have anything planned for that time and am open to ideas...