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Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 01:54
by Mr Mercy
Myself and my fiancee are going. (update: We got the tickets the the post today :D )

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 19:28
by boudicca
As in the London thread...

where is everybody staying for this one?

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 21:50
by Mr Mercy
We will be getting the Night train back to Sheffield as I have to go to work on the friday :cry:

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 23:21
by Debaser
Gripper wrote:
Debaser wrote:...seeing as it's a school night I'll be leaving pretty promptly afterwards.
If you were working in my school you'd be expected to stay out until you were sick.
Don't do that 'sick' thing, never had a day off since I've been teaching. I like to 'share' anything I have, in an attempt to deplete the class further ;)

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 00:13
by Gripper
Debaser wrote:
Gripper wrote:
Debaser wrote:...seeing as it's a school night I'll be leaving pretty promptly afterwards.
If you were working in my school you'd be expected to stay out until you were sick.
Don't do that 'sick' thing, never had a day off since I've been teaching. I like to 'share' anything I have, in an attempt to deplete the class further ;)
Who said anything about days off? :twisted: I recommend sitting at your desk with a bucket on the floor. Teaches the kids what rock'n'roll is really about.
Tip: 'Coughs and sneezes spead diseases', but I find that asking kids to 'be quiet this morning as I really feel not well at all actually' and putting your head on the desk tends to result in a) quiet children and b) much better work being produced.

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 00:17
by boudicca
Gripper wrote:putting your head on the desk
God! I remember having to do that... although in my later years at school it sometimes happened involuntarily, as I started to stay up later and later... :oops: :lol:

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 00:24
by Gripper
I recommend stuffing your desk with ice THEN putting your head on the desk..........nice...

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 00:26
by Gripper
I believe some people of our acquaintance stuff their head with ice. A desk's the last thing they need at that point....

HELP "ROAD MAN SHOW 2006" - accommodation needed

Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 16:46
by sisterstekland

I going to all UK concerts (london, leeds, manchester, norwich, nottingham).

I come from france with my car cos I think it the best way for my little problem.
As u can imagine it cost me a lots of money and I thinking to sleep in my car cos not enough money to go to hotel.

So if u can help here the deal:
I will offert a dvd I create (2005 summer tour)
to people who can help for accommodation for one night at each town.

I will wearing white leaders jacket tour 2000
“" - Galerie – doomstay 2000
& tea shirt “sisters bit the….�

So if u can help, do not hesitate to come to me over there, i will really appreciate


pascal (france)

Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 17:11
by robertzombie
We also have a town called Bristol... you might like to visit it :innocent:

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 01:34
by pikkrong
where to stay (a place not too far from the venue) is still valid...

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 09:51
by paint it black
pikkrong wrote:where to stay (a place not too far from the venue) is still valid...
email me :innocent:

Posters for Gig

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 16:05
by Reptile


:innocent: 8)


Posted: 01 May 2006, 18:48
by James Blast
the typeface is WRONG! andf it's bitmap city on the heid!!! :evil:

Posted: 01 May 2006, 19:29
by Debaser
Have been thinking May is aoens away...and now I realise it's THIS Thursday :urff:

Crikey blimey, will have to get this week sorted out...why didn't I get Leeds tickets at least it's 45 mins closer...

Posted: 01 May 2006, 20:36
by 9while9
James Blast wrote:the typeface is WRONG! andf it's bitmap city on the heid!!! :evil:
Absolutely s**t craftsmanship. Von should put the heads of who ever slapped that together up on pikes infront of the venue. :roll:

Posted: 01 May 2006, 20:40
by aims
Nah, that's reserved for support bands.

As pretty as The Ivories would be in contrast to the dingy facade of the Manchester Academy, I'd rather, y'know, listen to them play ;)

Posted: 01 May 2006, 20:45
by 9while9
Motz wrote:Nah, that's reserved for support bands.

As pretty as The Ivories would be in contrast to the dingy facade of the Manchester Academy, I'd rather, y'know, listen to them play ;)
Never heard them.
Have a damn fine time at the concert.
Wish it were me...not with my head on a pike I mean.
Altho, I do believe that one client today wanted to put my head somplace like that.. :lol:

Posted: 01 May 2006, 20:48
by aims ;)

And I will enjoy. Very much 8)

Posted: 01 May 2006, 23:03
by cultchild
thanks for the ad post reptile....i love to see this stuff..

Posted: 01 May 2006, 23:20
by 9while9
Motz wrote: ;)

And I will enjoy. Very much 8)
Hey thanks for sharing Motz, interesting group.... :notworthy:
Much better opener then The Warlocks. Not that I hated the Locks.
I rather liked the sound, it just all sounded pretty much the same. :?

Posted: 01 May 2006, 23:22
by James Blast
robertzombie wrote:We also have a town called Bristol... you might like to visit it :innocent:
and then there is the ABC Glasgow, my most very favourite venue

Posted: 03 May 2006, 20:19
by robertzombie
how could I forget! :wink:

Posted: 03 May 2006, 23:16
by aims
So then, any congregation beforehand?

I'll probably hang around in the Salisbury for a bit, as and when I arrive (all down to dad, that one ;)) unless anyone suggests otherwise.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 01:32
by RetroGoth
Debaser wrote:Have been thinking May is aoens away...and now I realise it's THIS Thursday :urff:
Same thing here, doesn't time fly? Now where is my stash of blank minidiscs...