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Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 15:43
by doctoravalanche
I need to find someone to drive with me from Paris ...

Posted: 26 Apr 2006, 14:57
by Spiggythecat
It seems tha biggest venue has smallest number of post
Anyone going from Switzerland by train? It would be nice to talk with somebody, not only look by window train. From Baden it is aruond 7 hours :cry:

Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 12:59
by _emma_
Spiggythecat wrote:It seems tha biggest venue has smallest number of post
I can start posting in this thread the day after the gig but I'm not sure it's a good idea because my posts will all be the same and I'll get told off again.

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 16:58
by bobby
I read sisters will play in the small venue tomorrow (1200).
Esch is not Paris !

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 17:17
by Badlander
That's indeed what the venue's website says. I saw them in Paris, so I'll be able to compare the two. The club still looks like a nice place anyway. 8)

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 00:16
by AlBéRiCk
there was 30 tickets left this afternoon...

leaving for luxemburg in... 6 hours...

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 09:03
by doctoravalanche
Have a great concert my friends, unfortunately I can't go cause I am still sick ...

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 10:34
by Badlander
I'll be at the venue at about 5pm I guess, with my brand new Bite the bullet tee. See you then ! :D 8)

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 11:09
by Ozpat
doctoravalanche wrote:Have a great concert my friends, unfortunately I can't go cause I am still sick ...
A sick doc.? :roll:
Hope you get well soon!

Those whore are going; hope you all have a great time! :D

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 16:41
by doctoravalanche
Ozpat wrote: A sick doc.? :roll:
Hope you get well soon!
I need a nurse :P

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 16:45
by Spiggythecat
doctoravalanche wrote:
I need a nurse :P
maybe nurse of Dr Avalanche will be free this evening :wink:

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 01:34
by Badlander
Right back from Luxembourg.
Very good show overall, with :von: in very good mood and excellend sound, even from the front row. :D

I arrived at the venue shortly after 5pm. I had left quite early because :
a- I'd never been there before and didn't know the place.
b- Didn't want to be late because of traffic jam, flat tyre, alien abduction, etc.
Very nice venue, right in front of a large and impressive disused factory. The whole area is being renovated, but right now the Rockhal stands pretty much in the middle of nowhere.
I was actually the first one to reach the venue, which was a bit of a shock after Paris, where people had been waiting all afternoon outside The Zénith. Never mind, it allowed me to park my car right in front of the venue. ;D
I then met Albérick, who had taken the trip from Lyon (!). We talked a bit with another French guy who'd come especially for Nihil. :eek: :urff:
Doors opened at 7pm. I rushed to the merchandising stall, got myself a UBG tee and a new logo one for my sister Caroline. Then we met - among others - Eva, Paul and Donna. :kiss: :notworthy: We also saw Chris and Nurse who signed a couple of tickets. :innocent:

Not much to say about Nihil, except that they didn't improve. :urff:
Same setlist as in Paris, except :
a- No WYDSM :?
b- Never land instead of I was wrong
As I said, excellent sound, :von: in top form and great overall performance. To be honest, I found the guitar sound a bit weird on Never land. I wasn't entirely convinced. I was standing right in front of Chris (I was on Ben's side in Paris), who was his usual rocking self. :twisted:
Eldo was sporting his Chicago PD jacket, which he traded for a "f**k you I'm busy" security jacket for Top nite out... Since he was onstage at that time, just enjoying himself and grooving to the music. Donna especially appreciated his pole dancing. :innocent: :wink: :lol:
At the very end of the show he said something like "See you next time". It was definitely something about "next time", even though I'm not too sure about the phrasing. So much for biting the bullet...

So that was a very pleasant evening all in all. But still some variation in the setlist would be much appreciated. That was just my second gig this year, so I can't say I was actually bored, but I'm not going to follow them on the road knowing that there's such little variation either.
Oh and BTW, that show may or may not have been recorded. And some HLer may or may not have grabbed a copy of the setlist. :innocent: 8)

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 08:21
by lachert
from mother russia:
Crash And Burn
Doctor Jeep / Detonation Boulevard
Will I Dream ?
Flood I
We Are The Same, Susanne
Giving Ground
Dominion / Mother Russia
Romeo Down
This Corrossion

Something Fast
Lucretia My Reflection

Top Nite Out
Temple of Love

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 09:57
by doc P
i´ve said it before I will say it again .....
look left :innocent:
suppose all of our lucky fellows @ uk gigs shall be surprised....
or maybe not - :von: only knows

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 10:44
by Badlander
doc P wrote:i´ve said it before I will say it again .....
look left :innocent:
My point exactly. These 2006 Girls are a blast, but I quite don't feel like following them on the road. Two gigs are enough for me... until the summer festivals, that is. :twisted: :von:

And there's of course another reason to go the show, and it's hanging around with all those lovely people from HL. :kiss: :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 11:17
by paul

It was a pleasure to meet you !!! We indeed did enjoy's Eldritch's pole dancing in Top Nite Out ! It was a very nice evening, meeting new people, excellent!

Paul & Donna

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 17:16
by Ozpat
Nice review Eric... :D

How many people were there?

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 17:49
by Badlander
Ozpat wrote: How many people were there?
The club was full, so that means about 1,200. They were supposed to play the main hall, but that was clearly unrealistic : 6,500 ! :eek:
I think there was some action and a little pogo behind us, but I can't say for sure, as I was much more interested in what was going on onstage.
Even if I had found the show boring, with the two very lovely ladies standing on my right, the pogo certainly would've had very little appeal anyway. :twisted: :lol: 8)

Edit : And there was of course the usual loud guys who kept screaming "Mariaaaaan" at the top of their lungs. At least they made us laugh. :lol: 8)

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 20:01
by jherek
just got back from luxembourg - first up what a cool location for a gig. talk about a post-industrial landscape for our favourite industrial groove machine!

we had a bit of fun getting there, we came by train from luxembourg city & got off at the wrong stop. we assumed that the venue was in esch-sur-alzette. err, wrong. so we set off in what we thought was the general direction, and got a bit lost. so we popped into to this bar, where we & the old guys who were propping up the bar didn't have any languages in common. even so they tried their best to give us directions, but with little success. in the end one of the guys gave us a lift to the venue. that was so cool, and just goes to show how nice people are, and how far a smile & friendly attitude can go.

so thanks to that guy, we got to see the show.

we got to luxembourg city on friday & walking around the town i spied a guy wearing a sisters t-shirt under his jacket. so i asked him - 'are you going to the show?' he replied - 'yes, i'm in the band!' then the penny dropped 'you're ben aren't you?'.
he was a pretty cool guy & took time-out to chat with us. in a nice rockn'roll moment he confessed he couldn't remember where he had played last night - 'somewhere in germany.'

so all in all, a top trip!

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 20:05
by Ozpat
Thanks for the nice review jherek. :notworthy:

Great you had a good time. :D

Posted: 01 May 2006, 09:56
by doctoravalanche
I am glad you really enjoyed it mates, I am sorry I was not be able to make it but I look forward to the summer gigs :)

Any photos of that show ?

Posted: 01 May 2006, 12:08
by jherek
i meant to say in my post last night that :von: signed off by saying 'its good to be back, expect that you have never asked us before...' and then went on to say something to the effect that they would be back again.

it really was a top gig, the sound was good and :von: voice was clear & strong(ish).
the gig was also well smokey, but the smokier the better in my opinion as it hi-lights the light show.
that is what makes a sisters show unique, watching the smog turn from yellow to orange to red & sometimes purple.
outside the venue after the show, you could see a dry-ice slick float into the night sky as they opened all the doors to clear the building!

as for his pole dancing to snub nose, that was worth the price of the trip alone...

so don't pay any attention to the negatives around here, the sisters are still the best show in (any) town.

Posted: 01 May 2006, 19:42
by Badlander
doctoravalanche wrote:I am glad you really enjoyed it mates, I am sorry I was not be able to make it but I look forward to the summer gigs :)

Any photos of that show ?
We missed you too Laurent ! :wink:
Donna did try to take some photos, but the security guy didn't let her. At least he was quite polite... :roll: :?

Posted: 02 May 2006, 11:38
by AlBéRiCk
doctoravalanche wrote:I am glad you really enjoyed it mates, I am sorry I was not be able to make it but I look forward to the summer gigs :)

Any photos of that show ?
hey Laurent
that was a good show, not the best one I've seen on this tour but still a good one and it's still so good to hear "Never Land".
Thanks for the beer Badlander.
Outside the venue was really nice, I wish I had taken my camera with me. If someone took a pic of the old building I would love to see that.
I still wonder why is there so many policemen in Luxemburg...?
I managed to give my friends car back to Arlon (Belgium) just in time to see the Front 242 show there :wink:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 12:41
by LostInTheDrift
Hi, just want to say that it was a pleasure to take part of this concert. Sound was absolutely great and think the boys (incl. Eldo) enjoyed the gig as well. I wonder if there exist any good recordings… :innocent:

I stood in the second row in front of Chris with a girl two meters behind me - quite petite, dark haired, brown eyes, black dressed with some meshed sleeves which was in company of a taller short-haired (dark) girl friend. If you think that the description applies to you, please drop me a PM! :wink: