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Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 12:15
by Bartek
:lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 12:18
by Johnny M
And shock! horror! after the disgrace of being sent off, Rooney's retired from football and found a new job! :eek:

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 13:59
by hallucienate
Johnny M wrote:And shock! horror! after the disgrace of being sent off, Rooney's retired from football and found a new job! :eek:
That looks more like a gmail account log-in to me :roll: :roll:


Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 14:41
by markfiend
lollorz u borked teh internets!!!111!!1!eleven!!


Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 15:02
by hallucienate
markfiend wrote:lollorz u borked teh internets!!!111!!1!eleven!!

You know he'll never understand a single word of that :roll: :lol:

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 15:04
by nick the stripper
markfiend wrote:lollorz u borked teh internets!!!111!!1!eleven!!

You are truly 1337. :lol:

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 15:15
by markfiend
hallucienate wrote:
markfiend wrote:lollorz u borked teh internets!!!111!!1!eleven!!

You know he'll never understand a single word of that :roll: :lol:
Yeah, but I knew you would :innocent: :geek:

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 15:25
by canon docre
markfiend wrote:lollorz u borked teh internets!!!111!!1!eleven!!

Mark, look what I've found:
your boss the admin wrote:Write in correct English. No txtspeak please! We don't mind common net abbreviations such as LOL, and we don't demand precision typing skills, but abbreviations such as 'u' or 'l8r' are immature and detract from the content of your message.
:innocent: :lol:

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 15:48
by markfiend
:lol: :P

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 17:14
by emilystrange
i have france in the sweepstake! am guaranteed money..

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 18:57
by Johnny M
Had to share with a wider audience ...
hallucienate in pm wrote:
Johnny M in pm wrote:
hallucienate in pm wrote: relax, no one knows your username or password so they can't log in. Everyone just thinks your computer skills are crap. nothing new there then.
so no-one geeky can decode it?
nope, gmail is well prepared for the likes of you.

Still non-geek and proud ... or summat ... :lol: :oops: :innocent:

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 06:50
by Ozpat
Johnny M wrote:Winding back to the England v Portugal game it's good to see that Ronaldo has made it up to Rooney :innocent:

Possibly NOT work safe for some of you ...
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

Not work safe indeed. Good no one besides me is here yet. 8)

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 10:19
by Dark
:lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Ouchies. :P

Posted: 09 Jul 2006, 21:42
by Dark
And it was Italy. Nice one.

Posted: 09 Jul 2006, 21:47
by mh
I'm gonna try my local chippie for a freebie tomorrow, for sure :D

Posted: 09 Jul 2006, 21:50
by Badlander
I watched bits of the game. Zidane is a moron. Hats off to Italy.

Posted: 09 Jul 2006, 23:27
by canon docre
Badlander wrote:I watched bits of the game. Zidane is a moron. Hats off to Italy.
Nope, he is even more of a hero than before. It takes some guts to throw away your whole career and reputation just for a second of stress relief.

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 01:02
by Black Planet
canon docre wrote:
Badlander wrote:I watched bits of the game. Zidane is a moron. Hats off to Italy.
Nope, he is even more of a hero than before. It takes some guts to throw away your whole career and reputation just for a second of stress relief.

He didnt' toss his career, he tossed France out of contention. I am shaking my head at what Zidane did. Mostly I am curious at what sent him off.

France played a great game. Too bad their goalie wasn't that Porto bloke who put England out. If he had half the talent as that bloke France would have the Cup.


Congrats to Italy!!! :D

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 10:30
by Badlander
canon docre wrote:
Badlander wrote:I watched bits of the game. Zidane is a moron. Hats off to Italy.
Nope, he is even more of a hero than before. It takes some guts to throw away your whole career and reputation just for a second of stress relief.
That's an interesting point of view, but then he at least could have tried to headbutt that Italian dude properly. You don't headbutt anybody to the chest : you either go for the nose or, if you're really too small, for the teeth. :roll:
C'mon, that was his last game anyway, he could have tried to do some damage. :twisted: :innocent:
The way things turned out, he only hurt his team. :?

At least when Cantona went psycho he did it with style. Kung-fu style. ;D

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 11:11
by Ozpat
Zidane best player of the tournament.

So what do you think of this???

I do not agree......just because of the red card..... :twisted:

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 11:31
by Badlander
Ozpat wrote:Zidane best player of the tournament.

So what do you think of this???

I do not agree......just because of the red card..... :twisted:
:eek: Image
And the fact that he played like sh!t in the first round...

Well, he's retiring, so I guess they wanted to honour him somehow. :roll:

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 14:04
by dtsom
apart of the red card, ZIDANE is the best player in the world!!

he´s 34 or so and he has benn the best playes in this world cup, it´s the number one and always be....

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 16:59
by Jaimie1980
Well done to Italy.

Wasn't a bad World Cup all told.

Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 17:14
by robertzombie

It's competition time again :D

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 14:51
by canon docre