dtsom wrote:what about the crowd reaction, the sound,the venue,andrew´s voice????
sold out??? acoustic of the venue.......
this sorts of things!!!
the crowd was hot - as always - we're wild Russians, remember that
Ben said that was an amazing show, one of the best this year
Europeans are usually cold and sleepy
only Spanish and Italians got the similar reaction
well, Eldrew Von Andritch even applaused at the end
that was considered to be a rare reaction from him
the sound was OK, but some people at our forums claim it wasn't
anyway, i was satisfied
we could hear all the mumbling and singing
but everyone agrees that the light was fantastic
as i know there was own band's light technician, so it was operated perfectly
i should thank him, too
the venue is large
i liked it
the beer costed 200 RUR (about 6 EU), so there were much sober people
the venue is planned for 4000 people and there were 1000-1500, i guess
Andrew's voice is OK
even mumbling was the juicy baritone, so we really enjoyed it
the only disappointment was that he vonned us off, but we can probably stand that
i repeat: the show was great
it was hard to understand any liners, they were almost "thank you" and song annoucements kinda "Aliccccccccce..."
in the beginning he said "Welcome to the...", but didn't say to what
Ben once said "Spasibo" ('thanks' in Russian)
btw they guessed my wish (yeah, it's mysterious...): i don't like "sheeeee wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill" in Anaconda
my ears prefer an original variant
and they sung "she will she will she will she will" as in the older days
and only couple times the long line
also: when the band departed, Chris went down the stairs to us and we thought he'll pass immediately, so i asked him only 5 seconds to take a pic
he told then: "one... two... three... four... five... i go!" and went somewhere
of course, he returned
damn funny
yeah, and i should say Ben is a very kind person
we had a conversation before and after the gig
it seems i was the only person to recognize him, when he walked in the audience
so he seems to be antiVon