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Posted: 14 Jul 2007, 18:22
by Ozpat
radiojamaica wrote:
Ozpat wrote:Afterparty? :D :notworthy: :D :notworthy:
Of course, my friend. This is Belgium yu kno' :wink:
I have to agree mate... :wink:

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 10:51
by Obviousman
It's all one big afterparty round here indeed :lol:

Looking forward to it 8)

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 11:55
by Izzy HaveMercy
The gig will just be a warmer-up for the Big Event AFTERWARDS :twisted:


Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 13:17
by James Blast
Iz you bitch! :lol: ;D

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 21:28
by Ahráyeph
Yes, NFD is more well known than we are. No argument there...


Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 22:35
by christophe
I made a mention of this on the Belgian Goff forum and te only respond I got was from someone who wanted to see Ahráyeph :lol:
btw raf, I don't know who is organising the gig but it isn't even put on the kagan calender.
maybe you should pull some strings and make some advert.

(I do what I can, but I'm sure there are people out there who should do these things)

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 22:41
by Ozpat
Maybe you should be hired C... 8)

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 22:49
by christophe
Ozpat wrote:Maybe you should be hired C... 8)
as if they can afford me :innocent:

nah, but see, the afterparty is by Bunkerleute ( a top party btw) but they even haven't mentioned this gig :?
and then they complain no one in the belgian scene gows to concerts :roll:

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 22:53
by Ozpat
christophe wrote:
Ozpat wrote:Maybe you should be hired C... 8)
as if they can afford me :innocent:

nah, but see, the afterparty is by Bunkerleute ( a top party btw) but they even haven't mentioned this gig :?
and then they complain no one in the belgian scene gows to concerts :roll:

They will notice that there has been a gig + party though... :twisted:

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 23:05
by Ahráyeph
Bunkerleute are merely waiting for the promo pics to arrive, something I didn't have the time for yet. And We'll put it on Kagan as well, but I've been pressed for time lately.
Rest assured, we'll be noticed.

P.S.: I'm wondering which person on Gothweb wanted to see us...

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 23:14
by christophe
see that is why I waited :wink:

it was HomoErratus btw. clicky

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 23:19
by James Blast
Ozpat wrote:They will notice that there has been a gig + party
Weegies inna area!

I think they'll notice... :innocent:

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 00:27
by Ahráyeph
If no, you'll just set about them, right? ;D

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 17:41
by Obviousman
James Blast wrote:
Ozpat wrote:They will notice that there has been a gig + party
Weegies inna area!

I think they'll notice... :innocent:

;D ;D ;D

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 18:13
by Ahráyeph
Z, our friendly neighbourhood Fallout Boy... ;D

By the way, Christophe, if you visit Gothweb some time, you might notice the event somewhere. ;) And Kagan is informed as well...

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 20:37
by christophe
Ahráyeph wrote:Z, our friendly neighbourhood Fallout Boy... ;D

By the way, Christophe, if you visit Gothweb some time, you might notice the event somewhere. ;) And Kagan is informed as well...
I'll sleep sound tonight :wink:

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 19:24
by Obviousman
An update from my side. I'm looking around for (free) sleeping places in Leuven, I have access to at least one 'kot' (that's like a student's room whatever it is called in English) and might get my hands on more.

Please give a shout if you're looking for a sleeping place the night of the gig, no matter whether you're foreign or local, so I know what kind of number I should be looking for ;D

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 19:45
by James Blast
I'm staying at the Holiday Inn, with the support band (NFD) ;D

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 20:10
by Big Si
James Blast wrote:I'm staying at the Holiday Inn, with the support band (NFD) ;D
Where am I staying then? :eek:

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 20:21
by scotty
Big Si wrote:
James Blast wrote:I'm staying at the Holiday Inn, with the support band (NFD) ;D
Where am I staying then? :eek:
:eek: and me?

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 20:22
by James Blast
foancaws are in order...

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 20:36
by Obviousman
scotty wrote:
Big Si wrote:
James Blast wrote:I'm staying at the Holiday Inn, with the support band (NFD) ;D
Where am I staying then? :eek:
:eek: and me?
That's where you should get in touch with me. So that's two for starters? 8)

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 20:45
by Ahráyeph
'Ang on, fowkes. First : Scotty's coming as well? Bluidy 'ell!! :notworthy: And I'll sort something out here as well. Lots of foreign folks coming over (Slovenija represents too!) so I'll get my erse in gear. I've got contacts left and right in Leuven, so I'll ask around. We should get it together no probs...

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 20:50
by Big Si
Obviousman wrote:
scotty wrote:
Big Si wrote: Where am I staying then? :eek:
:eek: and me?
That's where you should get in touch with me. So that's two for starters? 8)
You can always count on General Zed! :D

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:


Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 22:04
by James Blast
confused, you will be...