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Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 17:43
by boudicca
Earlier this month, in Malmo, Sweden... an amazing building called the Twisting Torso. I had a lot of difficulty taking this... I was in a bus and couldn't "get it all in" before we turned round a corner. Thought I hadn't really got anything but actually I like the way it came out :)


It's apartments, apparently... extremely f**king expensive ones, each with their very own wine cellar! :eek:
Can you imagine being up that thing at the height of the Swedish winter, in the middle of a snowstorm coming over the Øresund... :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 17:43
by Debaser
boudicca wrote:I've been up that
I can never understand why people insist upon climbing up tall things (whether by lift or other means). You get just as good of an idea how tall it is from the ground :urff:

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 17:44
by smiscandlon
But it took 632 years to complete! What about that famous German efficiency? :eek: :lol:

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 17:44
by smiscandlon
boudicca wrote:the Twisting Torso
:eek: Wow. :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 17:46
by eotunun
<drivel modus off> That cathedral is a beauty. Try to see it, everyone who reads this. It is magnificent.

....<drivel modus on>

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 17:59
by Debaser
eotunun wrote:<drivel modus off> That cathedral is a beauty. Try to see it, everyone who reads this. It is magnificent.

....<drivel modus on>
Don't get me on beautiful cathedrals...there can be only one......


Every journey home, you get greeted by this in the skyline.

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:00
by Debaser
eeeeek that was a bit large...someone-else will have to tweak it I'm already at technological overload here...

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:02
by eotunun
But that's nae goff... Pfft..

@Steve: German e.. e...what? Ewok?

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:14
by Debaser
I beg to differ.....

It's got flying buttresses, twiddly bits and a vaulted whatsit...what more do you want (well spires granted, but we had them and they fell down during an earthquake - tallest building in the world at one point)

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:18
by James Blast
this is a cathedral
isn't it just breathtaking?

and Steven was fortunate enough to study there, the bitch :|

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:20
by eotunun
I am kidding. But you really need to see the Cologne cathedral Debaser. When you are in it you wonder what prevents the roof from falling on you. It's almost all windows, merely stone pillars seem to hold it up.
Gothic Architecture at it's best. And a windowcleaner's nightmare.

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:25
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:this is a cathedral
isn't it just breathtaking?

and Steven was fortunate enough to study there, the bitch :|
And I was unfortunate enough to study next door :innocent:

They took us in there one day though, during art class... like all CRM's buildings, it's infinitely more stunning in the interior than from outside :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:29
by 6FeetOver
@Ness - is that Westminster Abbey's "twin" in Lincoln?

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:29
by libby
Debaser wrote:
Don't get me on beautiful cathedrals...there can be only one......
Yes, this one ;D


Oh Lieve Vrouwe Toren
hoog boven 't Vlaamse land
wij zijn in uw schaduw geboren
zo hecht aan u verwant
nooit zullen wij vergeten
de dapp're gouden haan
voor u, lieve toren
zal steeds ons hart slaan
bijf daar voor eeuwig staan

from our famous Antverpian singer La Esterella :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:30
by 6FeetOver
Debaser wrote:eeeeek that was a bit large...someone-else will have to tweak it I'm already at technological overload here...
I'll leave that to Herr Marky-Mark, hehehe... ;)

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:51
by Spigel
Image I am very fond of this one.
"Santiago de Compostela"

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 18:57
by Debaser
For a group so desperate not to have anything to do with religion...we do seem rather precious about our cathedrals :lol:

Yes, everybody's churches are very nice but mine's best ok

I'm already on photo overload otherwise 'special mention' would have to go to Gaudi's 'two catherdrals for the price of one' one :notworthy:

And yes Sinny, it is the one that was stunt double for Westminster fact it's going to be used again but I'm damned if I can recall which blockbuster filum

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 19:13
by 6FeetOver
@Ness - YAY! Yeah, I know, mainly because I just watched The DaVinci Code last night, haha! :oops: Stunning, though - I aim to see it, someday. Also, La Sagrada Família - I adore Gaudi's work!

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 19:17
by boudicca
SINsister wrote:La Sagrada Família
That was fcuking extraordinary as well... :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 19:18
by Obviousman
James Blast wrote:this is a cathedral
isn't it just breathtaking?

and Steven was fortunate enough to study there, the bitch :|
That looks great :notworthy:
libby wrote:
Debaser wrote:
Don't get me on beautiful cathedrals...there can be only one......
Yes, this one ;D


Oh Lieve Vrouwe Toren
hoog boven 't Vlaamse land
wij zijn in uw schaduw geboren
zo hecht aan u verwant
nooit zullen wij vergeten
de dapp're gouden haan
voor u, lieve toren
zal steeds ons hart slaan
bijf daar voor eeuwig staan

from our famous Antverpian singer La Esterella :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
There you go :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 20:20
by James Blast
I think us Catholics win, well apart from the GSA which was designed by a Protestant, that elevation is still to this day my most very favourite piece of architecture, thankfully I've gotten over my snobbery of having gone to Dundee Art School (a 50s monstrosity) and can now fully adore that wonderful piece of... well what is it.. sculpture, architecture, interior design, 'living space', experience... I dunno, it still overwhelms me?

CRM rocks and don't believe the hype :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 20:25
by smiscandlon
James Blast wrote:CRM rocks and don't believe the hype :notworthy:
Good call. :notworthy:

I genuinely love his stuff, and not just through any form of misplaced loyalty to either Glasgow or the GSA. 8)

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 20:36
by James Blast
My feelings exactly Steven, I went to an exhibition of his watercolours at Kelvin Grove before I started artschool (so we're talking 74-75 here) and I was captivated. Years passed and the "Toshy" explosion happened! I take a very dim view but am glad he's finally got some recognition, albeit for female adornments and a tea-room. I still recoil to this day when I see a woman with "those" earrings in.... ewww <shivers>

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 22:43
by psichonaut
this is Fckin greatImage

Posted: 02 Sep 2007, 22:44
by psichonaut
big too