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Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:36
by 9while9
Dark wrote:I heard they used to have long hair.
That's a rumor.... :eek:

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:36
by Bad Whisky
canon docre wrote:
Bad Whisky wrote:
canon docre wrote: I'm the foreign threat. :twisted:
Nice to meet then.
I'm Bad Whisky.
well, then stay far away from me. :wink:
Thanks for the tip.

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:38
by Ozpat
Bad Whisky wrote:It's kinda ... slow.

Maybe because it's sunday.
It's my first time here. What do you usually do ?
Questions and answers ?
A topic and a large forum ?
How long does it lasts ?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:43
by James Blast
have you been here BW?
it just may explain a few things :innocent:

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:47
by Bad Whisky
James Blast wrote:have you been here BW?
it just may explain a few things :innocent:
No, but thanks for the advice.

I prefer people telling me how it works, I don't like to read the rules.

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:48
by canon docre
James Blast wrote:have you been here BW?
it just may explain a few things :innocent:
oh interesting. never saw this before.

.. but what is a sheila?

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:48
by 9while9
Bad Whisky wrote:
James Blast wrote:have you been here BW?
it just may explain a few things :innocent:
No, but thanks for the advice.

I prefer people telling me how it works, I don't like to read the rules.
Let me guess the text is all blurry and fuzzy..... :lol:

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:54
by Ozpat
Bad Whisky wrote:
James Blast wrote:have you been here BW?
it just may explain a few things :innocent:
No, but thanks for the advice.

I prefer people telling me how it works, I don't like to read the rules.
:eek: :lol:

It might be an idea to start your own thread in the "Joke of the day" forum. :twisted:

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:56
by robertzombie
Ozpat wrote:
Bad Whisky wrote:
James Blast wrote:have you been here BW?
it just may explain a few things :innocent:
No, but thanks for the advice.

I prefer people telling me how it works, I don't like to read the rules.
:eek: :lol:

It might be an idea to start your own thread in the "Joke of the day" forum. :twisted:
or maybe he could just go away :wink:

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:57
by James Blast
there's never a Mod when you need one

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 18:59
by Bad Whisky
Ozpat wrote:
Bad Whisky wrote:
James Blast wrote:have you been here BW?
it just may explain a few things :innocent:
No, but thanks for the advice.

I prefer people telling me how it works, I don't like to read the rules.
:eek: :lol:

It might be an idea to start your own thread in the "Joke of the day" forum. :twisted:
I think that you already done that.

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:01
by Bad Whisky
robertzombie wrote:
Ozpat wrote:
Bad Whisky wrote: No, but thanks for the advice.

I prefer people telling me how it works, I don't like to read the rules.
:eek: :lol:

It might be an idea to start your own thread in the "Joke of the day" forum. :twisted:
or maybe he could just go away :wink:
Maybe I'll do that, but I thought there were nice people here.
REAL The Sisters of Mercy fans not some ... ordinary guys.

Is this how you treat new comers ?

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:04
by Bad Whisky
robertzombie wrote:
Ozpat wrote:
Bad Whisky wrote: No, but thanks for the advice.

I prefer people telling me how it works, I don't like to read the rules.
:eek: :lol:

It might be an idea to start your own thread in the "Joke of the day" forum. :twisted:
or maybe he could just go away :wink:
You might be a Chelsea fan, but you did learn anything with Mourinho ?

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:06
by Ozpat

Is there a chance to split this off the thread and bin it?


Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:06
by James Blast
Bad Whisky wrote:Maybe I'll do that, but I thought there were nice people here.
REAL The Sisters of Mercy fans not some ... ordinary guys.

Is this how you treat new comers ?
I feel a PM to BW coming on

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:08
by Bad Whisky
Ozpat wrote::lol:

Is there a chance to split this off the thread and bin it?

Sorry, didn't get that.

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:08
by Bad Whisky
James Blast wrote:
Bad Whisky wrote:Maybe I'll do that, but I thought there were nice people here.
REAL The Sisters of Mercy fans not some ... ordinary guys.

Is this how you treat new comers ?
I feel a PM to BW coming on
Sorry, didn't get that either ...

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:12
by James Blast
you will

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:13
by Bad Whisky
James Blast wrote:you will
I'm not sure of that.
My english is very poor.

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:15
by Ozpat
I would like to TELL you this so there's no need to READ the rules. :twisted:
rules wrote:

What are the general rules?

Here are the most basic rules for the board, which must be observed at all times:

Everyone has a right to an opinion. If someone's opinion is not the same as yours, you don't have to agree with them but you do have to respect their choice.

Spamming the boards isn't approved of. This includes posting just to boost your post count, or posting messages that are devoid of content. ("... Of The Day" threads are exempt from this rule, but see below).

A post represents the opinions of its author. This even applies to mods and admins, unless they specify otherwise.

Stick within the law. The site is based in England and hosted in Germany. Don't post anything that is illegal in either country...

No images in signatures. They look a mess and clutter the forum, make the posts difficult to read and the page slower to load.

Moderators and Administrators have the right to do whatever they see fit to your user account. This includes banning you, deleting your account, editing your posts to remove unwanted content and humiliating you in front of your peers. Live with it.

Oh, and no Sheilas.

Posting Guidelines

When making a post, remember these:

Use an informative subject. Subjects should give a clue to what a thread is about. They should not be IN ALL CAPS or say things like "Click Here!!!".

Post on the correct board. See the board descriptions on the forum index to find out which one is correct.

Write in correct English. No txtspeak please! We don't mind common net abbreviations such as LOL, and we don't demand precision typing skills, but abbreviations such as 'u' or 'l8r' are immature and detract from the content of your message.

Work-safe images. Many people browse this site from work, so please don't post any images (either inline or as your avatar) that could be considered rude or offensive...

Don't abuse BBCode. Posting a message in mile-high purple letters might seem amusing at the time, but I can guarantee the result will not be as readable as you would like. BBCode is there to help you emphasise specific points. It's not a new artistic medium.

Don't go too far off topic. Tangents are fine, but please don't take over a thread to talk about your pet cat called Rover, or to insult Mrs RicheyJames. Actually, insulting Mrs RicheyJames is probably ok, but keep it to a handful of "stray" posts and not 3 billion, eh? Thanks.
That's it.....

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:18
by Bad Whisky
Ozpat wrote:I would like to TELL you this so there's no need to READ the rules. :twisted:
rules wrote:

What are the general rules?

Here are the most basic rules for the board, which must be observed at all times:

Everyone has a right to an opinion. If someone's opinion is not the same as yours, you don't have to agree with them but you do have to respect their choice.

Spamming the boards isn't approved of. This includes posting just to boost your post count, or posting messages that are devoid of content. ("... Of The Day" threads are exempt from this rule, but see below).

A post represents the opinions of its author. This even applies to mods and admins, unless they specify otherwise.

Stick within the law. The site is based in England and hosted in Germany. Don't post anything that is illegal in either country...

No images in signatures. They look a mess and clutter the forum, make the posts difficult to read and the page slower to load.

Moderators and Administrators have the right to do whatever they see fit to your user account. This includes banning you, deleting your account, editing your posts to remove unwanted content and humiliating you in front of your peers. Live with it.

Oh, and no Sheilas.

Back to top

Posting Guidelines
Posting Guidelines

When making a post, remember these:

Use an informative subject. Subjects should give a clue to what a thread is about. They should not be IN ALL CAPS or say things like "Click Here!!!".

Post on the correct board. See the board descriptions on the forum index to find out which one is correct.

Write in correct English. No txtspeak please! We don't mind common net abbreviations such as LOL, and we don't demand precision typing skills, but abbreviations such as 'u' or 'l8r' are immature and detract from the content of your message.

Work-safe images. Many people browse this site from work, so please don't post any images (either inline or as your avatar) that could be considered rude or offensive...

Don't abuse BBCode. Posting a message in mile-high purple letters might seem amusing at the time, but I can guarantee the result will not be as readable as you would like. BBCode is there to help you emphasise specific points. It's not a new artistic medium.

Don't go too far off topic. Tangents are fine, but please don't take over a thread to talk about your pet cat called Rover, or to insult Mrs RicheyJames. Actually, insulting Mrs RicheyJames is probably ok, but keep it to a handful of "stray" posts and not 3 billion, eh? Thanks.
That's it.....
Thank you.

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:37
by Bad Whisky
By the way, I didn't meant to be rude.

My name is Logan Rodrigues.
I'm 27 and I live in Portugal.

I made my first contact with The Sisters of Mercy when I was 11.

I loved them from the first time I hear it.

I'm a naked flame !!

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:40
by James Blast
tha's more like it, welcome Logan :D

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:43
by Bad Whisky
James Blast wrote:tha's more like it, welcome Logan :D
Thank you.

May I call you James ?

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:49
by James Blast
why the hell not, at least it's better than some of the things I get called on here :lol:

normal service has been resumed

did I say Phantom's pish?