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Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 09:29
by lazarus corporation
Ozpat wrote:I am still hoping for the Martian dates in Europe or maybe some festivals on the mainland during summer. 8)
My guess would be that the answer to that is "you've just had them" - the series of European dates in August 2005 (the idea mentioned by someone that those commented out words are just part of a page template rings true to me, especially considering Von's style of HTML coding/page design).

However I obviously hope that I'm wrong.

I can't be arsed to speculate/analyse any more because I'll probably get it all wrong and look like a pratt. ;)

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 10:06
by Obviousman
Site online again, nothing new, as far as I can see, even nothing 'bout Phoenix

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 10:10
by Bartek

Above The Chemist Score: 404 Moves: 10

Barely Interactive Fiction
Copyright (c) 2002 by The Sisters Of Mercy. All rights reserved.
Release 7 / Serial number 218022 / Interpreter 1 Version G

West of Chemist


A chain of godforsaken mountains lies brooding on the western skyline. A road leads south to the train station, and there is a well-trodden path to the east. Horizontal rain prevents you from seeing much more ...through those very cheap sunglasses.

>take off sunglasses

You can't take off the cheap sunglasses.

>drop sunglasses

But you're still wearing the cheap sunglasses!

>take off sunglasses

You can't take off the cheap sunglasses.

>go south

Booking Hall

The ticket counters in the booking hall are deserted. There is an electronic sign above the counters.

>read sign

"Platform 1: west to Criminal City and The Slough Of Despond. Platform 2 for southbound trains terminating in the Land Of Fake Jazz Nonsense"


You have a drum machine, a packet of used guitar strings, a card from the Department Of Health And Social Security, a picture of Isabelle Adjani, a pair of cheap sunglasses, some kind of sinus inflammation, and a deep aversion to Fake Jazz Nonsense.

>go north

West of Chemist

>go east

At The Chemist

You are in a white room. Tiny envelopes fill the myriad small shelves on a wall behind the chemist himself, who looks you up and down with his one voracious eye. He doesn't seem surprised to see you.

>go up, to a page whose existence I have posited in a fit of overweening bravado

The chemist smiles knowingly, and hands you a few of his tiny envelopes. You find yourself climbing a metal construct with no visible end. Fog gathers around you. Suddenly horrified, you think about descending, but a trapdoor slams shut beneath you as your surroundings begin to pulsate with colours which ... you have not seen before. The cackling from below is soon drowned out by the furious thunder of your own heartbeat amplified to deafening volume.

Above The Chemist

You are above the chemist, but all is not lost, although you are.

Looking down, you notice some inscriptions scratched into the metalwork. Maybe you should click on one of them. You know you want to.

Infocom Games and their documentation or a mirror site of their documentation

All things IF-related, including freeware, amateur games, Infocom-type and others

Frotz: runs Infocom-type games on almost any computer or search net for "Frotz"

Sisters Homepage

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 10:16
by Obviousman
That has been around for ages, eg. when you click pages not yet made. Like here: clicky

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 10:21
by Bartek
I've never tried this ...strange, but obvious

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 15:04
by dtsom
I´ve seen that the sisters will play in the MARQUEE THEATRE ON 18-FEBRUARY-06(Tempe, AZ 85281) ... ventID=759

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 15:23
by Ozpat
Ozpat wrote:The Sisters Of Mercy - Phoenix
w/ special guests
When: 2/18/2006 6:30 PM
Where: Marquee Theatre
Ticket price: $25.00*
Price day of: $26.00*
Online Sales Close: 2/18/2006 12:00 PM
Ages: All Ages

Thanks anyway dtsom!

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 16:47
by eastmidswhizzkid
all sour grapes aside (well it is christmas) it looks like an american tour is on the cards so congratulations you lucky bastards! unless my lottery numbers come up (which would be difficult as i don't do the lottery) i won't be able to make it so have a good time for me as well while you're at it.
*and yes this is the same post as in general chat*

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 17:39
by aims
I'm still holding out hope that the timezone difference allows Von to play in York on Feb 16th at 7.30 and then Las Vegas on Feb 16th at 7.30. You know it makes sense :innocent:

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 17:50
by Electrochrome
Well well well...with no new product...and years since the last one in 1999...I had large doubts about Von & Co coming to the US of A.

I eat my shoe, I really do. I deserve it...and we all deserve the Sisters and Mr Bastardo Eldo to come States-side, a place he has an up and down relationship with but of course regards as a key market. Good good good....please let it be a proper tour hitting several towns.

Hopefully they come east...NYC, Philly, Boston, etc. Hopefully they get SOMEthing in the press, some good press to encourage new people to check them out. They rock. They are good. They deserve a record contract, damn it! And they owe it to themselves to prove again the power of the shiny groove machine with a shiny plastic disc.

Okay, maybe that's pushing it. But two confirmed shows in the USA is a good thing. Don't worry, Britons, he's coming back.

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 17:57
by Obviousman
Motz wrote:I'm still holding out hope that the timezone difference allows Von to play in York on Feb 16th at 7.30 and then Las Vegas on Feb 16th at 7.30. You know it makes sense :innocent:
Perhaps if we all hope along? ;D

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 18:08
by Electrochrome
Just a note regarding all the speculation of Von's smoke and mirrors and secret coded gigs (please)....did anyone hit Cntl + A to select all text and notice that 'USA' was not visible normally? Could have helped us all.

Tricky bastard:

2006 February 16 USA Las Vegas

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 18:11
by Dark
You were expecting the little-known Las Vegas of Turkmenistan?

If the man says Vegas, he means Vegas. :von:

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 18:26
by aims
To paraphrase, "I don't necessarily agree with everything that I mean" ;)

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 19:33
by euphoria
What makes me wonder is the scale this tour seems to have - I mean, how many live between Las Vegas and Phoenix? Not exactly a dense population there...are they saying goodbye or releasing something ?

Now I figure they are going for Florida end of february, which would make for a VERY nice holiday for Sisters-less Europeans :) I'm thinking about it very much.

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 19:39
by Silver_Owl
Not been around for a while so was expecting the announcement of the York/Leeds gig - not Vegas.
Would be nice to get out there but then I'd miss the Archdrude - and that would never do.

Anyway - they are deffo playing UK dates later in the year.....

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 19:52
by aims
Thankyou for that valuable tidbit, HC.

It seems the silver bullet in question might be 3.5" across ;)

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 20:07
by Silver_Owl
Motz wrote:Thankyou for that valuable tidbit, HC.

It seems the silver bullet in question might be 3.5" across ;)
Indeed young Motz. 'Summer' release to be expected I'm guessing.

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 20:22
by aims
It would appear that my personal goal of "find a label before Andrew puts out a record" has confused Murphy's law into presenting us with new material then ;D

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 20:58
by Ozpat
Electrochrome wrote:
I eat my shoe, I really do. I deserve it....
Aye...that's what you said. Maybe you can put a photo of yourself eating that shoe in the gallery.

Or just leave it and allow me to send you some dollars so you can buy and send me a tourshirt (if they don't do Europe)... :innocent:

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 21:00
by Ozpat
Motz wrote:I'm still holding out hope that the timezone difference allows Von to play in York on Feb 16th at 7.30 and then Las Vegas on Feb 16th at 7.30. You know it makes sense :innocent:
It does Motz....good idea actually!!! :) :D

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 21:22
by Electrochrome
Ozpat wrote:
Electrochrome wrote:
I eat my shoe, I really do. I deserve it....
Aye...that's what you said. Maybe you can put a photo of yourself eating that shoe in the gallery.

Or just leave it and allow me to send you some dollars so you can buy and send me a tourshirt (if they don't do Europe)... :innocent:
The shoe is tough, it's leathery, it doesn't look appetizing, but it's the meal I get. Photos a distinct possibility if Eldo moves his road show closer to Gotham...

And if so, I'll be a shirt-buying-sucker myself. To add to the last one, and to the bootleg hoodie that was quite cheap outside...

Come on...more updates...more updates....

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 23:35
by DeWinter
I'm interested in who put the money up for these gigs.Eldritch himself in a last ditch attempt to get some label interest States-side?Or did he just fancy a jaunt?Or was he so impressive on his European dates that some US promoter threw cash at him in heaping handfuls?
Mildly interesting times for Eldo fans,but I stick to my policy of not shelling out for tickets,travel,and accomodation untill he has something worth listening to,rather than the same old songs..

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 23:40
by Ozpat
DeWinter wrote: but I stick to my policy of not shelling out for tickets,travel,and accomodation untill he has something worth listening to,rather than the same old songs..
IMHO the Sisters are always worth listening to. I love the same old songs....but I also hope for new ones and a studio thingy....

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 23:43
by aims
If someone's paying for it, then it has worth. Ain't capitalism a cruel mistress? ;)