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Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 13:34
by richmagpies

Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 13:42
by ruffers
CarpetKisser wrote:;-)

WARNING: Does anyone know if there's any club nite afterwards? I was at the Astoria in Feb watching The Rakes and they started VERY early because straight after, The Astoria "changed" into G.A.Y. and it was Brokeback-Mountain-Night.............full of chaps :lol:
Not according to the Mean Fiddler website

Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 14:01
by Gottdammerung
Probably not on a Tuesday, there's not much happens on that day of the week...

Though.. I might have a connection for a techno party on a boat...

Been getting SMSs about it for the past three weeks...


Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 14:08
by ruffers
Gottdammerung wrote:Probably not on a Tuesday, there's not much happens on that day of the week...

Though.. I might have a connection for a techno party on a boat...

Been getting SMSs about it for the past three weeks...

I've taken Wednesday off. Just in case like.... :lol:

Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 14:27
by Gottdammerung
ruffers wrote:
Gottdammerung wrote:Probably not on a Tuesday, there's not much happens on that day of the week...

Though.. I might have a connection for a techno party on a boat...

Been getting SMSs about it for the past three weeks...

I've taken Wednesday off. Just in case like.... :lol:
ach, my lack of holidays left this year means I've only got Wednesday morning off.. :?

I'll keep me ears open regarding anything going on that afterwards night though..

Posted: 27 Apr 2006, 22:38
by daggs
I viewed a flat yesterday...I'll be completely unpacked there before the gig because they gave me the keys today!! I'll have to have a word with von at the gig though because he kept stabbing me in the leg while i was dragging some of my stuff up there (floodland cd was sticking into my leg and i swear everytime i looked down he was mocking me!).
The flat backs on to a crematorium aswell! gothic or what :wink: :lol: :lol: makes me scared to go outside in the dark.
I've also found out my net provider doesn't serve that area so ill be saying goodbye to my daily visits to heartland and will only be able to come on on college days :evil: :evil:
But anyway due to the annoying need for a stupid ammount of money when one moves into a flat I'll probably be the one with only enough money to buy herself 2 cans...dammit :( But its the sisters so ill just get high off the atmosphere of course :D

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 01:09
by godgirl
Gottdammerung wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
streamline wrote:Maybe Quiffie will have completed the Heartland t-shirts by then?
sadly the chances of them being ready tuesday are not looking good :| :urff: :(

bugger :urff:

and i think i'll wear by blades top ;) :lol: :von: :notworthy:
Well in keeping with the sports theme and the fact that others have threatened to wear St Pauli tops.. I might as well wear my Helsinki Jokerit ice hockey top!

NO-one will be wearing one of those....

how about a dukla prague away kit?


Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 10:29
by hellboy69
daggs wrote:I'll probably be the one with only enough money to buy herself 2 cans...dammit :(
LOL ~ that's what boyfriends are for?

I'll certainly be doing bar runs... for the missus of course, i never touch a drop me, oh no :innocent:

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 19:22
by robertzombie
daggs wrote:I viewed a flat yesterday...I'll be completely unpacked there before the gig because they gave me the keys today!!
congrats ;D

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 20:38
by Andie
ruffers wrote:
Gottdammerung wrote:Probably not on a Tuesday, there's not much happens on that day of the week...

Though.. I might have a connection for a techno party on a boat...

Been getting SMSs about it for the past three weeks...

I've taken Wednesday off. Just in case like.... :lol:
i've taken Wednesday off work as well...i'm gonna have a look around Camden on Tuesday...see what's going on up there

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 21:56
by daggs
hellboy69 wrote:LOL ~ that's what boyfriends are for?
My boyfriend and I share finances and now a new flat! so he'll be the poor bloke stood next to me with only enough money to buy himself 2 cans :lol:

I have a huge bruise on my leg now because of floodland...will be having words with :von:

oh and thanks R.Z. :)

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 11:21
by hellboy69
daggs wrote:
hellboy69 wrote:LOL ~ that's what boyfriends are for?
My boyfriend and I share finances and now a new flat! so he'll be the poor bloke stood next to me with only enough money to buy himself 2 cans :lol:

I have a huge bruise on my leg now because of floodland...will be having words with :von:
Awww ~ Mrs Hellboy & i moved flats last month, so i understand & feel your pain! Anyhow, we're back in the black (how goth) so if we see you, your can quotient will rise to 3 each ;)

Keep an eye on the bruise ~ maybe on the morning of the gig, it will look curiously like The Face Of :von: !!!

Have i mentioned recently how excited i am about SISTERS on May 2nd? Hmmm? Well? Have i ??? Next thing, K9 will be returning to Dr Who......... :D

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 14:15
by daggs
hellboy69 wrote:
daggs wrote:
hellboy69 wrote:LOL ~ that's what boyfriends are for?
My boyfriend and I share finances and now a new flat! so he'll be the poor bloke stood next to me with only enough money to buy himself 2 cans :lol:

I have a huge bruise on my leg now because of floodland...will be having words with :von:
Awww ~ Mrs Hellboy & i moved flats last month, so i understand & feel your pain! Anyhow, we're back in the black (how goth) so if we see you, your can quotient will rise to 3 each ;)

Keep an eye on the bruise ~ maybe on the morning of the gig, it will look curiously like The Face Of :von: !!!

Have i mentioned recently how excited i am about SISTERS on May 2nd? Hmmm? Well? Have i ??? Next thing, K9 will be returning to Dr Who......... :D
I never realised how difficult it was starting a home from scratch aswell! I have a new found respect for my dad for moving all our stuff down south in a car while we were at our nans up north! Our diet currently consists of just pot noodles as we only have a kettle! :lol:
It sucks that my wireless broadband doesnt cover the new area so I have to leave the omp at home...less religious heartland visiting :(

thanks for the offer :kiss: I hope to meet everyone regardless as I get on so well with u all :D hope your new flat was woth it! I think you'll agree though that the good thing about moving to a flat now is that we're so occupied that it isnt hell waiting for the gig :D
Your exitement is very shared..I was doing a countdown to the gig but it was left at 6 when we found out we had to move :lol:..I suppose I can restart it at 3!
Oh and I found SSV whilst packing everything away..I don't know if that could be called a good thing though...

If you look hard enough you could maybe make out the new merciful release :lol: Maybe in true von style I should sue him for damages :lol: :lol:

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 14:21
by zippy
hellboy69 wrote:
daggs wrote:
hellboy69 wrote:LOL ~ that's what boyfriends are for?
My boyfriend and I share finances and now a new flat! so he'll be the poor bloke stood next to me with only enough money to buy himself 2 cans :lol:

I have a huge bruise on my leg now because of floodland...will be having words with :von:
Awww ~ Mrs Hellboy & i moved flats last month, so i understand & feel your pain! Anyhow, we're back in the black (how goth) so if we see you, your can quotient will rise to 3 each ;)

Keep an eye on the bruise ~ maybe on the morning of the gig, it will look curiously like The Face Of :von: !!!

Have i mentioned recently how excited i am about SISTERS on May 2nd? Hmmm? Well? Have i ??? Next thing, K9 will be returning to Dr

Who......... :D

:lol: Am over the mooooooooon too about seeing The sisters and K9 :lol:

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 16:23
by robertzombie
and so it veers ever nearer 8) ;D

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 17:09
by canon docre
whats the weather like now in London? I need to pack my stuff soon and would love to give the winterjacket a miss.

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 17:11
by robertzombie
Too bloody hot if you ask me. Bit windy though.

Speaking of coats. Does the Astoria have a cloakroom?

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 19:59
by daggs
yeah, they charge a fair bit though. I think last time I went it was something like 2 quid maybe? And I left my cigarettes in my bag by mistake so I had to get my bag back and then pay all over again :roll:

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 21:12
by robertzombie

i think we gonna risk it and leave the coats.

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 23:39
by Badass
heyhey, booked my flight today. badass goes london. lets hope that the sisters offer us something special 4 the first UK gig...! looking froward to seeing you guys...

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 12:30
by robertzombie
Will there be enough merch left for me to buy a tour shirt at the end of the show?

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 14:38
by canon docre
Can somebody tell me where The George is? :D

Ta muchley. :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 16:58
by robertzombie

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 17:04
by canon docre
Techno Music? :eek: Is that the place close to the Astoria? :?

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 17:12
by ruffers
That's a different pub, the Royal George near the Astoria is here

I thought we'd decided on Ben Crouch's? :?