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Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:06
by Delilah
Dave R wrote:I intend not to turn up in one, can't promise about leaving though... :urff:
Lets see OK? I don't intend to turn up in trousers :wink:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:06
by Dave R
Mera What Mate?

is that some kind of G*** Thang?

not for me pal.....thay aint got Bank's and Scratchings.......

Wolvo Civic - saturday Night - Cheeky tunes, top beer...what more does a bloke need!

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:13
by Delilah
lazarus corporation wrote:I believe there was mention of those of grabbing a chinese in the afternoon, before the evening's drinking (for those of us arriving for the pre-meet-Camden-shopping)
Laz, only if we are brave enough! They seem to work for hangover though... So Sunday lunch anyone?

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:16
by Delilah
Gottdammerung wrote:On a slightly more sensible note... if Chinese is your thing then I'd be willing to act as guide to some of the better restaurants in China Town..

R u coming then on the 7th Gott?

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:21
by Delilah
lazarus corporation wrote:since Williams Hills' website (a dodgy site if ever there was) doesn't seem to be taking bets on the London HL meet, I thought we should organise out own bets.

well, what will you bet on - feuds? romance? (assassination?) drunkeness (sorry - no more bets taken on this one)?
LAz, you naughty boy!!! :wink: ;D :twisted:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:26
by lazarus corporation
Delilah wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:since Williams Hills' website (a dodgy site if ever there was) doesn't seem to be taking bets on the London HL meet, I thought we should organise out own bets.

well, what will you bet on - feuds? romance? (assassination?) drunkeness (sorry - no more bets taken on this one)?
LAz, you naughty boy!!! :wink: ;D :twisted:
no money to put up front, Delilah? Sure you don't want to gamble?

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:29
by Delilah
lazarus corporation wrote:
Delilah wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:since Williams Hills' website (a dodgy site if ever there was) doesn't seem to be taking bets on the London HL meet, I thought we should organise out own bets.

well, what will you bet on - feuds? romance? (assassination?) drunkeness (sorry - no more bets taken on this one)?
LAz, you naughty boy!!! :wink: ;D :twisted:
no money to put up front, Delilah? Sure you don't want to gamble?
Laz, you are INDEED a very naughty boy!!!! Reading between the lines.......... :D

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:30
by lazarus corporation
Delilah wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:
Delilah wrote: LAz, you naughty boy!!! :wink: ;D :twisted:
no money to put up front, Delilah? Sure you don't want to gamble?
Laz, you are INDEED a very naughty boy!!!! Reading between the lines.......... :D
I'm sure I don't know what you mean :innocent:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:44
by Delilah
lazarus corporation wrote: I'm sure I don't know what you mean :innocent:
Shall we wait for all the photos and evidence then? :wink:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:50
by lazarus corporation
Delilah wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote: I'm sure I don't know what you mean :innocent:
Shall we wait for all the photos and evidence then? :wink:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 22:55
by Loki
Have you two booked a room yet?

Please see my posting ranking. :innocent:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:00
by lazarus corporation
Loki wrote:Have you two booked a room yet?

Please see my posting ranking. :innocent:
you see that end of the stick - totally wrong end, mate

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:00
by Delilah
Loki wrote:Have you two booked a room yet?

Please see my posting ranking. :innocent:
Laz, what is he bloody talking about ?????

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:02
by Brideoffrankenstein
Loki dear, I think you've got the wrong end of the stick

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:07
by Delilah
Loki, is it all too complicated or something? :wink:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:10
by Loki
So, I think the general consensus is that I got the wrong end of the stick. :?: Don't remember the right end either. Oh, well. Don't expect me to read 233 new posts. I'll just ad-lib, try to pick up the theme and get it horribly, horribly wrong. Again. :von:

As you were kids, planning your party ... :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:18
by Delilah
Loki wrote:So, I think the general consensus is that I got the wrong end of the stick. :?: Don't remember the right end either. Oh, well. Don't expect me to read 233 new posts. I'll just ad-lib, try to pick up the theme and get it horribly, horribly wrong. Again. :von:

As you were kids, planning your party ... :notworthy:
Big Curly hair, don't worry :D everybody can make a mistake :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:23
by Loki
Delilah wrote:
Loki wrote:So, I think the general consensus is that I got the wrong end of the stick. :?: Don't remember the right end either. Oh, well. Don't expect me to read 233 new posts. I'll just ad-lib, try to pick up the theme and get it horribly, horribly wrong. Again. :von:

As you were kids, planning your party ... :notworthy:
Big Curly hair, don't worry :D everybody can make a mistake :lol: :lol: :lol:
Why do I get a certain sense of deja vu? Why do I sense Francis appearing any moment with your 'least fav'?

Groundhog day. Again. :innocent:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:26
by Delilah
Loki wrote:
Why do I get a certain sense of deja vu? Why do I sense Francis appearing any moment with your 'least fave'?

Groundhog day. Again. :innocent:
meaning "Alice"? I really hate that song. Don't know why... Sorry ;)

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:33
by Dave R
There's a party?

Can I come?

why am I the last to know about these things??

:innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:38
by Loki
Dave R wrote:There's a party?

Can I come?

why am I the last to know about these things??

:innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
Because you STILL wear a snake-belt.

I'm not invited either.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 15 Apr 2005, 23:39
by Dave R
ooooh, ya bitch!!!!


Posted: 16 Apr 2005, 00:01
by Loki
@ Dave R - Did you know that Barnes Wallis invented the snake-belt? As well as that other thing we don't mention on a pan-european forum.

Think I mentioned it once but got away with it.

Quiffy: feel free to prune the mindless chat not related to the core topic. :von:

Posted: 16 Apr 2005, 00:11
by Dave R
Sanke Belts and Bouncing...thingies.....what a total dude!

I wonder if the bouncing thingies came in stripy colous as well???

Pan European Bouncing Thingies in Stripy Colours if we are to be Politically Correct!!!


Do you you think we are off topic enough yet to distract from the depravity that is the May 7th Meet????


Posted: 16 Apr 2005, 00:53
by Delilah
Loki and Dave R. What the hell are you talking about???

:lol: :lol: :lol: