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Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 17:26
by canon docre
ruffers wrote:That's a different pub, the Royal George near the Astoria is here

I thought we'd decided on Ben Crouch's? :?
Ah yes, thats the one. Thankee! 8)

I have some appointments beyond the duties of HL. :wink: ... but I'll try to make it to Ben Crouch's as well. :P

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 20:06
by Electrochrome

I will have an extra ticket for the London show.

I'm leaving for London Monday night, will arrive Tuesday morning. Picking up the tickets from someone in the day (purchased off eBay). Tickets came to about 33 quid each, not looking to make money but recoup most of the cost (purchased a pair but need only one).

Anyone want for 30 quid or best offer? PM me before 10pm GMT, leave me some info. If there's no takers, wonder how easy to get rid of near the venue? Just want someone to have the ticket.


Posted: 01 May 2006, 00:01
by pikkrong
canon docre wrote:whats the weather like now in London?
it's raining.

Posted: 01 May 2006, 10:31
by canon docre
pikkrong wrote:
canon docre wrote:whats the weather like now in London?
it's raining.

Oh, you're there already? :P Great! See you on tuesday.

Posted: 01 May 2006, 10:32
by robertzombie
The time is almost upon us.

Let's show the rest of the world how it's done :D :twisted:

London weather forecast

Posted: 01 May 2006, 13:57
by pikkrong
canon docre wrote:
pikkrong wrote:
canon docre wrote:whats the weather like now in London?
it's raining.

Oh, you're there already? :P Great! See you on tuesday.
you're welcome!
especially with Berlin flyer :innocent: :oops:

Posted: 01 May 2006, 15:53
by daggs
Can't stop listening to sisters with all the anticipation :D mind you thats not too much diiferent to normal!
Oh I've decided to not wear the black and purple dress as (as it was pointed out to me) it would be abit uncomfortble when going crazy in the crowd...and i'd rather enjoy the going crazy bit :D
Now I'm wearing a fairly long black velvet dress thats laced at the back...sleevless still of course so my silver bullet MR tat can be spotted by other HLers! My bf will be wearing a scarey unicorn t-shirt thing and will be about twice my size :lol: My size usually means I have my head stuck in peoples armpits all night :urff: I rely on my bf to get a glimpse (if possible with the sisters!) of the band and a breath of fresh air :lol: gotta love fired up sweaty crowds!
Hope to be sharing sweat with some of you soon :wink: :lol:

Posted: 01 May 2006, 16:40
by robertzombie
I'll be lookin at peoples arms :D What's your name btw?

I was gonna go into town today but the tube is all over the place... (hope it's fixed by tomorrow :x)

Are there any posters up at/near the venue advertising the gig?

Posted: 01 May 2006, 21:22
by robertzombie
richmagpies wrote:Post #113 Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:26 pm Post subject:


streamline plus mrs streamline
Gottdammerung & his mate Michie
robertzombie + friend (he's paid his dues now)
lazarus corporation (+ mate)
Burn (+friend (if she decides to leave Camden) + assorted hangers on))
Albérick (+ friend)
Nick the stripper
Johnny M
canon docre
Eva (+ friend (if possible))
Andrew S
daggs + boyfriend
SomeKindOfStranger (+ good lady and a few mates)
DomConway + Cheryl
Corinthian (+ 1)
Hellboy69 + 7 f(r)iends
GlosGoth + Mrs GlosGoth
magicmonkeyman + 2 friends
richmagpies + mate
Donald + 3 chums
Nick (Electrochrome)

Is this the final Heart-List?

Posted: 01 May 2006, 21:33
by Francis
You can add myself and Nick (Electrochrome) if you're a completist. :wink:

Posted: 01 May 2006, 22:00
by robertzombie
i certainly will :D

Posted: 01 May 2006, 22:02
by robertzombie
Well I'm off to watch some quality telly now... hope to see lots of you tomorrow :D For those of you I don't meet, have a cracking good time :D

Posted: 01 May 2006, 22:03
by Count J Vacher
you can also add moi plus wench

Posted: 02 May 2006, 06:37
by doc P
they´re hitting uk soil tonight ....
so fellow hl ´ers - enjoy 8) the totally changed setlist :lol:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 06:46
by Ozpat
You've been waiting for a while.
Now it's your time...You know what to expect! :D

Have a great night out!

Posted: 02 May 2006, 08:59
by ruffers
I'll be in Ben Crouch's from 4-ish wearing this


Be excellent to each other.

Posted: 02 May 2006, 10:39
by hellboy69
i won't be making it to Crouch's now, but will be crashing and burning with to you HLers at the Astoria/bar!

can't fooking wait :notworthy:

come on :von: give us FALAA & Burn :D

Posted: 02 May 2006, 11:25
by AlBéRiCk
got to London yesterday and had my first real night of sleep since Friday...
well it's good to be here :wink:

see you tonight

Posted: 02 May 2006, 11:29
by Tara
I'll be there too with the Mr.

Have a good evening all!


Posted: 02 May 2006, 15:44
by daggs
Ah I'm so excited :D :D Just on my break from History and can't wait to finish so I can get my arse down the station. How the heck is one supposed to focus on learning about the soviet union when it just sets off Dominion/Mother Russia going round in ones head :lol:
I reacon all HLers should try mob the bar at least during the support band to say hi! I have my comfortable dress all ready to go mad in the crowd after some drinking...alot cooler than my other one to avoid passing out :lol:
My name is Lorna btw, my partner is terry...look out for mad looking little girl with long black hair in a fairly longish black velvet dress with a velvet belt bit going round the front and the new MR tatooed on the arm..oh and i should be making a hell of alot of noise, but then I expect you all to be :P
Really hope to see you all there, need to go back to history now..just a few more rounds of mother russia and I'm done :roll:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 16:37
by daggs
hellboy69 wrote:come on :von: give us FALAA & Burn :D
**claps** good choice

Posted: 02 May 2006, 17:30
by scotty
Aye, have a great time folks, have a drink for me :D

Posted: 02 May 2006, 17:35
by Mrs. Snowey
right, we've landed in dat der London - whose round is it at the Ben Crouch first? :lol:

Posted: 02 May 2006, 19:09
by DomConway
I'm currently sat on a stationary train outside London due to signal failure and Cheryl has food poisoning, so the evening's shaping up well! Not gonna make pub so I'll see y'all at the gig, I'll be wearing a t-shirt saying "boo"

Posted: 02 May 2006, 19:16
by Bartek
have a nice evening/night