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Posted: 09 May 2006, 06:50
by weebleswobble
James Blast wrote:Still...?
crazy after all these years


Posted: 09 May 2006, 08:29
by Red_Kola
These songs were all played. Order may be considerably wrong...
I was worried for the first few songs but it really got going from WYDSM onwards.

Crash And Burn
Flood I

Still (was somewhere around here)

(We Are The Same), Suzanne
Giving Ground
Dominion/Mother Russia
NeverLand (a £1.50 portion...)
This Corrosion
Something Fast
Top Nite Out
Temple Of Love

Hello to everyone I met. Big Si, PM me - I owe you at least a couple of pints so I'll send you something special :wink:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 09:36
by Quiff Boy
got a rather drunken phone call from choque after the gig last night. i gather all were involved in backstage partying :D

apparently von thought that was the best date of the tour so far :o :D :notworthy:

lucky bastards :lol: sounds like a corker 8)

now lets see what they can pull out of the hat for bristol :!:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 10:07
by Quiff Boy
hmmm, so the 2 bands' dressing rooms were very near each other... clicky

think von drilled a hole in the wall? :lol: ;D

Posted: 09 May 2006, 13:06
by Anyanka Vengeance
What a great nite last nite was!!

Sound a little bad at first but it picked up...I was at the side but made it to the front :D

Did I eveb see Von smile and do a little nod of the head now and then, I think I did!! :notworthy:

Nice to have met briefly a couple of you HLers at Stavka, Boudicea, you were the only one I recognised at first. Billjok I'm sure entertained you all more along with Uncle Eric :wink:

Boo to Rock Steady Security for throwing those out in the pit at Giving Ground...tossers!

I have some photos will post them later.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 13:11
by Scardwel
Anyanka Vengeance wrote: Boo to Rock Steady Security for throwing those out in the pit at Giving Ground...tossers!
Aye. I'm told that half of James Rays Gangwar were ejected. Wish I'd gone now, then it would have been 3/4 of Gangwar thrown out... :lol:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 13:14
by Anyanka Vengeance
Scardwel wrote:
Anyanka Vengeance wrote: Boo to Rock Steady Security for throwing those out in the pit at Giving Ground...tossers!
Aye. I'm told that half of James Rays Gangwar were ejected. Wish I'd gone now, then it would have been 3/4 of Gangwar thrown out... :lol:
Naughty Bill and Eric! I've never seen a bloke got strectched so much in my life! :urff:

PS Bill's gangwar tee got thrown onstage! PMSL!

Posted: 09 May 2006, 13:18
by Scardwel
Anyanka Vengeance wrote:Naughty Bill and Eric! I've never seen a bloke got strectched so much in my life! :urff:

PS Bill's gangwar tee got thrown onstage! PMSL!
Bloody hell!! :eek:
Now I really wish I'd gone! :evil:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 13:23
by Anyanka Vengeance
Scardwel wrote:
Anyanka Vengeance wrote:Naughty Bill and Eric! I've never seen a bloke got strectched so much in my life! :urff:

PS Bill's gangwar tee got thrown onstage! PMSL!
Bloody hell!! :eek:
Now I really wish I'd gone! :evil:
But you would have had to get thrown out too! :P

Posted: 09 May 2006, 13:42
by doctoravalanche
I am not sure to have really understood, what happened to James Ray And Gangwar ???

Posted: 09 May 2006, 14:11
by Nazareth
I thought it was a great show, i wasn't expecting much after some of the reviews and at the start i thought it was going to be a similar story, you couldnt really hear eldritch well, but after a couple of songs it got a lot better!
I don't like the backing vocals, they don't sound right for the songs, in my opinion. Also this corrosion started anonymously, i didnt even know what song it was until the lyrics came in, the intro aside, it was a great version.
I did see one heartlander, big si, from a distance though, it helps that you are a good foot taller than the average sisters fan!

Posted: 09 May 2006, 14:14
by Obviousman
Anyanka Vengeance wrote:PS Bill's gangwar tee got thrown onstage! PMSL!
He's departed from his ancient Gangwar tee? :eek:

Seems like it's been a lovely gig once again, looking forward to thursday ;D

Posted: 09 May 2006, 15:20
by bismarck
Can someone tell us the James Ray/Giving Ground story from the Glasgow gig? Since I wasn't there, I'm very curious (as are others I imagine)...

Posted: 09 May 2006, 16:55
by Erudite
James Blast wrote:Still...?

with thanks to the happening :notworthy:
Many thanks for that! :D

Posted: 09 May 2006, 17:01
by Planet Dave
Nice one kiddywinksies, sounds like Glasgow got a storming gig yet again. :notworthy: When they tour for their 30th annivesary (imagine), I'm definitely heading your way.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 17:12
by Erudite
Top Nite Out indeed!

Enjoyed this far more than Amsterdam, and I don't think it was purely
down to the medication.
Vocals a little low during the first couple of numbers but after that the sound was pretty good, though a couple of rows back from the front of the stage probably isn't the best aural vantage point.
New song 'Still' went over well, which bodes well for future gigs and tracks.
Flood I, Giving Ground Romeo Down - hell, pretty much the last three-quarters of the set were all storming, though I thought Something Fast sounded a little mashed up, and not in a good way.
Mr Catalyst - what star, a real showman and no mistake. He definitely puts some much needed life in the Sisters.
Right, think I'm starting to run out of superlatives, so I'll wind this up with
a few greetings.

Great to see Mr Blast again and to meet Big Si (does exactly what it says on the tin, that one).
Thanks to Pat for the CD - unexpected bonus for the evening.
@ Claire, now I've had time to consider, I'm sure you must have elbowed
someone else in the face. I know there's not much of you (says me) but I'm fairly certain I would remember that.

As usual, never really enough time to meet people.
I really must get my arse down to the next MacHeartland gathering and
actually attempt to be sociable.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 17:17
by 6FeetOver
My jealousy knows no bounds. !@#$%^&* :evil:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 17:37
by simond666
Enjoyed las night's gig HUGELY. For me it was better than the last two Barrowlands gigs. This version of the band with Ben and Chris brings a fresh interpretation to the older material. I was pleasantly surprised that Ben's widdly guitar bits weren't too intrusive!
Lot's of highlights including Alice, Summer and Dominion.
Von's voice was showing signs of wear and tear, but he and the sound guys made the most of it and the mix was just about right.
I was in Stavka for a wee while before the gig, but didn't go up to complete strangers and introduce myself, although I guess most of the people there were Heartlanders...
Still, next time there's a MacHeartland p*iss up I'll be there if I can! :)

Posted: 09 May 2006, 17:48
by James Blast
@ Erudite t'was great to meet you again Don, nice review, Sir! I hope you found your way to the Cat House
@ simond666 you should have said hello, we don't bite, just the odd stabbing here and there :lol:

it was a very special gig, be jealous all ye who missed it

Posted: 09 May 2006, 17:50
by boudicca
What can I say?

F.U.C.K. :wink:

Absolutely bollocking shouldn't-be-allowed amazing! :notworthy: :von: :notworthy:

I thought the sound was great - it wasn't the kind of volume that would cause a displacement of all your major organs, but quite frankly I go to concerts to see a band, not to get uncontrollable internal bleeding.

Von was in fine form, although I'm beginning to worry about him getting a bit of a Thick Neck :eek: . And as usual he suffered a little from the old "Sing up, man!" syndrome. But I'm nit-picking. He's still got it.
For my money, Chris Catalyst was an extremely entertaining presence on the stage, particularly during Top Nite Out. My last doubts dissolved into dry ice in the intro to that, where he had his shades perched on top of his head... until the Doktor really kicked in, when he just gave one forceful nod, they fell down onto his nose, and he proceeded to Rock 8) .

But it's already been mentioned - the entertainment offstage kept presenting me with a dilemma as to who to watch.
I chatted with Mr. Ray for half an hour or so in the bar prior to the gig, during which he informed me, amongst other things, of the joys of theoretical physics and how I ought to be pronouncing my name (boo-da-ca instead of boe-di-see-a, I believe, but that is of course bollocks).
I let it slide though, since he was charming enough to usher me down to the front after two numbers, and duly shelter me from The Pit. He had been very keen all evening to get up on stage and sing a certain Sisterhood track... :innocent:

So I was right in the middle of The Giving Ground Incident and it unfolded thus - We were in the second row and as the intro began, he tapped a guy beside me on the back to try and get through to the front, but the little sh!te wouldn't let him past :evil: :roll: . He turned to me and said, "That guy has just prevented music history from happening!"
However, he was quickly borne aloft by some of his bandmates with the intent of getting him over the barrier, but those Rock Steady Security wankers were not aware of who he was and tried to pull him out :evil: . I participated in the tug-of-war which followed, and has no doubt left him at least 7 feet tall. But it was to no avail, and by this point Von and co. were halfway through the song. Mr Ray was ejected, leaving no-one to prevent half a gallon of Jack Daniels being poured down my back later in the gig :cry: .

It was a pleasure to meet me again, Mr. Ray :wink: . And my apologies on behalf of the boneheads of my city, but what can I say -
It ain't fair pretty what a town without pity can do. :innocent:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 17:52
by Erudite
James Blast wrote:@ Erudite t'was great to meet you again Don, nice review, Sir! I hope you found your way to the Cat House
Aye, but it was closed! :lol:
Should have gone with you to Nice 'n' Sleazy, 'cause we ended up at the rock night at the Garage.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 18:04
by simond666
@JamesBlast - next time I'm in your fair city, I'll wear Kevlar! :)

Posted: 09 May 2006, 18:44
by MadameButterfly looks like a fabulous time was had by all! :notworthy:

@ Erudite - I'm glad that this one in your opion was a better one and that feeling of getting what money paid for, paid off! :wink: 8)

Also, just to add my two cents's wonderful to know that James Ray and Bill were acting the rebel! :notworthy:
I'm proud of you guys! :wink:


Posted: 09 May 2006, 19:24
by James Blast
I also meant to say an Hello! to Sam Red Kola, nice to finally meet you.
Aren't you MacHeartlanders a generous lot, I returned home with:
UK Decay - For Mad Men Only the great Mr. Scott :notworthy:
The Chameleons - Why Call It Anything? the great Mr. Scott :notworthy:
a compilation DVD - the michty Mr. Brown :notworthy:
a compilation CD - the michty Mr. Brown :notworthy:
Paradise Lost - Draconian Times the gorgeous pouting Claire :notworthy:
Echo and the Bunnymen - Turquoise Days (book) ma Bro DerekR :notworthy:

top peeps Image

Posted: 09 May 2006, 19:36
by Mrs. Snowey
Quiff Boy wrote:hmmm, so the 2 bands' dressing rooms were very near each other... clicky

think von drilled a hole in the wall? :lol: ;D
and I wonder if he had, would the drummer have had a little sign ready for him? :lol:

Thanks to all the MacHeartlanders for making us feel verr welcome indeed :notworthy: :

James Blast: yer still a gentleman
Boudicca: you're a star. with a celebrity stalker :lol:
Big Si: cheers for enabling the (blurred) photographic abuse

and everyone else whose names have slipped out of my chocolate vodka ravaged skull :D

No, I do remember Pat... I think...And the Scottys...

And to people like Francis, whose arrival meant we English didn't feel completely outnumbered :lol:

The gig wasn't bad either 8)