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Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 19:32
by nitestorm
Gutted, my set list is signed only by Rosie Garland, Rosie Lugosi, and Chris Reed.

Posted: 22 Dec 2007, 23:50
by pikkrong
I didn't see/heard the first band but all others - Salvation, 25men, Chris Reed (yeah, not a band but a man, the man ;)) and The March Violets were great :notworthy:
I finally had time to upload my **** photos but I had no time to sort them, so I uploaded all of them, ALL, even some black on black ones - skip and enjoy :twisted: ... ds%202007/
(on 3 pages)

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 00:37
by James Blast
blurry, out of focus, captures the moment...

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 01:09
by pikkrong
James Blast wrote:blurry, out of focus, captures the moment...
yes, most of them are very blurry, all 25men ones are too dark and some are just embarrassingly obscure - I will remove the last ones soon, maybe not this night.
I don't have professional equipment, no professional skills, I wasn't in the press area and - first of all - I prefered to enjoy the gig :)
I remember how I have lost half of my fun, trying to take good pics... I think it was last last year when Sisters played in Manchester.

PS I have too blurry pics of Sisters from M'era Luna 2005 which I like very much. didn't like them at first but after seeing one of them used on one Heartland DVD I understood the value of it. you have probably seen it somewhere - Chris Catalyst in the style of Munch's "Scream" :)

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 01:15
by James Blast
too blurry = I think not, try do it in focus and on target

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 01:17
by 6FeetOver

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 01:20
by James Blast
I'm getting fed up with those type of pics Wreckless, it used to be fine but when you have no idea who it is meant to be, it gets a bit tedious, No?

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 01:22
by pikkrong
moving target... I think (but I'm not sure, maybe I'm just not enough good) that my camera needs more time to take a pic when light conditions are not good. i mean - there's more time between my pressing the button and the the moment it captures... maybe. maybe not.
anyway, one pic I'm quite satisfied myself because it it was so damned bad to catch the moment when that bloody microphone wasn't between me and her face: ... 1198369001

(warning - when I have removed some extremely bad photos, this link will probably direct to a wrong point in the universe)

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 01:26
by James Blast
well it took me to one excellent photo of the March Violets 07, so no more complaints here

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 01:30
by 6FeetOver
James Blast wrote:I'm getting fed up with those type of pics Wreckless, it used to be fine but when you have no idea who it is meant to be, it gets a bit tedious, No?
Indrek linked to his pics of the gig as a gesture of goodwill and friendship, I'm sure. I just don't see why the "quality" of the photos is an issue, here. :|

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 01:36
by pikkrong
well, as an editor myself (in singular and without the article "the") i know that removing cr_p makes things always better.
my fault that i posted it before doing that.
but in general - as i already said - i went to have fun, i had lot of fun and those pics... are what they are...

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 01:39
by 6FeetOver
No need to apologize, Indrek...

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 02:04
by sisterstekland
pikkrong wrote: i went to have fun, i had lot of fun and those pics... are what they are...
"souvenirs" :wink:

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 04:34
by weebleswobble
Top Notch Indrek :)

Posted: 23 Dec 2007, 12:34
by Dark
Oh dear, 's my hand/sock puppet holding the setlist at the end. :lol:

Posted: 28 Dec 2007, 15:01
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 18:29
by Quiff Boy
for fact fans & trivia collectors everywhere:

mat - the bass player for the march violets' reunion gig - was guest DJ at my club sin city last saturday :D

the other resident dj cancelled at the last minute so mat kindly stepped in to the breach and played a few bangin' tunes 8)

the evening's playlist is here:


and i think we shall be working together again at the end of the month in whitby 8)

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 18:36
by biggy
Quiff Boy wrote:for fact fans & trivia collectors everywhere:

mat - the bass player for the march violets' reunion gig - was guest DJ at my club sin city last saturday :D

the other resident dj cancelled at the last minute so mat kindly stepped in to the breach and played a few bangin' tunes 8)

the evening's playlist is here:


and i think we shall be working together again at the end of the month in whitby 8)
How long was the evening?
There's an awful lot of songs there. ...
or should that be a lot of awful songs there ... :innocent: just kidding.
There's a lot of new romantic stuff there though.... am I missing a new movement?

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 19:24
by Dark
That was his name? Ah right... still chuffed at getting his sig. ;D
Is he in any other band, Bequifféd One?