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Posted: 09 May 2006, 19:51
by missus scotty
:notworthy: :notworthy: To everybody there last night you all seem to have had a good time, I'm glad I was there. The sound was good it could have been a wee bit louder. The crowd were slow to get into it but got there in the end. The company before during and after was as always top notch, to those who came from near (the other end of Sauchiehall Street) and from afar ( the other side of the border) Hope you all got home safely, does any one know if Mr Ray is ok after the hospitality of rock piggin' steady!!!!! :twisted:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 20:02
by James Blast
Mrs. Snowey wrote:Thanks to all the MacHeartlanders for making us feel verr welcome indeed :notworthy:
it was a sight to gladden the heart seeing you and Mr. S striding doon Sauchiehall St., just happy the doorman didn't scare you away :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 20:13
by Erudite
MadameButterfly looks like a fabulous time was had by all! :notworthy:

@ Erudite - I'm glad that this one in your opion was a better one and that feeling of getting what money paid for, paid off! :wink: 8)

I'm proud of you guys! :wink:
Don't get me wrong, the Melkweg is a nice intimate venue and the crowd
were tops, very chilled out.
There's a lot to be said for civilised European cities!

Posted: 09 May 2006, 20:40
by boudicca
Erudite wrote:Don't get me wrong, the Melkweg is a nice intimate venue and the crowd were tops, very chilled out.
:lol: Well, they would be! :wink: :innocent:

Glad to hear I gave someone else a nosebleed then, Don. Wouldn't have wanted to do those cheekbones any harm! ;D

Posted: 09 May 2006, 21:07
by Mish
Still (WMV format)

Still (MP4 format, better sound)

Here's the new song as played at Glasgow, albeit in crappy mobile phone video quality. Mind you, if you can't make out the vocals too well, and you can't see much for the smoke, it's an authentic Sisters experience :D

Good gig though, and hi to the folks I met.


Posted: 09 May 2006, 21:27
by aims
Mish, you're a star! Ta muchly :notworthy:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 21:56
by tristren
Yeah, great stuff thanks!

Posted: 09 May 2006, 22:05
by Ozpat
Thanks for the nice and interesting reviews.... :notworthy:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 22:20
by James Blast
and why didn't you say Hiya! Bryan? :cry:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 22:23
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:
and why didn't you say Hiya! Bryan? :cry:
He joined us in Nice and Sleazy, just after you left. And he asked for you, if my memory serves me.

Nice meeting you Bryan :) .

Posted: 09 May 2006, 22:24
by HalfmanII
Red_Kola wrote:
HalfmanII wrote:though I'm still not convinced by Chris Catalyst.
Be convinced. Oh yes. Right now he is the difference!
The first time I got to see The Sisters this tour was in Amsterdam, and
I thought Chris was pretty manic (not that it's a bad thing) but he seemed to be out on a limb compared to Ben and Andrew. I was pretty chilled, and most of the audiance were pretty chilled, and I didn't really want to see too much activity on stage.
I wasn't in a good position to see Chris in Nottingham, but in Glasgow I thought he was fun, and Top Nite Out was great.

So right now I'm undecided and I'll have to wait until the next tour to see them again to make up my mind. No-one but I would lose out if I can't appreciate Chris' contribution to the band though.
Ben I don't mind at all.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 22:29
by markreed
boudicca wrote: Mr Ray was ejected, leaving no-one to prevent half a gallon of Jack Daniels being poured down my back later in the gig
Chris had his glasses off staring out the security, and quite prepared to remove his guitar and use it for non musical purposes judging by the look on his face. After the shows I've seen in the past week, I'm quite prepared to suggest he is the best guitarist The Sisters have ever had. Rock City and the ABC really were about 800% better than the Astoria.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 22:31
by weebleswobble
What a top night, I wish, wish, wish, wish I could have been there-especially for a wee sup in Nice'n'Sleazy (ah the memories)

Let's hope he tours next if

Posted: 09 May 2006, 22:33
by Pat
markreed wrote:
boudicca wrote: Mr Ray was ejected, leaving no-one to prevent half a gallon of Jack Daniels being poured down my back later in the gig
Chris had his glasses off staring out the security, and quite prepared to remove his guitar and use it for non musical purposes judging by the look on his face.
I agree totally,I was right in front on Chris and everyone around me thought he was about jump in.Nice guy in my book and a fine guitarist.

Posted: 09 May 2006, 22:48
by Mish
boudicca wrote:
James Blast wrote:
and why didn't you say Hiya! Bryan? :cry:
He joined us in Nice and Sleazy, just after you left. And he asked for you, if my memory serves me.
Indeed! Next time eh, maybe I'll manage to make it to one of these McHeartlanders things (oh, and I did spot someone in the venue wearing a Heartland t-shirt, no idea who it was though!).


Posted: 09 May 2006, 23:35
by 6FeetOver
Christ, I should've listened to Androo & Eva. I'm kicking myself now, kids. Don't think I'm not. *Sigh* :evil: :cry:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 23:41
by James Blast
SINsister wrote:Christ, I should've listened to Androo & Eva. I'm kicking myself now, kids. Don't think I'm not. *Sigh* :evil: :cry:
<stiffles a smile> sorry Tall American Lady, you would have been most welcomed :notworthy:

ye did miss a legendary evening

Posted: 09 May 2006, 23:42
by Francis
See what happens when you ban smoking. Bouncers are tetchy bastards at the best of times. And that Marge lass is definitely on my team when we're picking sides for British Bulldog. :notworthy:

The pleasure was all mine as always. Sorry we missed the new song guys due to my late arrival, but I was cream crackered. I have no idea how Eva has done this non-stop for two months. :notworthy:

And if Big Si falls asleep on me again, he'll wake up with no eyebrows :lol:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 23:51
by 6FeetOver
James Blast wrote:<stiffles a smile> sorry Tall American Lady, you would have been most welcomed :notworthy:

ye did miss a legendary evening

Thanks, man...and I know I did. :evil:

Posted: 09 May 2006, 23:53
by Anyanka Vengeance
markreed wrote:
boudicca wrote: Mr Ray was ejected, leaving no-one to prevent half a gallon of Jack Daniels being poured down my back later in the gig
Chris had his glasses off staring out the security, and quite prepared to remove his guitar and use it for non musical purposes judging by the look on his face. quote]

I saw that, he had a look of disgust on his face, I gave a few mouthfuls to one of the female 'bouncers' then shut up just in case. I facking hate Rock Steady Eddies....w@nks

Posted: 10 May 2006, 00:06
by Mrs. Snowey
Mish wrote: Indeed! Next time eh, maybe I'll manage to make it to one of these McHeartlanders things (oh, and I did spot someone in the venue wearing a Heartland t-shirt, no idea who it was though!).
If it were a short-arse with red hair and you could smell the chocolate vodka from 10 paces, that would have been myself. Next time, introduce yerself 8)

Like Mr. Blast has said before, we don't bite :wink: Might snarl a bit, but definitely no biting :lol:

Posted: 10 May 2006, 00:39
by markreed
Glasgow was an excellent show. Like Nottingham, but less packed down the front. Took a couple of songs to perk up, so was practically a private gig until JR got asked to leave by testosterone dunderheads. Sound, quality of performance, all far superior to the London show.

Chris is probably the best guitarist I have seen with The Sisters. He reminds me of how I would be if I would probably be if I was in the band and could play guitar. As he says on his website about The Sisters "We're Dead Good and play ROCK music".

Posted: 10 May 2006, 00:53
by boudicca
Francis wrote:And if Big Si falls asleep on me again, he'll wake up with no eyebrows :lol:
I'll get that photo up soon... :wink: :twisted:

Fantastic blackmailing opportunity, now I think about it!

Posted: 10 May 2006, 17:14
by Erudite
boudicca wrote:

Glad to hear I gave someone else a nosebleed then, Don. Wouldn't have wanted to do those cheekbones any harm! ;D
Indeed not! They were purchased in many installments from "Above the Chemist." :wink:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 18:58
by Big Si
What a great night! :notworthy:
Red_Kola wrote:Hello to everyone I met. Big Si, PM me - I owe you at least a couple of pints so I'll send you something special :wink:
Great to meet you, you looked a bit lost and didn't seem to know anyone, i'm not letting that happening when you're amongst MacHeartlanders! :D
Nazareth wrote:I did see one heartlander, big si, from a distance though, it helps that you are a good foot taller than the average sisters fan!
Must have been that Nike top I was wearing, it stood out a mile as I looked like a complete Ned/Chav! :lol:
Erudite wrote:Great to see Mr Blast again and to meet Big Si (does exactly what it says on the tin, that one).
And it was a pleasure to meet you sir! :notworthy:
boudicca wrote:Mr Ray was ejected, leaving no-one to prevent half a gallon of Jack Daniels being poured down my back later in the gig.
So it was his place in the crowd that I took :eek: :oops: :lol: You don't remember me stood next to you, bearing the brunt of the nutters behind us? Though I do remember you calling me a gentleman for letting you get closer up front. I also let 2 young ladies get in front of me as they weren't too happy with them blokes either!
Mrs Snowey wrote:Big Si: cheers for enabling the (blurred) photographic abuse
Eh? Oh no! What happened? I can't remember a thing after we got into Frankenstein's! :oops:
boudicca wrote:
Francis wrote:And if Big Si falls asleep on me again, he'll wake up with no eyebrows :lol:
I'll get that photo up soon... :wink: :twisted:

Fantastic blackmailing opportunity, now I think about it!
:eek: :oops: :urff:

I got woken up at 8.30am the next morning, in bed, fully clothed still wearing my army boots :lol:

How the f**k did I get home? :eek:

p.s. Roy Keane's testimonial was one huge party, dunno how it looked on the tv.

p.p.s. Just remembered a certain somebody asked Scotty when I was supposed to be turning up in Stavka - I'd been stood in front of her for about 10 minutes :roll: :lol: