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Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 18:02
by dinky daisy
but most of all... i dislike Under The Gun. Which is sad, as it seems it's the last thing official recorded & published by the sissies.

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 18:38
by Maisey
Sandstorm's one of the Sisters' better songs, to be honest. No dirgey singing, an ambient background and a good sax
My friend, you seem to be horribley and completely mislead.

I don't think you understand. The sisters are an INDUSTRIAL GROOVE machine. Which usually rules out ambiance, usually. They are a ROCK band, which tends to imply a lead guitar and driving bass, not so much a sax. And if you'think that removing the diregy vocals improves the sisters well, need I go on?

I recommend jazz.

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 18:45
by smileygoffs
Under The Gun
Will I Dream
War On Drugs

3 piles of s**t...(relatively)

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 19:01
by Maisey
My personal anti favourates are

Untitled/Sandstorm (because they are not really sisters of mercy songs)

I would have said the reptile house ep, but after reading the discussion on it I sat down again and listened to it all the way through with the lyrics on my pc screen. It was good. The kissing and the colour did indeed come crashing down.

I also like will I dream. I think it jives along quite nicely. *put it on*.

I found flood II to be unmemerable, if not actually bad.

I was completely uninspired by war on drugs. My version of Romeo down is too poor quality to judge by.

I'm not sure if home of the hit men even qualifies as a song, but thats its charm, its like a pet with no legs. Its cute (if somewhat pathetic) because it can't even drag itself along (sorry to those with physically impared pets, or animal lovers in general)

Fisrt and Last and Always is pure quality throughout, a superablum (one up from a super album, like a supercar is better than a super car).

We are that same... is ace. It revisits the early sound but doesn't copy it. If that and crash and burn set the trend forthe new album (you get the idea, its a hypothetical point) I will be a happy man.

Sorry, I appear to have gone on a tangent...

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 19:06
by mh
Maisey wrote:
Sandstorm's one of the Sisters' better songs, to be honest. No dirgey singing, an ambient background and a good sax
My friend, you seem to be horribley and completely mislead.

I don't think you understand. The sisters are an INDUSTRIAL GROOVE machine. Which usually rules out ambiance, usually. They are a ROCK band, which tends to imply a lead guitar and driving bass, not so much a sax. And if you'think that removing the diregy vocals improves the sisters well, need I go on?

I recommend jazz.
I'll rephrase that slightly.

There's a chance that Dark may not actually be a Sisters fan! :eek: :lol:

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 19:10
by smileygoffs
Which reminds me.......Romeo Down and Come Together are WEAK too.......

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 19:59
by spartacus mills
'Fix' is pretty poor, I hate 'Something Fast' and 'Summer' is f**king dire.

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 20:42
by Dark
Maisey wrote:My friend, you seem to be horribley and completely mislead.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Maisey wrote:I don't think you understand.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Maisey wrote:The sisters are an INDUSTRIAL GROOVE machine. Which usually rules out ambiance, usually.
Perhaps. But is that implying that there are no songs with ambience? May I introduce you to Phantom, 1959, Driven Like The Snow..?
Maisey wrote:They are a ROCK band, which tends to imply a lead guitar and driving bass, not so much a sax.
You say that, but they used a sax in Dominion and its b-sides anyway. They seem to like saying they're a rock-and-roll band, and if that's the case, having a sax would be quite apt.
Maisey wrote:And if you'think that removing the diregy vocals improves the sisters well, need I go on?
You can if you want.
Maisey wrote:I recommend jazz.
I don't.
mh wrote:There's a chance that Dark may not actually be a Sisters fan! :eek: :lol:
I do like some of the music. But the "politics" that go with liking the songs, along with some of the fans, mean that I'd probably prefer not to. Go figure, I believe is the chosen expression.

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 21:03
by canon docre
Can I say again in this air of revolution that I never never listen to the Floodland album. Never as in never. I just hate it. I dislike every single song from it. Maybe I'm lacking tolerance of this "ambience" thingie who knows. If you think I should search professional help, I'll gladly do it just to fit in the "politics".

And no, Dark, a sax has absolutely nothing to do in a rock song. Pfui.

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 21:06
by Obviousman
Listen to VDGG you blasphemers!

No Sax in rock songs, pah...

Well, it's prog-rock, but that's rock as well, for sure

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 21:08
by smileygoffs will burn in hell for this blasphemous statement, young man..... BURRRRRRn!!! BURRRRRRRRn!

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 21:12
by Obviousman
You'll burn harder thanks to two little words smileygoffs :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 21:30
by smileygoffs
Obvious....*slap!* hehehe.....;-)

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 21:42
by canon docre
... and there was me thinking my seductive yet timid smile made my gender clear. :roll:

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 21:49
by Maisey
May I introduce you to Phantom, 1959, Driven Like The Snow..?
Good songs indeed. I didn't exclusivly unambient. But phantom and Alice are hardly in the same league...
You can if you want.
I will ty not to. But in brief. Vons vocals = good. Um, I think that covers why removing dierge like vocals = bad.

But the "politics" that go with liking the songs, along with some of the fans
meh, the 'politics' include the anti goth feeling, but to be honest many many sisters fans have adopted the label, and many got into the sisters through goth rock or vice versa. So it hardly matters and I wouldn't say there was any bad feeling among the fans. But I think its important to appriciate the politics of the music itself, otherwise you are missing half the point.

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 21:50
by mh
canon docre wrote:... and there was me thinking my seductive yet timid smile made my gender clear. :roll:
Must have been the hairy chest that confused things! :lol:

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 22:00
by Dark
Maisey wrote:I will ty not to. But in brief. Vons vocals = good. Um, I think that covers why removing dierge like vocals = bad.
Fair enough. His vocals work in some songs, but in cover versions, different vocals work better.
Maisey wrote:
But the "politics" that go with liking the songs, along with some of the fans
meh, the 'politics' include the anti goth feeling, but to be honest many many sisters fans have adopted the label, and many got into the sisters through goth rock or vice versa. So it hardly matters and I wouldn't say there was any bad feeling among the fans. But I think its important to appriciate the politics of the music itself, otherwise you are missing half the point.
Perhaps it is. The debate on whether every little throwaway sentence has a series of hidden meanings, and how, to some, it's wrong to not appreciate certain songs/eras, and even then just the attitudes of certain people amongst the fanbase.. well, whatever. I'll stick to Ghost Dance.

Posted: 26 Jul 2006, 22:41
by Maisey
I don't know ghost dance really. Or James Rays stuff. I havn't yet divulged into them.

The little ghost dance I have heard didn't turn me on completely, but they were pretty crapy live recordings. I'd be happy to give them more time.

Posted: 26 Jul 2006, 22:59
by Dark
Don't expect them to sound like the Sisters, they're a lot more cheerful, and louder.

The Sisters is having a cigarette on a wet autumn evening, wondering where you are
Ghost Dance is lazing contentedly with two mates on a warm spring morning
James Ray is a whole trip, from a rock gig, to the drugs at Planet Dave's to the coming down in the morning.

That's what I think, anyway. :lol:

If you want a couple of Ghost Dance tracks, PM me. ;)

Posted: 26 Jul 2006, 23:12
by James Blast
Dark wrote:The Sisters is having a cigarette on a wet autumn evening, wondering where you are
Ghost Dance is lazing contentedly with two mates on a warm spring morning
James Ray is a whole trip, from a rock gig, to the drugs at Planet Dave's to the coming down in the morning.
you so funny young Padawan :lol:

Posted: 26 Jul 2006, 23:44
by Dark

Posted: 27 Jul 2006, 22:39
by aims
Dark wrote:Don't expect them to sound like the Sisters, they're a lot more cheerful, and louder.

The Sisters is having a cigarette on a wet autumn evening, wondering where you are
Ghost Dance is lazing contentedly with two mates on a warm spring morning
James Ray is a whole trip, from a rock gig, to the drugs at Planet Dave's to the coming down in the morning.

That's what I think, anyway. :lol:

If you want a couple of Ghost Dance tracks, PM me. ;)
So the Ghost Dance are a waste of time and you've never listened to James Ray?

I'm living in Punxsutawney for the sake of Russia, whiling away the day on death sticks. Yes, I do know that it's actually February 2nd. Same principle :roll:

And song lyrics are as "throw away" as a riff. When it's been committed to record, it's fair game. Anyone who puts anything throw away onto hard media deserves to have his royalty check confiscated.

Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 15:41
by Planet Dave
Dark wrote: The Sisters is having a cigarette on a wet autumn evening, wondering where you are
Ghost Dance is lazing contentedly with two mates on a warm spring morning
James Ray is a whole trip, from a rock gig, to the drugs at Planet Dave's to the coming down in the morning.
:lol: Very good, if somewhat drole, but that's forgiveable on here. I'd add that on occasion JR is literally 'coming down in the (sunday) morning, but you can blame Claire for that. :lol: :notworthy:

The Dominion b-sides are wicked (except Ozymandias, which is taking the p*ss a little too far, even for my liking), there's no way you can hope to pigeon-hole The Sisters recorded output, all life is there, as with any half decent band

On topic, it's hard to say what's bad this week, though I'd say generally that half of FALAA is bollox, and since Mr Christo got hold of the lead guitar, Will I Dream? has become the veritable bag of w**k. But then he's improved Something Fast immeasurably, so hey.

Half of FALAA bollox, did you get that, goth kids? Not just bollox, but utter bollox.

As for War On Drugs, I'd reserve judgement for the studio recording, with Von singing proper, and all manner of technoid-industrial mayhem hammering away. :von: :twisted: If it sounds as good as it does in my head, it'll floor the lot of you.

Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 15:50
by Obviousman
Planet Dave wrote:Half of FALAA bollox, did you get that, goth kids? Not just bollox, but utter bollox.
At last, someone else thinking FALAA is the weakest bit of output :D
Planet Dave wrote:with Von singing proper

Posted: 03 Aug 2006, 16:06
by canon docre
Ravey & Zeno, how can you. Objection!

I just shouldered dung fork and torch for you infidels. :evil: