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Posted: 04 May 2006, 10:13
by hellboy69
Glad to hear this was a return to form & that you guys had a stonking time 8)

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:13
by lachert
hell on earth :notworthy:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 11:18
by markfiend
lachert wrote:Image
hell on earth :notworthy:
It's from the "sunset yellow" line in Summer if you didn't guess.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 12:03
by Purple Light
Great night!!!!

Set-list was pretty obvious but who cares. Sounded amazing (though I don't really like how Romeo Down sounds on this tour) & as mentioned previously the boys really really seemed on top form. :notworthy:

The slam-pit was particularly 'slammy' last night but I can't complain as I was in it for 90% of the gig. Those big bearded tatooed guys bust my lip though & I've got some lovely colourful bruises. :roll:

Nice to see everyone (etc etc) & new people I'd never met before.
(& nice to see someone again that I met at Joseph's Well last year. I remember that your mum worked with/for Adam Pearson. If your reading this pleeeeeeeeeez register & PM me :wink: )

@ Planet Dave, dude, your a legend. You seemed aboard a spaceship searching a new planet to inhabit during most of the gig mate. In between trying to hold you up at various points you told me you had no control over any part of your body! :lol: :notworthy:

Nothing can quite match the experience, I just hope it happens again.


Posted: 04 May 2006, 12:12
by Planet Dave
Heheheh. Pleasure as always Alister, cheers for providing the physical means of support :lol: :notworthy: . I'll post later when typing isn't such a mystifying experience.


Posted: 04 May 2006, 12:34
by Norman Hunter
Greetings to one and-all whom I met (at last) last night.

Planet Dave :notworthy: and :lol:

Delilah - your love is my love.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 13:20
by Planet Dave
Nice one Mark / Norm / Grant :lol: , at last indeed. Fcukin pleasure mate. Thanks. :D :notworthy:

To everyone I met last night (there were a hell of a lot of you), cheers for another storming night in the banana republic. I love you all. Still :twisted:

Weebleswobble - :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: , welcome to the madhouse :twisted: You fit right in. :P

The James - sorry Rich but the image of you holding a kid in one hand, a nappy in the other, and a puzzled expression, is glorious and I can't shift it. Good to see you three.

MacHeartlanders - a bunch of us need to head up to the frozen wastes next time you have a do. Great to see you all in fine fettle, a return visit is the least we can do.

Can anyone remember a single thing about the gig? Other than it didn't hold my attention very long. Nice pit though, as ever.

Keep yer recollections rolling in folks, then I can piece it all together. :innocent:

:kiss: :notworthy: :kiss: :notworthy: to you all.

Garage party went on til 4.30ish, by which time sight had long since become a thing of the past, and Ania was snoozing like a baby :wink: :kiss:

As they all melted away this morning, Lee had half an exhaust and Steve & Pindy were driving a car featuring 'a most interesting perfume'. Don't look at me, I just invite them all. Then it all goes terribly wrong, yet so so right.

Enjoy the rest of the gigs everyone who's off. Wish I could make Glasgow, but no chance unfortunately.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 13:31
by Dan
Good mornin'. I just woke up. :D

Posted: 04 May 2006, 14:04
by Norman Hunter
Dan wrote:Good mornin'. I just woke up. :D
Fcuk me - I've been at work since 07:00 :eek:

Will PM you Planet Dave sometime soon...

Posted: 04 May 2006, 14:23
by hermann
Just a quick hi to all those I met down the front last night. Storming gig. As one of the big bearded tattooed blokes, don't worry I didn't walk out of the venue unscathed, lots of interesing ugis this morning and very sore ribs.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 14:48
by Mrs RicheyJames
Had a great time. Great to see Mr Blast again, even though he shouted at me for not posting as much anymore!! :eek:

:lol: to Boudicca for telling me I'd out pony tailed her!

A huge :kiss: to Mrs Fiend, who truly rocks xx

Oh and Mr Dave, when you go to kiss me full on the lips again, please refrain from licking your lips first!! :urff: :lol: .

:lol: :lol: :lol: to Francis too for managing to loose his glasses. It shouldn't be funny, but it really was. When you said, "Hold me up Di I can't see a thing", I laughed because I though you meant you were trousered! Soz and all that :oops: :lol: .

Great night. Even though I was on the coke (drink-before someone utterly hilarious uses a drug reference) all night. I'm getting used to being sober and I'm totally ok with it now. THAT SCARES ME!

Posted: 04 May 2006, 16:14
by Planet Dave
Mrs RicheyJames wrote: Oh and Mr Dave, when you go to kiss me full on the lips again, please refrain from licking your lips first!! :urff: :lol: .
:eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :innocent:

Hey Di, I'm only human. :lol: :kiss: (on the cheek)

So what's the general opinion of the gig itself? Am I alone in thinking it was lacklustre, and indicative of a band in its last throws? I hope I'm wrong.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 16:36
by Bartek
lachert wrote:Image
hell on earth :notworthy:

I like Cal and his dog Napalm
I like Ike and his itty-bitty A-bomb

Posted: 04 May 2006, 17:05
by James Blast
I'm in too much of an emotional state to make a coherent post just now, so I'll just say that was my most very favourite day EVER!
You people are the best in the world, I thank you :notworthy: X 100,000,000

Never Land (a fragment)

Posted: 04 May 2006, 17:09
by Mrs RicheyJames
I thought the gig itself was great Dave.

You sure you're head wasn't somewhere else?

Posted: 04 May 2006, 17:21
by Planet Dave
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:I thought the gig itself was great Dave.

You sure you're head wasn't somewhere else?
I'm sure it was, but then it was at JW last year, and that was still an awesome gig. Last night just felt flat, very 'going through the motions', and a bit tired and dreary to me.

I'll still be there next time, but you lot are a far greater pull than the gigs themselves these days.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 17:24
by Low Violet
Aye, great gig and thanks for telling me it was Romeo Down after Anaconda. That has been bugging me all night. Glad to see the back of my head in nearly all the photos as well :lol:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 18:18
by Pat
I came,I saw ,it rocked.A more in depth ,biased review will follow shortly. :wink:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 18:31
by lazarus corporation
Just got back to sunny Brighton.

Gig was fantastic (much better sound than the London gig).

Great to meet everyone again, but special mentions to Planet Dave (great hospitality, great garage, great smoke machine :notworthy: ), Claire (awful singing and guitar playing at 3am, followed by her first ever hangover :lol: ), Lee ('No Sleep Till Rutland' :eek: ), James 'George Michael' Blast, Scotty (who's never seen Ghostdance play live), Mrs Scotty & Derek R (good to see all you McHeartlanders again!), Barry & Jo (as always), Ania (still completely on a different planet), Zuma & Kat (hello again!), Dan, WeeblesWobble, metalorange, Steve & Pindy (good to meet you lot for the first time) and everyone else who I spoke to or waved at at some point on Wednesday.

Posted: 04 May 2006, 18:41
by James Blast
People, it was fantastic!
The fact that The Sisters were playing later that night was just the icing.
We were in the Drydock where service was friendly and prices were keen, nice pub with a retractable roof so we could enjoy the suns rays. We could have sat outside but Hey! Goths don't do that. :lol:
At this point there were just:
Missus scotty
and yours truly.
It was the start of one huge party!
Slowly they dribbled in, in ones, twos and threes, to swell the ranks of the lost, the lonesome, the lunatic - in no particular order:
Lazarus Corporation
The Boss
Mrs. The Boss
The Fiends
The James' all three of them :lol:
Andrew S
Eva + friend who's name I forget :oops:
about this time the represenatatives from Planet Dave landed and things went up a notch!

Then the tail end Charlies completed the scene
The Grippers
Cell Three
and making a dramatic, yet fashonably late entrance, the one and only Francis.

Top Day Out!

oh the band were pretty damn kickin' aswell Image
did I mention that they played Never Land (less of a fragment) and that I love the new guitar parts on Dr. Jeep?

I'm sure I've missed out a swathe of top people whom I didn't get to meet or who's names escape me, please forgive

Posted: 04 May 2006, 18:57
by Zuma
Indeed, top nite out all round and so good to catch up with everyone :notworthy:

The gig was one of the best I've managed to see so far
and Cat loved it (first show for her).

As mentioned above, even if it were not the best ever gig
the people make it really into an evening to remember.

Spare a thought for Keith and Mags who may be about home by now :notworthy:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 20:03
by scotty
lazarus corporation wrote: Scotty (who's never seen Ghostdance play live)
Thank's Paul :twisted: , for the seventy two squillion times you and weebleswobbles (ya fuckin' metal mad weegie hiedbanger :notworthy: :kiss: ) reminded me, it still hurts :( :lol: .

Here's my in depth review of last nights events........

It was Fuckin' Brilliant :notworthy: 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 22:15
by Corinthian
A few pics of Leeds, great gig, much better than London, could hear the vocals this time - never made it to the pub - am always lost & late driving around Leeds






Posted: 04 May 2006, 22:26
by DerekR
OK it's hands up time...

Mr Blast I must apologize for finding myself seperated from your Irvine Welsh book which you so kindly thought to bring along for me. I think I left it on a shelf under the table in that wee pub we found ourselves in. A replacement is on it's way from Amazon. I'll get it to ye as soon as I've read it :oops:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 22:37
by James Blast
DerekR wrote:OK it's hands up time...

Mr Blast I must apologize for finding myself seperated from your Irvine Welsh book which you so kindly thought to bring along for me. I think I left it on a shelf under the table in that wee pub we found ourselves in. A replacement is on it's way from Amazon. I'll get it to ye as soon as I've read it :oops:
I kinda thoat it would go adrift in your mits :| it's understandable after the day yistirday was.
I really don't need a replacement Derek, I won't read it again.
It wiz fur yew. Ne'er mind, s**t happens Dude and I wouldn't be here if it wisnae fur yew :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: