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Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 19:11
by mh
Now that I've adequately recovered, here's my full review.

Crash-landed in Leeds at about 17:00 - almost literally! That was seriously the roughest landing I've ever experienced, and it's a good thing I'm not afraid of flying or that would have finished me off forever.

The flight was half an hour late so I was already tight on time - just dropped my stuff and off to the pub.

Meet, beer, chat. Poor Weebs was seriously suffering, but happily it didn't seem to affect his night overall; Keith was already in flying form that early, so much so that I threatened to confiscate his pint more than once! "Hi" to BoF, the HL Yoof contingent, and everyone else (far too many to mention) also. :notworthy:

So off to the gig. Missed the Aircrew too.

Also missed Salvation - I seem to remember getting talking to Jande, Mark and Kerri, and completely losing track of time. What I heard through the doors (Diamond Child and - I think - Puppet Master) sounded great, though.

James Ray wasn't really my cuppa - I know a lot of folks love his stuff, but just not really my thing. I still swear that I heard something that sounded like Mexico Sundown Blues. And no, James, I wasn't the one responsible for getting you ossified that time in Dublin years ago. He knows who he is - I wasn't even there!

And so to the main reason I was there. I love Chris Reed's work, both solo and with the Lorries, and this was a fantastic set and a smashing performance. That it wasn't the best of the night was a case of marks awarded to the next act rather than marks deducted from Chris. Set was mostly solo LP material, which worked just as well with the fuller musical backing, and a handful of classic Lorries at the end - Blow, Generation and Nothing Wrong. No Hold Yourself Down, but I was content nonetheless.

The Violets were utterly ace. It was obvious that they really passionately loved their music, and wanted to both give and have a good night. Rosie (babe alert!) and Si (Gimli alert!) really worked well together on stage, whatever keeps Tom so young and fit looking should be bottled and sold at a scandalous profit, and the bassist filled in admirably. The new songs fitted in great with the old ones too. Pity there was no Essence or Lights Go Out, but understandable enough. And did I meet Loz later on too?

The rest of the night was a blur between the dancefloor, our table, the bar, the smoking area and the gents. Maisey going totally mental to Headhunter should have been filmed! By 2:00 I'd gotten to the stage where I'd hit my limit, and headed off for a few hours of oblivion before making my weary way home with a hangover so bad I felt like I'd been hit by a train.

Once again - T. N. O. :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 19:14
by Quiff Boy
John_r wrote:
Electric Shades wrote: We'll be tagging a load of photos we took of the night with "March Violets" on Facebook (so do a seach)
Is there any way non-members can look for photos on Facebook?
good, i hope not :lol: ... =614951059


Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 19:20
by Quiff Boy
oooh :!:
The March Violets wrote:Later this week the band will release an exclusive preview mix of new track, ‘Better Looking,’ on their myspace.
that's "you're so pretty" and/or "cut down pretty" isn't it? :?:

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:01
by Brideoffrankenstein
It was great to see everyone again, and those I hadn't met before! Scotty, Weebles, Korin, Claire, Tim, Maisey, Quiff, MH, Ems, Dave, Indrek etc! Ian and I had a great time and he thought you were all top people :notworthy:

Thanks to Indrek for my signed Metsatoll cd!!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: and thanks to everyone who asked how my mum was getting on :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

A lot of my family were there (more than I expected and some who I haven't seen for 20 years) so I did spend my time catching up with them, so we will see if Ian and I can make it to the next HL "do" whenever that may be :D

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:02
by scotty
What happened to the Hom_? :(

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:11
by Dark
Come on, pictures people.. I got snapped no fewer than four times, where's the evidence of my looking ridiculous? :lol:

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:12
by Brideoffrankenstein
Dark wrote:Come on, pictures people.. I got snapped no fewer than four times, where's the evidence of my looking ridiculous? :lol:
Yeah! I don't think I got "papped"...though I didn't take many photos either! :oops:

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:16
by mh
Dark wrote:Come on, pictures people.. I got snapped no fewer than four times, where's the evidence of my looking ridiculous? :lol:
Oh, OK then. :lol:


Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:22
by 6FeetOver
I fail to see any of the aforementioned 'ridiculousness' in the above photie. I've been gypped! Pfffffft! :P :lol:

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:23
by James Blast
really? ;D

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:24
by 6FeetOver

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:53
by boudicca
Well, I'm back in the Real North now :wink:

Highly impressed by the March Violets, I really have to say. I was barely familiar with them before the gig, came down for the good people as always - but the quality of their performance was also well worth the trip. Really tight and I thought Rosie Lugosi kicked some solid arse :notworthy:

It was great to see all you lovely people again, and fab to meet the few I haven't before - namely the HL Yoof, Maisey and Korin. Also great to finally get to actually have some little natters with our esteemed Markfiend, I kept missing you at previous meets! Shame I didn't get much of a chance to chat to the lovely Libby, though it was great to see you and your chap and I really hope you can make the next one.
Far too many more people to mention... it was good to talk to each and every one of you who I did talk to :) Some very interesting/important/damn funny chinwags had.
Special mentions go out to the Sinister for putting me up/putting up with me. How does he manage? :lol:

Thank you all who made it a night to remember


Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 20:55
by Spigel
mh wrote: And no, James, I wasn't the one responsible for getting you ossified that time in Dublin years ago. He knows who he is - I wasn't even there!:
But I was not alone fortunately there was a good Doctor in the house that night.

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 21:02
by emilystrange
boudy, to some of us you are classified in the yoof as well... hee. it was lovely to pinch your bum.

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 21:09
by biggy
Can anyone name all the merciful release connections on stage that night?
The winner gets a "well done" from me.....l which is pretty rare.

I saw Danny today (Salvation). He's just coming down to earth now. :D

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 21:15
by Brideoffrankenstein
boudicca wrote:Shame I didn't get much of a chance to chat to the lovely Libby, though it was great to see you and your chap and I really hope you can make the next one.
Aw shucks :oops: Was great to see you too, sorry we didn't get to have much of a chat :(
We shall try and make it to the next "meet" :D

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 22:09
by the-happening
biggy wrote:Can anyone name all the merciful release connections on stage that night?
The winner gets a "well done" from me.....l which is pretty rare.

I saw Danny today (Salvation). He's just coming down to earth now. :D
Tom, Rosie, Simon, Danny, Eric and Dr A?

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 22:11
by emilystrange
i can't believe i missed seeing so many people...

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 22:19
by biggy
the-happening wrote:
biggy wrote:Can anyone name all the merciful release connections on stage that night?
The winner gets a "well done" from me.....l which is pretty rare.

I saw Danny today (Salvation). He's just coming down to earth now. :D
Tom, Rosie, Simon, Danny, Eric and Dr A?
Missed one :innocent:

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 22:43
by Dark
Loz wasn't on stage, sadly.

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 23:35
by biggy
You're right young man, he wasn't.

Now do you know the missing person with the MR connection?

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 23:45
by timsinister
My pictures are Facebooked. :D

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 23:45
by undertow

and I'm not Goth Revival so the 'mystery remains'

Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 23:47
by timsinister
boudicca wrote: Special mentions go out to the Sinister for putting me up/putting up with me. How does he manage? :lol:
Patience. Practice. A bucket of vodka.


Posted: 10 Dec 2007, 23:54
by biggy
undertow wrote:Jason!

and I'm not Goth Revival so the 'mystery remains'

Buggering hell, that's nearly cheating. :wink:

Trust you.

Dan still had a big grin on his face today .... and scary sideburns.