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Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 15:25
by Carpathian Psychonaut
markfiend wrote:My copy is well loved. You'll find the cardboard over-cover very handy; it will get muddy. :lol:
It also stops it getting battered when stuffed in a backpack too though that just adds a few pounds for your shoulders instead! :lol:

Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 20:25
by markfiend
I read H G Wells's The Invisible Man over the weekend. (On the e-book reader on my Android phone, which is another story. Suffice it to say my eyes are still aching :|)

Griffin (the invisible man) appears in Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen as "Hawley Griffin". However Wells never gives any name other than "Griffin".

"Odd," thinks I. To cut a long story short, Moore took the given name "Hawley" from... Dr Hawley Crippen :lol:

Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 23:42
by Debaser
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:
christophe wrote:methinks something Iz, Si and Carpy would be interested too ;D
Added to my list - ta!

On the subject of Mr Cope's books my ex gave me her copy of this epic (and bloody heavy!) doorstop:-


It's a bit of a :notworthy: all round.
GAVE?????? It goes for daft amounts on Ebay & Amazon. Saying that, the word on da street is that it's going to be re-printed again. High time too.

Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 09:10
by Carpathian Psychonaut
Debaser wrote:
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:
christophe wrote:methinks something Iz, Si and Carpy would be interested too ;D
Added to my list - ta!

On the subject of Mr Cope's books my ex gave me her copy of this epic (and bloody heavy!) doorstop:-


It's a bit of a :notworthy: all round.
Sigh. Yeah, we're not together now but she had plenty of :notworthy: moments when we were. Thems the breaks.

Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 10:41
by Quiff Boy
currently geeking this error page:


needs sound ;)

Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 11:42
by Izzy HaveMercy
Quiff Boy wrote:currently geeking this error page:


needs sound ;)
Pssst, yer in Currently Reading here Boss ;)


Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 12:26
by Quiff Boy
in addition to geeking i was also reading, watching & listening to that page ;D

ahem :oops:

Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 12:55
by Izzy HaveMercy
Quiff Boy wrote:in addition to geeking i was also reading, watching & listening to that page ;D

ahem :oops:
Currently Depressed now? :lol:


Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 16:02
by Holly_DelRey
Image :)

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 16:57
by powerelectronics
Don't let the title give you wrong impression.


Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 21:04
by Izzy HaveMercy

A highly enjoyable read! A bit of Gaiman, a bit of humor/b-movie allusions, bit of Tarantino...

...and on the official website you can read the first 82 pages for free! :D


Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 21:20
by Bartek
Leszek Kolakowski - Mini -wykłady o maxi-sprawach. (ethic, philosophy, about basic stuff)

Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 21:40
by christophe

Posted: 23 Mar 2011, 22:50
by Debaser

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 16:30
by markfiend
Just finished
on my new Kindle (birthday present)

Fantastic plot-twist with (quite literally) the very last word of the book :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 16:38
by Quiff Boy
all on my ipad (with the kindle app):

finally finished this last week:

8) :notworthy:

then read this novella/long short story:

:von: :notworthy: :notworthy:

now reading this:

it's a bit dodgy 70s sci-fi in places, but i'm admiring all the influences it clearly had on iain m banks' "culture" novels 8)

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 16:55
by markfiend
Yeah, the Ringworld isn't quite the same as a Culture O but it's easy to see that the inspiration for the latter came from the former.

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 17:02
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:Yeah, the Ringworld isn't quite the same as a Culture O but it's easy to see that the inspiration for the latter came from the former.
there's a certain matter-of-fact-ness about the way niven talks about alien cultures and their technologies which reminds me of banks' culture stuff.

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 18:27
by James Blast
Quiff Boy wrote:then read this novella/long short story:
Hey Seuss!, you'll be diggin' Hawkwind soon Boss :lol:

I'm currently enjoying dis

don't be put off by the cover, he was a very entertaining writer

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 20:56
by Quiff Boy

nah, i was just intrigued by how moorcock was playing with the jesus myth ;)

i've also got philip pullman's "The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ" in the pipeline for the same reason.

and yeah, the mcarthy book is a great read - he's very amusing :D

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 21:04
by James Blast
ye do ken aboot Moorcock's 'Eternal Champion' schtick don'tcha?

initials JC: Jerry Cornelius, Jerry Cornell and Jherek Carnelian and his own early pen name James Colvin

just a thought, y'ain't gettin' religion on us are ye Boss?... :D
Quiff Boy wrote:and yeah, the mcarthy book is a great read - he's very amusing :D
was, he popped his clogs far too early :|

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 21:12
by Quiff Boy
getting religion? hell no :lol:

i've always been fairly agnostic, and if anything it's making me more anti these days... :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 21:13
by James Blast
by 'religion' I do of course mean Hawkwind :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 22:19
by Obviousman
James Blast wrote:by 'religion' I do of course mean Hawkwind :lol:
Preach brother!

Posted: 06 Apr 2011, 12:24
by Silver_Owl
Behold The Man was the first story I read by Moorcock when I was about 12.
It got me collecting his stuff for the next 10 years.
I hold him responsible insome small part for making me who I am today. :D