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Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 23:44
by James Blast
Debaser wrote:Do you take a notepad and pen?????
nup, an iTouch ;D

Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 23:48
by Debaser
James Blast wrote:
Debaser wrote:Do you take a notepad and pen?????
nup, an iTouch ;D
But by fiddling about with stuff like that 1) you miss what's going on and 2) annoy the chuff out of me with the glowy lighty thing, in my peripheral vision

Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 23:49
by Eighthcircle
Debaser wrote:
Eighthcircle wrote:Ribbons
Train / Detonation Boulevard
Crash & Burn
A Rock and a Hard Place
Amphetamine Logic
Mother Russia / Dominion
Will I Dream?
Vision Thing
Temple of Love

I Was Wrong
Romeo Down

Rain From Heaven
Flood II
This Corrosion

At least I think so.......
How'd the feck do you people remember such stuff? Every gig I attend I start off thinking, I WILL commit the set list to memory, usually missing the third track in by my constant going over the previous two tracks trying to commit them to memory. Then I remember why I'm there, forget what the fourth one is, then it's always that song whose title I can never recall. By that stage I've given up the ghost :lol: I've tried to ease myself in gently by just counting how many songs have been played but the constant desire to tap my fingers and clap and the like means I relax my grip and lose my 'finger' tally :urff:

Do you take a notepad and pen?????
I just note them down on my phone.........I am aware that this is bordering on sad/obsessive behaviour but.....I got to hear A Rock and a Hard Place so I don't care!

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:32
by iesus
First video posted from glaskow ;D

very bad quality but can have an idea about :roll:

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:43
by Garbageman
No Suzanne!! M*%$*##& pun intended

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:45
by lachert
iesus wrote:First video posted from glaskow ;D
must be very loud or this phone was so sensitive :eek: :lol:

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:46
by James Blast
makes the venue look massif, which it isn't but real nice to see the COCK! that gets up on someone's shoulders at 0:58 get pulled down and pummeled (I hope) 25 seconds later ;D

Well done Weegies! :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:47
by stufarq
Made a last minute decision to go after all and brave the horrors of the ABC. In fairness, the problems of my last two visits weren't present (I'm beginning to think it's something to do with the smaller upstairs venue rather than the main stage) but we did still have to wait an hour and a half before anything happened. We didn't pay for an hour and a half of standing!

Sexy goth girls handing out the free postacards but sadly no cupcakes (I suppose they'd be mouldy by now) and no tour t-shirt. What's up with that?

As for the band themselves, they were certainly much better than the last couple of times I saw them but I reckon there's still room for improvement. The sound is still a little murky in places, a couple of songs were out of tune (most noticably Flood II) and, frankly, the guitars are a bit samey and tend to focus on chugging rather than playing the tunes. Still an enjoyable gig though. Apart from, as ever, the moshers. Bloody inconsiderate and my shoulder's still sore thank you very much.
dtsom wrote:it seems that I WAS WRONG was played but... whit drums... not the acoustic version played in 2003-2006
It was the acoustic version.
Eighthcircle wrote:Ribbons
Train / Detonation Boulevard
Crash & Burn
A Rock and a Hard Place
Amphetamine Logic
Mother Russia / Dominion
Will I Dream?
Vision Thing
Temple of Love

I Was Wrong
Romeo Down

Rain From Heaven
Flood II
This Corrosion

At least I think so.......
They played Summer. I don't remember Will I Dream or Romeo Down but they're two that I don't know very well so maybe I didn't recognise them (although I only remember not recognising one, which I assumed was Pipeline). But definitely Summer.

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:49
by James Blast
I told you the ABC's fine

only losers take the bus and heros never queue ;D

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:52
by Maisey
stufarq wrote:...and my shoulder's still sore thank you very much.
Nowt wrong wit that.

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:59
by lachert

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 01:05
by Ian P. Christ
lachert wrote:second video!!!
haha. was that supposed to be a joke or just the wrong url?


Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 01:11
by Sita
Debaser wrote:... and 2) annoy the chuff out of me with the glowy lighty thing, in my peripheral vision
True, I used to be annoyed when all the glowing started too, but I've gotten round to thinking: I'm so glad they do this, so I can read it on the internet later ;D

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 01:16
by Eighthcircle
stufarq wrote:Made a last minute decision to go after all and brave the horrors of the ABC. In fairness, the problems of my last two visits weren't present (I'm beginning to think it's something to do with the smaller upstairs venue rather than the main stage) but we did still have to wait an hour and a half before anything happened. We didn't pay for an hour and a half of standing!

Sexy goth girls handing out the free postacards but sadly no cupcakes (I suppose they'd be mouldy by now) and no tour t-shirt. What's up with that?

As for the band themselves, they were certainly much better than the last couple of times I saw them but I reckon there's still room for improvement. The sound is still a little murky in places, a couple of songs were out of tune (most noticably Flood II) and, frankly, the guitars are a bit samey and tend to focus on chugging rather than playing the tunes. Still an enjoyable gig though. Apart from, as ever, the moshers. Bloody inconsiderate and my shoulder's still sore thank you very much.
dtsom wrote:it seems that I WAS WRONG was played but... whit drums... not the acoustic version played in 2003-2006
It was the acoustic version.
Eighthcircle wrote:Ribbons
Train / Detonation Boulevard
Crash & Burn
A Rock and a Hard Place
Amphetamine Logic
Mother Russia / Dominion
Will I Dream?
Vision Thing
Temple of Love

I Was Wrong
Romeo Down

Rain From Heaven
Flood II
This Corrosion

At least I think so.......
They played Summer. I don't remember Will I Dream or Romeo Down but they're two that I don't know very well so maybe I didn't recognise them (although I only remember not recognising one, which I assumed was Pipeline). But definitely Summer.
You are correct and I am ashamed.

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 01:20
by timsinister
Definitely heard Romeo Down. Not sure on Summer.

AE only got into it for the encores. Everything else was going through the notions. Drums ran out before his singing on More. Think tge venue tried to cut the speakers on the encores.

Very friendly AE though. Before Dominion "This is a song called independence", before Something Fast "This is called Terry and Julie, down by the river".

Threw cigarettes to the crowd, then his bottle of home brew.

Someone should compare / contrast with Sonisphere. Think we saw the rehearsal.

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 01:33
by lachert
timsinister wrote:Someone should compare / contrast with Sonisphere. Think we saw the rehearsal.
they called this gig like that somewhere... and if the posted setlist's order is close to truth, it looks like.
such gigs must be funny. waiting for _emma_ review ;D

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 01:35
by lachert
Ian P. Christ wrote:
lachert wrote:second video!!!
haha. was that supposed to be a joke or just the wrong url?

wrong url of course, but i can't find proper version, must be deleted by now :wink:

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 04:07
by Dark
Naw, he f**king forgot the lyrics to "More", honestly. That's all there was to it, he just couldn't remember the right lyrics.

I didn't know "A Rock And A Hard Place" wasn't played very often, but it was nice to hear it. "Anaconda" was, predictably, the highlight of the set for me.

Well, my first Sisters gig. Been about 8 years coming, kinda nice to get it out the way. It wasn't too bad, I guess, and Mr Catalyst was utterly storming (Ben probably was too, but f**ked if I could see him).

My apologies to The Boss, Jo, Weebles et al for not making the afterparty more clear to yous. There were 2 industrial DJs (one of whom was trying to bend the night more towards synthpop), and my second set was about 45 minutes of PURE goth/80s pop. Sorry I didn't make it clearer that it was a predominantly-industrial night, felt f**king rotten when I saw you were disappointed, had to be convinced to do another set :|
Hope those who stayed had fun though, and it was great to see you all (even those in McPhabbs whose names/screennames I didn't know, and still don't!)

Peace out y'all!

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 08:34
by Ozpat
Romeo Down! :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 08:49
by sam1
did anyone actually go and see Lydia????????

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 08:58
by Silver_Owl
timsinister wrote:AE only got into it for the encores. Everything else was going through the notions. Drums ran out before his singing on More. .
Don't feel so bad about missing it now. :|

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 09:18
by weebleswobble
Brilliant day, brilliant night. so-so gig, but made good by some excellent company. thanks to everyone for making it such a Top Nite Oot.

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 09:31
by godgirl
For a moment I looked at that setlist and thought they'd finally ditched Flood II.

but alas! Alas!


Marge xxx

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 11:11
by ieya
Allow me to contribute another video with truly ghastly mobile phone quality sound!

Dominion/Mother Russia with just a wee bit of the start missing...

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 11:24
by jase
I'm new to these forums and last night was my first sisters gig.

Was everyone here down the front? As you couldn't see anything at all until the final three songs. The overuse of the smoke machine was atrocious and it seemed (from my perspective) to kill the atmosphere of a potentially cracking gig.

You all seem to big fans of the band so I doubt you were outside and noticed the three fire engines that had turned up as all the smoke alarms had gone off. After that (for the final few songs) the smoke machine was switched off and it was genuinely enjoyable.

Who runs the light show? Is it the guy with all the Macbooks up in the scaffolding? I couldn't tell as he disappeared thirty seconds into the gig and didn't appear until the very end.