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Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 18 Sep 2020, 18:22
by Pista
Despite the uptick in cases here, on the plus side, the daily briefings are back on telly & I get to learn more sign language

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 20 Sep 2020, 06:48
Wigston in Leicester where I lived for 38 years is going back into lockdown , gonna be a long autumn / winter round here I think .

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 20 Sep 2020, 07:33
by Swinnow
Leeds somehow avoids the lockdown coming that stretches from the Wirral to Bradford. Not sure how this is the case given the numbers. Rumours that they have a grouse shoot arranged on Woodhouse Moor by the Uni remain unconfirmed. :lol:

Consistency gone totally.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 22 Sep 2020, 18:16
by DJElectricDaddy
Was talking to my mum yesterday, both noticed how after 6 months of this nonsense it now feels like we’re stuck in Groundhog Day. Everyday the same routine waiting for something to change. Everyday sit in the office and punch the same keys. Breakfast lunch and dinner, same. Wife in her corner of the house doing the same. Kid in his corner of the house doing schoolwork, same. Meet up at dinner, silently, as no one has anything new to report. Other than the occasional anecdote about how many new infections or deaths, which country has managed the situation better/worse or how the stock market performed. It was fun at first, a novelty. Now it’s very boring. How long before it’s suicidal.

At least, after reading this thread, I get the sense stupid people are everywhere and not just here. I’m not sure if that should make me feel better, or just lose any hope for humanity. Are the idiots overbreeding a la Idiocracy, or are they a loud and over-reported minority?

Hope you’re all safe and sane

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 22 Sep 2020, 21:14
by sam donut
f**king idiots are everywhere, mate. Trump and Johnson are here for now. I used to go to Italy a lot when Berlusconi was in charge. Most people hated him and now he's a pariah. I think eventually Trump and Johnson will end up in the same boat. Hopefully.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 22 Sep 2020, 21:17
by DJElectricDaddy
So, I just dropped the Mrs, Her indoors, off at the airport (thats another rant for another thread. Only so much personal ranty s**t I can burden you good people with in one shot)

Anyway on the drive home, tuned into 5Live hoping for some footie (West Ham up 3-0 v Hull in the Irrelevant Cup #COYI). Instead I got to listen to Bumbling Boris make hie oh so ernest and sincere address to the nation.


It was a great speech, if you believe he believed any of it - I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. We must all do our part now to save greater disaster later. Absolutely. But this is the speech that needed to be made in March FFS. He actually said a stitch in time saves nine.!?!?!?!?!

A stitch in time??? Are you actually f**king kidding me?? The stitch IN TIME was back in MARCH. The horse has well and truly bolted and is now living a life of ease on a remote desert island with Micheal Jackson and Babyfucker Epstein. That ship has sailed Boris. Its all a little too much a lot too late. Idiotic.

And the messaging. WHAT? Pubs have to close at 10? Weddings can only have 50 people? Do any of the imbeciles actually know how science works?

Corona1 "oi, you coming out for some fun tonight?"
Corona2 "yeah mate, lets go fug up some humans"
Corona1 "wankers"
Corona2 "Wankers"
Corona1 "we'll leave about 10:15, when the pubs are all nice and full"
Corona2 "yeah mate, full of human wankers"
--latere that daye--
Corona1 "of fug mate, pubs closed early"
Corona2 "NO! so no human wankers to fug up?"
Corona1 "no mate, we got jipped"
Corona2 "fuuuug, oh well, there's a wedding tomorrow, bound to be 60-70 wankers there we can fug up"
Corona1 "yeah mate, sounds like a plan"

I mean its beyond ridiculous. Half arsed. Either do it or dont. You think the virus gives a s**t what time of day it is. THATS. NOT. HOW SCIENCE. WORKS!!

And at this point, just dont. Why? We (humanity) had a chance to nip this thing in the bud. We had warnings. We knew what was coming. Okay it came on Europe like a volley. Relentlessly. Here in the colonies its hard to justify 200,000 deaths when we had ALL of Europe as an example. Lessons could have and SHOULD HAVE been learned. But sadly we have a REAL bumbling fugtard at the helm of the ship. While Boris plays the lovable bumbling toff for good effect, Chump is actually that stupid. To say he is not a smart man is an insult to idiots everywhere. His arrogant breed of ignorance plumbs the depths of the idiot swamp. And he a person of such privilege can afford the best education tyranny can buy - THERES NO EXCUSE!

So we have deniers (tights again?) of science in charge at a time when only science can save us. We have politicians and marketers and lawyers and game show hosts running the ship who willfully, I mean really working hard, to ignore the best scientific minds THAT. SAW. THIS. COMING!

We were warned!!!!!


These were warning shots fired across our bow. And no one in charge did anything. Chump fired his Epidemiology Response Team. God will save us who needs science. There were experts in the field of epidemiology that predicted this very scenario, years ago. And the leaders in charge did nothing. Who needs science. God will save us. Who needs policy, when we have ideology. Build the wall. Leave the EU. Keep the immigrants away. Meanwhile the silent invisible killer is plotting and waiting. Un-fuging-forgivable!!!

I was wearing a mask in March before any lockdown here, and CA was the first state to lock down. It's called COVID-19 because it BEGAN IN TWENTY FUGING NINETEEN. This s**t broke in December and it didnt take an idiot to foresee where it was going. International travel, business and trade. It was an inevitable foregone conclusion that what was emerging in Wuhan would before long be global. Nothing less than wilful shortsightedness. China was saying it was contained. Why believe them? No air travel from China - immediately. Shortage of PPE? Why? WE had months to ramp up domestic production, but at least here, the US govt didnt take the threat seriously until its too late and no masks anywhere. We had 2 months of lockdown, to buy us time, to develop a test and trace mechanism. But that time was squandered, and now 9 months later the testing situation here in the US is a shambles......

Ugh, I've run out of steam

This rambling shambles of a tirade....I thought it would make me feel better. Not really. I'm more wound up now than before. Well at least you're as pissed off as me now :P Sorry.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 24 Sep 2020, 22:02
by sam donut
Yup, can't argue with most of that. All we can hope for is for level of common sense to prevail over the idiocy and a reliable vaccine. And wear a f**king mask.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 25 Sep 2020, 09:00
by markfiend
People seem to have started panic-buying again in preparation for a second lock-down. FFS There would be no shortages without idiots bulk-buying!

I despair.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 25 Sep 2020, 19:34
by DJElectricDaddy
markfiend wrote: 25 Sep 2020, 09:00 People seem to have started panic-buying again in preparation for a second lock-down. FFS There would be no shortages without idiots bulk-buying!

I despair.
Oh god really. The shelves still aren’t fully stocked after the first round of hoarding

In other news, I’m in bed all week fighting off what feels like a fever. You know that sensation of soul-emptying fatigue as your body fights some kind of viral infection. Yeah, that. Really hoping it’s not THE virus. I know a few people on here have come through it so that gives me hope. Mostly quarantined in my bedroom. When I go into the house I put on the mask and wash my hands. Not that my wife and kid would do the same for me, mind.

The irony is, as the houses sole errand runner for the past 6 months (well 10 yrs actually) I’ve taken every precaution going out into the world. Surgical mask under a cloth mask, gloves, hat, glasses, special ‘outside clothes’ that I remove as soon as I enter the house, only items I bring with me are car keys and credit card that are only touched by my bare hand and not by ‘contaminated’ gloves. Wife and kid think it’s exessive. When I bring groceries home I wash and disinfect everything before it gets put away. So I’ve been careful. So how and where I picked up a virus - any virus - is beyond me.. I suspect my wife brought something home with her on one of her little travels and has been asymptomatic. She’s flown to Colorado, Texas for business, has been out to lunch with strangers for business meetings. No I’m not at all happy about any of it.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 25 Sep 2020, 19:48
by DJElectricDaddy
Still, lots of this

And this

To while away the hours

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 00:14
by sam donut
I've said before, I think, it's bizarre that I've had a couple of colds when I've literally done nothing, worn masks, seen no one. So I'm not sure how easy it is to keep a virus at bay. In contrast to your loonies who think that means you *can't* keep it at bay, however, I say: up yours. Any effort is a worthwhile effort.
I hope you're ok, and whatever it is you recover from. Best wishes to you, and to everyone.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 10:22
by Quiff Boy
It’s looking increasingly likely that I had it and was asymptomatic.

I seem to be suffering from something the docs think is a post viral arthralgia, with the viral part being covid as it attacks the system in the same way as this thing I have is.

Either that or it’s rheumatoid arthritis. 😞

I have a family history of that, but the way these symptoms occurred almost overnight is apparently more indicative of a post viral thing.

Which would be an utter c**t.

Had blood tests yesterday so we will know more next week.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 11:26
by Pista
Fingers crossed for you

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 11:31
by Swinnow
Bits crossed here too bro

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 12:10
by sam donut
Yeah, fingers crossed for you here too, squire.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 15:02
by CamilleDeville
I have R/A, it’s not something that occurs overnight, you just gradually start having rickety knees, hands, etc. There are now several people I know that have tested positive for Covid and are having the whole loss of smell/taste symptoms and fatigue thing, but seem to be doing ok. Hopefully this strain of it is a mild one, I sure don’t want it though. Hope y’all get to feeling better soon

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 18:59
by ribbons69
Quiff Boy wrote: 26 Sep 2020, 10:22 It’s looking increasingly likely that I had it and was asymptomatic.

I seem to be suffering from something the docs think is a post viral arthralgia, with the viral part being covid as it attacks the system in the same way as this thing I have is.

Either that or it’s rheumatoid arthritis. 😞

So either you had a disease that could have killed you but didn't , or you are fooked for the rest of your life..

I have chronic Rheumatoid arthritis and it only really hurts when I'm awake.
Of course the treatment is generally some variation of anti-tnf drugs that work by actively suppressing your immune system, so the flu can kill me, chickenpox can really really fook me up . Other than that I'm good. Sorry? Covid what? It does what? Oh, bugger.

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 21:01
One of the strange side affects I get with having MS is a sore throat all the time and a feeling your going down with a cold but nothing ever happens , makes you paranoid in this climate .

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 22:13
by Quiff Boy
ribbons69 wrote: 26 Sep 2020, 18:59
Quiff Boy wrote: 26 Sep 2020, 10:22 It’s looking increasingly likely that I had it and was asymptomatic.

I seem to be suffering from something the docs think is a post viral arthralgia, with the viral part being covid as it attacks the system in the same way as this thing I have is.

Either that or it’s rheumatoid arthritis. 😞

So either you had a disease that could have killed you but didn't , or you are fooked for the rest of your life..

I have chronic Rheumatoid arthritis and it only really hurts when I'm awake.
Of course the treatment is generally some variation of anti-tnf drugs that work by actively suppressing your immune system, so the flu can kill me, chickenpox can really really fook me up . Other than that I'm good. Sorry? Covid what? It does what? Oh, bugger.
Yikes. That sucks, sorry to hear that.
either you had a disease that could have killed you but didn't , or you are fooked for the rest of your life
Could well be both tbh

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 22:26
Quiff Boy wrote: 26 Sep 2020, 10:22 It’s looking increasingly likely that I had it and was asymptomatic.

I seem to be suffering from something the docs think is a post viral arthralgia, with the viral part being covid as it attacks the system in the same way as this thing I have is.

Either that or it’s rheumatoid arthritis. 😞

I have a family history of that, but the way these symptoms occurred almost overnight is apparently more indicative of a post viral thing.

Which would be an utter c**t.

Had blood tests yesterday so we will know more next week.
Best of luck .

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 26 Sep 2020, 22:48
by DJElectricDaddy
OLDFART wrote: 26 Sep 2020, 21:01 One of the strange side affects I get with having MS is a sore throat all the time and a feeling your going down with a cold but nothing ever happens , makes you paranoid in this climate .
Well quite, especially going into the cold and flu season. Who knows what is what anymore. And if you can catch anything from practically nowhere, it’s going to be a very long winter.
Quiff Boy wrote: 26 Sep 2020, 10:22 It’s looking increasingly likely that I had it and was asymptomatic.

I seem to be suffering from something the docs think is a post viral arthralgia, with the viral part being covid as it attacks the system in the same way as this thing I have is.

Either that or it’s rheumatoid arthritis. 😞

I have a family history of that, but the way these symptoms occurred almost overnight is apparently more indicative of a post viral thing.

Which would be an utter c**t.

Had blood tests yesterday so we will know more next week.
Well, I hope SOME good news comes out of that. Sounds like s**t either way. That’s what I think the larger discussion (especially with the covid deniers) is that it’s not necessarily dying versus not dying. Some of the stories of post covid recovery have been worse than the actual disease with mental and cognitive issues lasting for who knows how long. This thing is so new ITS still figuring out its place in the human world and every case seems to have a different set of symptoms.

Keep us posted and fingers x’d
ribbons69 wrote: 26 Sep 2020, 18:59
So either you had a disease that could have killed you but didn't , or you are fooked for the rest of your life..

I have chronic Rheumatoid arthritis and it only really hurts when I'm awake.
Of course the treatment is generally some variation of anti-tnf drugs that work by actively suppressing your immune system, so the flu can kill me, chickenpox can really really fook me up . Other than that I'm good. Sorry? Covid what? It does what? Oh, bugger.
Makes you happy to be human. Weak pathetically vulnerable beings that we are. Lose/lose scenarios. Unless you’re asleep. 😞

Sorry to hear of all your really serious problems while complaining I’m a little bit tired the last few days. Be well (as well as you can be) every one❤️

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 02 Oct 2020, 12:01
by markfiend
So Trump has Covid - Schadenfreude? Who, me? :innocent:

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 02 Oct 2020, 15:13
by iesus
markfiend wrote: 02 Oct 2020, 12:01 So Trump has Covid - Schadenfreude? Who, me? :innocent:
twitter already went wild... :urff:

and many many more on it :urff: :bat:

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 02 Oct 2020, 15:26
by Quiff Boy

Re: COVID-19 coronavirus

Posted: 02 Oct 2020, 16:44
by markfiend
Maybe he could try drinking bleach? ;D