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Posted: 03 May 2006, 10:54
by Badlander
You know what I'm really pissed off with ? There's many more people coming to HL to complain about what in their opinion was a bad gig than there is when people are happy. :roll:
If you don't bother coming here when things are alright, why do you bother coming here at all ? Do you think that this forum's sole purpose is to receive complaints ?

Posted: 03 May 2006, 10:56
by allfear
Well firstly the Gig

While the Sound mix was abysmal I thinght the sisters were awsome, and are still the main reason why ima goth!!!!!

As for the Astoria, Well nenver mind that they dont let in people on the guest list, Last year I was one of the main people behind the Running of Arthur Browns Big Show there, at one point they Tried to throw me out of the venue for taking a bloody photograph!! and back in 96 I remember a bouncer there throw the singer of a band that was playing there down the staires because she didnt pack up and clear out quick enough, then you got the intimadeteing men in the bogs trying to get money out of you for wahing your hands.

Basically PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Mr E Next time u do london do either the Forum, Brixton or better still 5 nights at the islington Academy the best quality venue in london even if it isnt the biggest!


Posted: 03 May 2006, 10:57
by jay
Yeah... Stop moaning a start getting some photos on here

Posted: 03 May 2006, 11:03
by allfear
Oh as a PS I took my mate with me who saw them many times before but hadnt seen them since bristol Studios in 1985 and he really enjoyed it, so roll on next wednesday


Posted: 03 May 2006, 11:09
by Ozpat
Badlander wrote:You know what I'm really pissed off with ? There's many more people coming to HL to complain about what in their opinion was a bad gig than there is when people are happy. :roll:
If you don't bother coming here when things are alright, why do you bother coming here at all ? Do you think that this forum's sole purpose is to receive complaints ?
Don't let them get to you mate. The're gone before you know it. :wink:

Posted: 03 May 2006, 11:12
by allfear
I got to say though there was a LOT of bad feeling of dissapointment I was stood neal a bunch of really friendly french people that travelled over and were really upset by the poor sound and short set. there were a lot of boos from the audience as well, as I said I enjoyed it thoug I can see why a lot didn't

Posted: 03 May 2006, 11:28
by bananacamel
Badlander wrote:You know what I'm really pissed off with ? There's many more people coming to HL to complain about what in their opinion was a bad gig than there is when people are happy. :roll:
If you don't bother coming here when things are alright, why do you bother coming here at all ? Do you think that this forum's sole purpose is to receive complaints ?
No, I think it's a forum where people are free to express their views.

You're right, if it had been an amazing gig, I would have logged on read others comments and probably not posted anything. The reason I posted was because I was shocked, I've never been disappointed at a sisters gig before.

Personally, I think it's good that people are talking about it, the worst situation would be people not caring. After all, we all love this band. :?

Posted: 03 May 2006, 11:30
by markreed
This forum is for people who like The Sisters, not people who think everything The Sisters do is perfect in every way. Or is Sycophants corner now?

Posted: 03 May 2006, 11:39
by markfiend
markreed wrote:Or is Sycophants corner now?
I don't think it should be, for one.

Posted: 03 May 2006, 11:59
by Gottdammerung
Bartoszek wrote:thanks for all review, but wheres photos :innocent:
Well here's one of the best of mine so far.. given the dry ice..

In the words of Rolf Harris.. can you tell what it is yet?/



Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:01
by the-happening
Does Von think that their 1985 album has no tracks on it that are good enough to get a live airing! Adam and Astoria had no such songs how strange, oh well won't add to the list of grievances about last nights gig but suffice to say I don't much like being ejected immediately the house lights go on, I wonder if merch sales were down due to the venues policy of immediate exit, they couldn't have been quicker if was a real fire or security alert.

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:02
by Mokarran
I'm going to agree with the 'too short and too quiet' consensus. As ever, there were moments of Godlike Genius, but I fear Satan was at the mixing desk. The dry ice wasn't so OTT - I've seen more at a Pixies gig (!).

To sing the way Von does, you can't really shout for long periods. He's just got to growl enigmatically into the mike and save the shouting for the shouty bits. Actually, the shouty bits were very satisfying (I would dearly love to hear his '1969' again), but Von was too far back in the mix for most of the time. I really don't mind not seeing the little fella, but not making himself heard is, frankly, a tad presumptuous.

It's always special seeing the Sisters, but a lot of people were left nonplussed by this one. The new guitarists did a great job, but I'm not going to bother remembering their names, as you never know how long these guys are going to be in the job. Perhaps a number system would be more practical...

Interesting to see how many people feel cheesed off with the setlist. I reckon it just shows that Sisters fans all have their own ideas about which period/songs are best. Is it my imagination, or does Von have a personal dislike of the 'First Last Always' material?

I'm not good at making out the spoken bits, but I think I heard Von say 'I can't hear me either' when those shy boys at the front offered their own helpful advice on the mix. And was that a 'goodnight slaves' at the end? The prolonged bow is open to interpretation. Von knew this was not a classic gig, so the gesture was either deeply ironic, humbly apologetic or he knackered his back.

Very impressed to see so many goths summoning the energy to (sort of) dance and sing along. It kind of made up for the lack of audible Von...but not quite. Finally, and I admit I am getting old, I'm getting a bit fed up with the way they pack in the crowds in the mid-size venues. I'd say this one was 10 per cent oversold, but for the benefit of m'learned friends I would add that this is only a personal opinion.

I have been a Sisters fan since the mid-Eighties, but I do wonder if will turn out to be my last gig. However, unlike the big bloke I overheard in the bar, I will not be rushing off to see Fields of the Stevenage. Despite all their faults, there's no-one quite like the Sisters...


'A man's got to know his limitations, Briggs'

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:04
by Gottdammerung
and another one...


Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:04
by allfear
I bought a t shirt from the merch stall downstaires, last time at the astorial was a scrum and a half, this time tere was NOBODY there, I mean I walked up and just bought a T shirt!!

so yes I think merch sales would have been affected, again another curse of the astoria

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:05
by hellboy69
TheBoyNextDoor wrote:The sound on this tour has always been better somewhere i the middle.. and then be worse again.

So what does this mean?

My guess it that they have pre-mixed everything on a digital mixing desk (perumably before the tour), and don't bother to mix anything during the gig (or can't?). And it's hard to do anything with those pre-recorded stuff...
And it don't help that Von couldn't be arsed to do a soundcheck.

I'm loving my Silverbullet t-shirt though. Long sleeves are IN this season :)

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:06
by Gottdammerung
allfear wrote:I bought a t shirt from the merch stall downstaires, last time at the astorial was a scrum and a half, this time tere was NOBODY there, I mean I walked up and just bought a T shirt!!

so yes I think merch sales would have been affected, again another curse of the astoria
Mmm... i was more fecked off by there not being any "Shut the f**k up" t-shirts.. though getting a Sisters Gegen Nazis one did kind of make up for it...

Funiiest thing was the bootleg T-shirts outside with the most awful italic typescript for the band name... 0% for effort!

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:12
by the-happening
Gottdammerung wrote:
allfear wrote:I bought a t shirt from the merch stall downstaires, last time at the astorial was a scrum and a half, this time tere was NOBODY there, I mean I walked up and just bought a T shirt!!

so yes I think merch sales would have been affected, again another curse of the astoria
Mmm... i was more fecked off by there not being any "Shut the f**k up" t-shirts.. though getting a Sisters Gegen Nazis one did kind of make up for it...

Funiiest thing was the bootleg T-shirts outside with the most awful italic typescript for the band name... 0% for effort!
Agreed the bootleg shirts outside were hilarious was I pissed or was there a Dennis the Menace style shirt!

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:12
by Hooligan
Anyone else think Von's long coat made him look like a bald Cruella DeVille? :eek:

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:13
by Gottdammerung
the-happening wrote:
Gottdammerung wrote:
allfear wrote:I bought a t shirt from the merch stall downstaires, last time at the astorial was a scrum and a half, this time tere was NOBODY there, I mean I walked up and just bought a T shirt!!

so yes I think merch sales would have been affected, again another curse of the astoria
Mmm... i was more fecked off by there not being any "Shut the f**k up" t-shirts.. though getting a Sisters Gegen Nazis one did kind of make up for it...

Funiiest thing was the bootleg T-shirts outside with the most awful italic typescript for the band name... 0% for effort!
Agreed the bootleg shirts outside were hilarious was I pissed or was there a Dennis the Menace style shirt!

Yup... your eyes were not deceiving you...

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:20
by Gottdammerung
Hooligan wrote:Anyone else think Von's long coat made him look like a bald Cruella DeVille? :eek:
I thought he had borrowed it off Pete Burns for the night... :lol:

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:21
by DomConway
Another disappointed person here I'm afraid. The whole thing was way, way too quiet - especially Von's vocals. The volume did pick up a bit as the gig went on, but still wasn't loud enough to get a proper atmosphere going. I've been absolutely gutted about missing Sisters the last couple of times around, so had high hopes for this night and feel well let down :( I'll give them a second chance in Bristol though, hopefully that'll be better.
Good to bump into a few of you at the end, even if it was rather briefly.

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:33
by ruffers
My tuppence -

It was OK, no more. Sound was good but as has been said far too quiet. It's possible to have loud and clear at the Astoria, Primal Scream managed it a few weeks ago so I don't see why the Sisters can't do it.

Overall though it just gave the impression of going through the motions, a bit stale, a bit tired. Much as I'd love the set to be different I knew what I was going to get so don't really have a problem with it so not complaining that way, but maybe they could freshen it up from show to show to keep a bit of an edge. I can understand the set being fairly constnat with new members but they seem pretty well honed by now so surely they can learn some new stuff.

So, disappointingly but realisticaly, what I expected. I enjoyed it but 6/10 no more. And I never heard a single comment between songs, it was almost like an extended PA.

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:38
by hellboy69
DomConway wrote:Another disappointed person here I'm afraid. The whole thing was way, way too quiet - especially Von's vocals. The volume did pick up a bit as the gig went on, but still wasn't loud enough to get a proper atmosphere going. I've been absolutely gutted about missing Sisters the last couple of times around, so had high hopes for this night and feel well let down :( I'll give them a second chance in Bristol though, hopefully that'll be better.
Good to bump into a few of you at the end, even if it was rather briefly.
Hope Bristol is an improvement! I can't make it to any of the other shows sadly (spent my last funds on Killing Joke this Thurs)

I feel i have to mention the fact that Von didn't soundcheck at the Astoria. That just seems like madness to me ~ and such a simple, basic thing to sort out any problems with levels dammit! Was he busy buying his coat? :D

Crash & Burn <sounded great, fantastic opening>
Ribbons <again, awesome>
Dr Jeep / Detonation Boulevard
When You Don't See Me <okey dokey, 3 VT tracks, but nothing off of FALAA all evening ~ a shame IMHO>
Flood 1 <this is where the sound took a nosedive, no-one can hear Von, crowd chants "Up, Up, Up!" and Von replies tersely "Well, I can't hear you either" ~ did the sound guy fall asleep here or what?>
We are the Same, Susanne <Wow, sound guy wakes up for the next 3 songs, but then falls asleep again!>
Giving Ground
Romeo Down
Never Land
This Corrosion

Something Fast
Lucretia My Reflection <sound guy wakes up around about... Here!>

Top Nite Out <one of the best performances all night>
Temple <storming finish, but too little, too late>

So, The Ivories soundchecked twice. Von couldn't be bothered to soundcheck, fact. (my mate can hear all the soundchecks in her office next door, she was there all day until the show ~ i repeat, Von did NOT soundcheck ~ insanity! i tells you!)

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:39
by Badlander
Ozpat wrote:
Badlander wrote:You know what I'm really pissed off with ? There's many more people coming to HL to complain about what in their opinion was a bad gig than there is when people are happy. :roll:
If you don't bother coming here when things are alright, why do you bother coming here at all ? Do you think that this forum's sole purpose is to receive complaints ?
Don't let them get to you mate. The're gone before you know it. :wink:
Oh don't worry, I don't care that much what they think. I just wish all those people who pop up after a show only to complain and then vanish brought something positive to the table for a change. :roll:
Remember that "enough of the yawning" thread ? :wink: 8)

Posted: 03 May 2006, 12:39
by Scardwel
I thought it was a pretty good performance, but the PA volume was so damned low it was a disgrace. Motorhead it certainly wasn't! :|
Crowd seemed pretty hostile at times but I don't really blame them.
Hopefully Leeds tonight will be better.