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Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 23:07
by Being645
Mav787 wrote: Those street sellers at The Damned where from

The Damned had employed them to record and sell the show. They've also been used by Killing Joke and Iggy.

The recordings are done quick and can highlight flaws in the show. I don't think this is what the Sisters would have in mind for their first official live recording.
Aha, thanks for the info. Well, maybe that's really not what The Sisters would have in mind, if they were up to do some official live recording at all.

Your new avatar looks entertaining though ... :lol: :notworthy: ...
Quiff Boy wrote:yeah, it's not like the old live albums recorded on the rolling stones mobile and then mixed and mastered back in the studio, is it?

they're straight from the desk, unmixed, unedited & unmastered. while this may provide an "accurate" picture of the gig from the audience pov (like boots do), it's not exactly a polished live album is it?

these are essentially just like the old sisters mx bootlegs, but some company is making a wadge from them. as such, they're everything the sisters have never liked about bootlegs, and exactly the opposite of the audience & fan recordings we trade freely here (and which the band know about and turn a blind eye to)

i can't see the sisters going for that tbh.
Exactly and nothing to add ... :notworthy: ...

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 08:01
by rosemartin
Hm.. new Record or the tour that we love? Can i be greedy and want them both? I think we all would like to listen the Metal songs properly recorded but in since we can't we do the love the shows right.

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 11:32
by Doktor Gott
Sita wrote:I see. I never heard any of these super fast recordings. Been to a couple of gigs where they were offering them, like Iggy or Einstürzende Neubauten, but the price was a bit high for something as unsexy as a USB stick ;D
The Neubauten USB stick was sexy... brushed metal and the EN logo on it..

downside being that the fecking files were corrupted and my fave, Haus Der Luge, was fecking unlistenable.. :evil:

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 13:48
by Sita
Doktor Gott wrote:The Neubauten USB stick was sexy... brushed metal and the EN logo on it..
Oh ok - I didn't look close because it was so ridiculously expensive. We were debating if 3 of us should buy it together, but then we thought "what the hell" and went for the metal pin and T-Shirts.
Doktor Gott wrote:downside being that the fecking files were corrupted and my fave, Haus Der Luge, was fecking unlistenable.. :evil:
That was one expensive sexy usb stick then :eek:

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 07:58
by Prescott
I must admit, to being perhaps harsh and uncaring in my unending pleas for a new Sisters record from Mr. Eldritch. If I have offended him, I do not know, nor has anyone mentioned it to me if I have. Yet, it dawned upon me the other day, that perhaps he wants to enjoy touring, while still completely up to the task, perhaps also that it is a form of individuation for him. Perhaps the act of performing live, at this stage of his life, is the most important, and immeadiate expression of his self?

I know this sounds like a bunch of philosophical prattling, yet I sincerely think there is a more profound point that he is making by doing this.

And yet, I still will always want to hear War on Drugs, Summer, Come Together, Romeo Down, We are the same, Susanne, Top Nite Out, Crash and Burn, Still, I Have Slept With All The Girls in Berlin, Will I Dream?, Arms, Far Parade, etc, etc, in shiny studio recorded form.

The live performances DO do the songs justice, lately. There has been a very real cohesion in Andrew, Ben, Chris and Si lately, that feels, sounds, and looks like a band that care deeply about their performance and having fun and pleasing the crowd. It comes through in the YouTube clips in a way that old performances do not.

I humbly apologize if my lack of tact, or the tone which I have taken in the past was mean-spirited, or seemed that way.

Yet, this thread, the number of views it has received, speaks for itself. I only hope that when Eldritch is older, he will release studio versions of these songs that have grown dear to us, and maybe some more we haven't heard before.

Thank You for the music and the poetry Andrew Eldritch.
Thank you for the brilliant guitar work, Ben, Chris Sheehan, Chris Catalyst, Mike Varjak and of course, Adam Pearson.
Thank you for the awesome nursing skills, Si Denbigh.
Thank you for all your troubles with the Merch, Kenny.
Thank you to Quiff Boy for this forum.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 08:41
by Bartek
£20, £15, £12 for unmixed, unedited unmastered live rec.? £10 is maximum price i would pay for that recordings.

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 00:49
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Well done Prescott for managing to go a whole two months without raising this topic again. Offended :von: ? Do you actually think he reads the stuff on here ? Far too busy playing with his cats and devouring American political news I would imagine, but even if he did, he's hardly going to be offended by a plea/question he must have heard from literally thousands of other sources over the past twenty years.

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 10:47
by markfiend
I don't know if it's safe to assume that :von: doesn't at least get to hear about the more interesting titbits on HL...

But yes, I think he's thick-skinned enough that he won't be offended by stuff on here.

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 11:11
by Machine Regime
Lovely as a new LP would be, there are probably more likely things one can wish for these days, such as

First Contact

World Peace

Proof of an afterlife

A genuine global meritocracy

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 14:37
by centurionofprix
He's probably sitting on a new This Corrosion, and it's so unbelievably, fabulously good he's not in a hurry to release it until he feels like doing so. Believe it.

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 21:37
by GC
markfiend wrote:I don't know if it's safe to assume that :von: doesn't at least get to hear about the more interesting titbits on HL...

But yes, I think he's thick-skinned enough that he won't be offended by stuff on here.

Then he won't mind.

Give us a new CD ye Goth c**t........ :D

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 23:32
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Gollum's Cock wrote:
markfiend wrote:I don't know if it's safe to assume that :von: doesn't at least get to hear about the more interesting titbits on HL...

But yes, I think he's thick-skinned enough that he won't be offended by stuff on here.

Then he won't mind.

Give us a new CD ye Goth c**t........ :D
I'm sure that's exactly the kind of vernacular Mr E will respond to. May as well close the thread, Boss.

Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 23:55
by lazarus corporation
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:May as well close the thread, Boss.
Am I the only person who had this same thought 387 posts ago?

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 09:57
by markfiend
lazarus corporation wrote:
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:May as well close the thread, Boss.
Am I the only person who had this same thought 387 posts ago?
Probably not. But the trolling is amusing ;D

Posted: 17 Jan 2012, 10:29
by slicepack
"The young men are at the door, and will carry you out!"

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 06:52
by Prescott
slicepack wrote:"The young men are at the door, and will carry you out!"
What? :urff:

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 00:15
by stufarq
It's a quote from the Bible, with a woman being told that the men who buried her husband are coming for her next. So I guess he means the thread's dead and so are we...or something. I think he might be in the Mafia.

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 04:47
by Sita
They are coming to bury that woman alive? :eek:

I don't think demanding a new work from your favourite artist is offensive. It is impudent maybe, and possessive, and what not, but offensive? Nah.

PS ... a live album... please oh please!!

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 06:52
by Prescott
Sita wrote:They are coming to bury that woman alive? :eek:

I don't think demanding a new work from your favourite artist is offensive. It is impudent maybe, and possessive, and what not, but offensive? Nah.

PS ... a live album... please oh please!!
I realized just the other day, AE may have been my favorite, for a very long time, but he no longer is. I just thought it would be the most sincere of me to post what I did. Like I said, who knows what he reads (if anything at all) on here? And to the thread/topic haters: you know the topic of a new album is sure to come up again. Why not have a single place for that conversation?
Alas, I'm sure you'll tell me why even that's a bad idea - or tell me how well the search function works.

Nothing here was meant to be trolling, Markfiend. Sorry if it seemed that way, but I'm glad you found it all amusing, nonetheless. :wink:

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 09:54
by Bartek
There's nothing wrong with talking but, we were talking about this AT LEAST once a year since the begining of this civilization (2002), and- what is obvious- it's not our job to record, and we, by such threads, will not make it happen. You (we) got our reasons, they ( :von: ) got their.

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 11:50
by Machine Regime
Bartek wrote:There's nothing wrong with talking but, we were talking about this AT LEAST once a year since the begining of this civilization (2002), and- what is obvious- it's not our job to record, and we, by such threads, will not make it happen. You (we) got our reasons, they ( :von: ) got their.

I don't imagine we can make it happen, but it's just as unlikely that we're preventing it from happening by continuing to talk about it - granted, for many ad nauseum. Certainly it's one of my favourite subjects because I'll never give up hope. In the mean time it's a particularly fascinating notion to me what kind of new work others on these boards have fantasised about Eldo recording.

Would people like Eldo to return to the gothy, echoey stuff of the early days? The Floodland era industrial-ambient rock, or the Bon Jovi-esque metal of VS? I think Eldritch would've continued to go the latter route , given the nature of the handful of unleased gems since Under The Gun. They haven't exactly progressed, the way say Prodigy had from 'Charlie' to 'Firestarter' or Ministry from 'Cold Life' to 'Just One Fix', but the trajectory has still been interesting, and certainly has merited the honour of proper recordings.

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 12:35
by Aazhyd
8) will release a new album when we stop asking for it.

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 13:27
by Machine Regime
Aazhyd wrote:8) will release a new album when we stop asking for it.
Nah - Eldritch isn't that childish. Is he...? :innocent:

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 13:33
by Quiff Boy
as much as the band are aware of this site, and of the general goings on here, i seriously doubt anything we say on this matter will be of the slightest consequence :lol:

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 13:59
by Aazhyd
Quiff Boy wrote:as much as the band are aware of this site, and of the general goings on here, i seriously doubt anything we say on this matter will be of the slightest consequence :lol:
Nobody listens to us. That's why we're here.

Mr. Eldritch, may I carry your suitcase, plz? You can punch me too if you like.