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Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 18:12
by doctoravalanche
Badlander wrote:
doctoravalanche wrote:Some guys I know will record it, good news isn't it ? :)
:eek: :twisted: :notworthy:
Considering the overall importance of the event, I guess we can expect some kind of "pro" bootleg recording à la Swingin' Pig. Just a thought... :innocent:
They certainly don't want to miss such an opportunity.
Those guys do great recordings !!! So we can expect something good for this historic day :)

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 18:15
by christophe
oi oi oi
Paris here I come :twisted: :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 18:28
by doctoravalanche
For those who want to meet, I will wear a my tee with the new logo, a white jacket, and some torn blue jeans.

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 18:50
by Badlander
Look out for the Stetson hat. :wink: :lol:

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 18:59
by Ozpat
Ready to receive the first HL-er ever in my house.... :D
I did a quite good cleaning job Debs....with a little help...or maybe slightly more than that. :wink:

This time tomorrow...... :D :D :D 8)

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 19:03
by Johnny M
Leaving my house in 30mins and so the long and winding road begins. No sleep till Paris. No sleep in Paris. How fab. 8)

See you all tomorrow. :von:

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 19:07
by Obviousman
No sleep in Paris? Hotel rooms are only good as a place to leave your bags, aren't they :lol:

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 19:36
by christophe
No sleep in Paris?
but.. but ..
I need my beautysleep

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 19:42
by Obviousman

We'll see about that ;D

Posted: 13 Apr 2006, 23:20
by doctoravalanche
Here we are, this is THE day for the french, an historic day !!!!! ;D

And see you tomorrow guys ...

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 00:13
by MadameButterfly
Ozpat wrote:Ready to receive the first HL-er ever in my house.... :D
I did a quite good cleaning job Debs....with a little help...or maybe slightly more than that. :wink:

This time tomorrow...... :D :D :D 8)
aw bless! You did an excellent cleaning job and are a fantastic host. Hey, you are even allowing me to use your computer! :wink:

Few more hours guys and I hope QB has shaved! :twisted: :notworthy:

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 08:04
by Obviousman
Only about an hour before I start my morning walk ;D

(To the place where I'm meeting up with Christophe and Radiojamaica obviously :lol: )

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 08:27
by christophe
Obviousman wrote:Only about an hour before I start my morning walk ;D

(To the place where I'm meeting up with Christophe and Radiojamaica obviously :lol: )
what do I do? :P

20 min or so and I leave for Antwerp!
hope to see you soon guys :D

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 09:24
by doctoravalanche
Ok, I am about to leave in direction of Le Zénith, maybe some crazy HLers are already here ;)
See you guys !!!

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 09:30
by iesus
Today i hope will be a big day for our beloved group :D
So, have fun and inform us for anything that you feel is good to mention :)
I hope they will play the big set and not only for 70 minutes...

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 09:32
by iesus
Also it will be dreamfull if they announce that they will record all the event with cameras and sound machines to release it in DVD :D

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 10:15
by TheBoyNextDoor
I'm waiting for reports.. have fun guys!

Still no recording? :lol:

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 10:19
by daggs
have a great time everyone....I can feel the excitement radiating from the pc monitor! :lol:


Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 10:32
by satans anus
I just saw this on the SOM site:

UPDATE [April 13] :
Very Special Guests in Paris: NIHIL

with this link:

What is Nihil like?

Has anyone gotten to the bottom of the camera issue yet?

This is us (in the middle (at Burning Man))(this is starting to look like LISP): ... Pinkys.htm

If you guys see us say hi.

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 11:15
by robertzombie
don't forget to take your minidiscs!

Tonight is the night

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 13:12
by AnOceanOfJoyAndFreedom
I just arrived in Paris, I'm so excited...

I don't know when I will move to le Zénith... do you think I should go there early ?

See you very soon

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 22:58
by lachert
from dominion:

I just come back from the Paris Gig, in Le Zenith.
Goog show, good sound. Andrew in good mood.
Some smoke, but not too much.
Good audience, a bit quiet in the beginning but very participative in the

Only 1H 20 minutes of show.
Heard after the show from a disappointed girl : "Shame to pay 38,50 to hear a
singer singing in playback AND NO DRUMMER !!!"

We heard the acoustic version of "I was wrong". Just Andrew and the acoustic
guitar behind him. It is a very good version, really.
Something fast was also played with an acoustic guitar, but also with Doktor
electric guitar for solos.

Set list was something like Florence list, that is :

Crash and Burn
Dr Jeep/Detonation Boulevard
When you don't see me
Flood 1
Giving Ground
Romeo Down
I was Wrong
This Corrosion

Something Fast
Lucretia my reflection

Top nite out (with Andrew in the back of the scene)
Temple of Love

Posted: 14 Apr 2006, 23:18
by wasteland
short show :(

missing some of the good tunes from earlier in the tour :(

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 08:54
by vicus
gert@dominion wrote:you forgot 'Will I Dream ?', after 'When You Don't See Me' !

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 09:27
by bobby
It was my first date this year. Good concert with a andrew apparently in a good mood. Very funny when he said 'ça ne me gêne pas'.
I'm disappointed they don't play 'burn' (I've got ever 4 chances to hear it) and no tracks from FLA. 6/8 of vision thing perhaps too much...
NIHIL was a rock FM band unlistenable.
Good evening but expensive (38,5 euros for the ticket, 6 euros for parking) for only 80 minutes but for sisters...