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Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 12:27
by Being645
I understand you, paul .... can't make to to Brussels or Esch, either ...

Posted: 24 Dec 2010, 00:22
by Erudite
Having had both tickets and hotel reservations for some time, that's now the train booked as well.
See you in the People's republic on the 16th!
Posted: 26 Dec 2010, 17:12
by darkparticle
Just ordered my ticket and train for the 17th (Note to

) I'm sure this will rock just as sweetly as Belgium. Not sure about hotels, more interested to find an all-night watering hole, a bonus if it's slightly nefarious.
Posted: 28 Dec 2010, 15:36
by DasPerltAber
paul wrote:I know I want to, but as you know I have other obligations too, so just Brussels, Tilburg and Lux for me then...
I'll miss ya, dude........Would have been nice if you'd been able to make it!
And arrived today.

Posted: 28 Dec 2010, 18:44
by DasPerltAber
The only reason I am asking is this: I just would like to make it to the gig........I am at 6 outta 10 now......would like to go for 8 outta 10...possibly full tour... Any input would be more than welcome..... And NO...I won't require any help from anyone replying

Posted: 28 Dec 2010, 19:10
by ribbons69
Just booked my train tickets,£31 return from Nottingham to Leeds,leaving at midday on Wednesday,and returning at one in the afternoon on the friday

Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 01:28
by stufarq
Well, finally bought a ticket after all - although the fact that I had a Ticketmaster gift card to pay it with was a contributing factor. decided to go for the second night on the basis that they'll have had at least one attempt to make sure that it's not the usual crap. Fingers crossed.
Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 09:06
by ribbons69
Train tickets dropped through the postbox yesterday

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 16:22
by Christian
I still haven't booked a hotel in Leeds yet. Any recommendations? Location should not be too far away from the venue / city center.
Thank you.
Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 19:08
by Andie
Christian wrote:Hi,
I still haven't booked a hotel in Leeds yet. Any recommendations? Location should not be too far away from the venue / city center.
Thank you.
Rooms are probably more expensive now...but it seems to be the place for the Heartland Massive to sleep off the festivities

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 22:16
by DomConway
Booked my room there 2 days ago and the website said there were only 5 rooms left before I booked, so best get a move on if you want to stay there. It cost £39.50.
Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 14:40
by Batty Von Blingtrash
Hotel booked - we're in the Travelodge Vicar Lane too - just flights to go and all sorted!
Looking forward to it

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 19:12
by Obviousman
Will book my train from the airport later tonight. Should arrive in Leeds at 10h22, so some time to kill before I get to check in (3 o'clock). Is getting a Plusbus ticket worth it?
Now looking for where to go to after Leeds, probably Manchester as I'm flying from there? Top tips are always welcomed

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 13:04
by robm
Despite clicking on the Vicar Lane link and being very careful that each stage said "Vicar Lane", I've been booked into the central Travelodge.
This may indicate that there are no more rooms at Vicars Lane. Yes, that's the reason. My performance in this thread is in no way indicative of my web ability in any other context ever.
Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 14:11
by Batty Von Blingtrash
robm wrote:Despite clicking on the Vicar Lane link and being very careful that each stage said "Vicar Lane", I've been booked into the central Travelodge.
would it be worth calling them to see if you can change? there were a few room options when we booked and that wasn't very long ago?
Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 14:12
by Batty Von Blingtrash
check out my web ability in that post

Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 10:45
by Silver_Owl
Looks fine to me.

Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 22:42
by bangles
looking for a bit of local info...
does anyone know how long it would take to get from Leeds Bradford to the venue? Flight departures on the day from Dublin aren't being kind [21.50!] but Belfast arrives at 19.30 - would that be enough time to get checked in, on to the gig etc...
Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 22:51
by abridged
Jet2 do a morning flight (8.20) from Belfast. Tis the one I'm getting. Though not sure if there's Dublin Belfast buses/trains early enough. Hope this helps
Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 22:53
by Batty Von Blingtrash
I fly from Belfast to Leeds very regularly - its about nine miles from airport to leeds, and the airport taxis are very reliable. Ive paid between 12 and 20 quid one way from airport to leeds centre- probably get it cheaper with local knowledge but I always just want to get where I'm going. It doesnt take long as long as you dont hit traffic. There are also buses but depending on the route they take can take a veritable age, I wouldnt bother tbh.
Baggage pick up at LBA is VERY efficient - never had bother.
HOWEVER - the last four or five times I have flown I have been hit with big flight delays, twice being redirected to Doncaster, which is a fair bit away. Might be cutting it fine if you need to get checked in if you have any delays?
Have you looked at flying out of Belfast city? They used to do a teatime flight on weekdays, havent used them in a while though as I dont like the airport (and dont get loyalty points from their airline)
Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 22:56
by Batty Von Blingtrash
abridged wrote:Jet2 do a morning flight (8.20) from Belfast. Tis the one I'm getting. Though not sure if there's Dublin Belfast buses/trains early enough. Hope this helps
@ Abridged - they had been doing a lovely one the last little while flying out at 10:00am - nice to have a bit of a lie in- seem to have done away with it now though

Posted: 05 Jan 2011, 14:48
by weebleswobble
The Wife has 'lost' my ticket for Thursday, lucky for her it's not sold out. Still......

Posted: 05 Jan 2011, 14:51
by dtsom
weebleswobble wrote:The Wife has 'lost' my ticket for Thursday, lucky for her it's not sold out. Still......

i´ve got 1 ticket for each night for selling..
a friend of mine bought them in crash and he couldn´t go to Leeds so if you want.....
Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 14:26
by Purple Light
Finally purchased for both nights today.
Nice and cheap as per usual I see...

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 14:28
by Silver_Owl
Purple Light wrote:Finally purchased for both nights today.
See you at the bar.